Hang Decorations on Vinyl Siding

Hanging decorations on vinyl siding can be rather tricky. You don't want to put holes in the vinyl siding so that it doesn't get damaged. Holes will allow water to get in between the vinyl siding and the interior wall, which will cause many problems, such as mold and rot. However, there are alternatives to hang decorations on your vinyl siding that will not cause damage to your decorations or your vinyl siding. Does this Spark an idea?

Make Removable Wall Decals
Wall decals are a quick and fun way to decorate a room. They can be used to add animated characters to a child's room or create a theme such as a sports room. You can even create decals for a school to show your team spirit. When making your own wall decals, it is important to use the right type of paper so that the decal can easily be removed at a later date.

Decorate Walls Without Holes
You can give a plain room a makeover by decorating with paintings, prints and posters. But if you don't want to put holes in the wall, use specialty tools and techniques to hang your items. Hammering random nails into the wall can leave an unsightly mess and even affect your ability to get a security deposit back if you are renting your home. Hanging items without holes allows you to move your wall decor around as needed and give a room a near instant makeover. Does this Spark an idea?

Make Wall Decorations Out of CD Covers
Over the years your music choices may have changed drastically, and you can tell by the huge stack of CDs collecting dust on your shelves. Even if all of your music is stored on your computer, it is hard to get rid of your old CDs because they still mean a lot to you. So why not display them in a fun and inexpensive way?

Create Wall Hangings for Decor
Wall hangings are any type of decorative tapestry, rug or textile used to soften and add texture to walls. Many times these wall hangings are quilts. Quilted wall hangings can range in size from a 24-inch square to a large bed-sized quilt that can fill a wall. If you are new to making quilted wall hangings, start with a simple-to-sew pattern for a small wall hanging. A wall hanging usually has tabs sewn into one of the ends to make it suitable for hanging on a rod. Does this Spark an idea?