Chewing food properly may aid your digestion and help you lose weight. According to the U.K.'s National Health Service, it takes time for the brain to register when your stomach is full. By eating more slowly and chewing your food more you give your brain the chance to catch up with your digestive system. WH Foods tells us that chewing also relaxes the lower stomach muscle, which enables food to pass into the small intestine. This makes your digestive system more efficient so you'll be able to eat less and get more nutrients from the food you do eat without getting bloated.
Lose Weight & Look Lean Fast
Losing weight and looking lean fast may be your top priority before swimsuit season, holidays or special events. But if you lose weight too fast you'll sacrifice a bit of your good health along with the pounds you shed. A smart weight loss plan that concentrates on exercise is the key to a quick and lasting lean look.
Lose Weight Fast Before Surgery
You should aim to treat an impending surgery as a competitive athlete would treat a major event--prepare for it completely beforehand, and aim to come in on the big day at your "fighting weight." Keeping your body in optimal condition before the surgery can help to minimize risks along with improving your prognosis during the recovery period. While switching from your "normal" diet to a pre-surgery weight-loss diet won't be easy mentally, understand that it will afford you the best chance of coming out of the operation in one piece.
Activate a Weight Loss Program
Many people want to shed unwanted pounds quickly. There are countless diets and exercise programs to choose from and implementing them can be close to impossible. There are many obstacles to overcome such as time restraints, expense of gyms or exercise equipment, and lack of preparation and knowledge about nutrition and exercising. The key to weight loss is burning more calories than you consume.
Calculate Weight Loss Percentage
Many doctors recommend that people who are overweight could greatly improve their health by losing just 10 percent of their body weight, but how do you know the percentage of weight you have lost?