Make Wall Decorations Out of CD Covers

Over the years your music choices may have changed drastically, and you can tell by the huge stack of CDs collecting dust on your shelves. Even if all of your music is stored on your computer, it is hard to get rid of your old CDs because they still mean a lot to you. So why not display them in a fun and inexpensive way?

Create Wall Hangings for Decor
Wall hangings are any type of decorative tapestry, rug or textile used to soften and add texture to walls. Many times these wall hangings are quilts. Quilted wall hangings can range in size from a 24-inch square to a large bed-sized quilt that can fill a wall. If you are new to making quilted wall hangings, start with a simple-to-sew pattern for a small wall hanging. A wall hanging usually has tabs sewn into one of the ends to make it suitable for hanging on a rod. Does this Spark an idea?

Hang Rugs as Wall Decorations
You go on a buying spree and buy multiple throw rugs. You get them home and find you don't need them all. However, you do have this empty wall space. Use the rugs as wall decorations. Does this Spark an idea?

Create Leaf Wall Decorations
Leaf decorations on your walls can add a natural element to your surroundings. This can be particularly effective if you already incorporate many natural elements in your house decor. Making leaf wall decorations is a fairly simple task. The most effective way to do this is to create a simple stencil out of card stock and use a sponge to tastefully adorn your walls with the shapes of falling leaves. This can project can be done alone, or you can make it a family project to get everyone involved in the fun.

Do-it-Yourself Kitchen Wall Decorations
Add a touch of the outdoors to your kitchen walls by creating a rustic grapevine wreath. Grapevine wreaths are an earthy addition to any decor, and can be adorned with fabric bows or faux grapes to transform an undecorated kitchen into a classic and homey cooking abode. If you don't have any vines in your garden, another easy material to worth with is thin, flexible wood such as young willow branches. Does this Spark an idea?