Hang Decorative Oars on a Wall

You can hang oars on a wall in two basic ways: visible and invisible. Visible brackets hold an oar like a curtain rod. Cut-down oarlocks make terrific brackets for decorative oars and keep the nautical theme consistent. A single oar hung in a hallway and studded with coat hooks looks best in brackets that are tarnished, verdigris or repurposed from oarlocks. When the coat hooks on the oar are sail cleats, the local pirates will happily hang their foul weather gear up rather than dropping it on the floor. However, when you want something more subtle and elegant, hide the hooks so the oars seem to be floating without support. Does this Spark an idea?

Get Vinyl Stickers to Stick to a Textured Wall
When it comes to wall decor, most homeowners are familiar with the more common options: paint and wallpaper. However, vinyl stickers allow even greater design freedom as you can effortlessly add inspiring text or dynamic patterns to your walls. While most vinyl lettering companies stress that their products will effortlessly stick to most wall surfaces without the need for glue, textured walls present a challenge. Because vinyl stickers adhere best to slick, glossy surfaces, you will need a pinch of glue here and there when adhering them to textured walls. Does this Spark an idea?

Hang Animal Skin
An animal skin hanging on a wall can add a comfortable, rustic note to your home. Besides being a warm and inviting item on your wall, a hanging animal skin shows your respect for animals and your unwillingness to waste parts of another living creature. Animal skins can be fragile, so they shouldn't be hung using nails or screws. Use lightweight carpet tacks instead to ensure that your animal skin looks good on your wall for years. Does this Spark an idea?

Decorate a Distressed Wall
A distressed wall is characterized by a worn, dilapidated appearance. A distressed wall may actually have peeling paint and be physically worn out, or your distressed wall may be painted with the intent of looking worn. Because a distressed wall typically consists of several uneven colors, you may find that decorating it requires a bit of thought and planning. Does this Spark an idea?

Use Art to Make a Decorative Stone Wall
You don't need to be a stone mason or an artist to create a decorative stone wall in your home. All you need is a little imagination and a few supplies from your local home improvement store. Faux painting techniques are easy to master and create the illusion of real stone. Using art to paint a decorative stone wall is a quick way to liven up any room, and just about anyone can do it. Does this Spark an idea?