Lose Weight With an Infrared Sauna

Infrared saunas are becoming popular as a way to lose weight. Infrared heat energy penetrates the skin and causes your metabolic rate to rise, thus allowing you to burn a substantial amount of calories in a 30-minute session.

Lose Water Weight Before a Wedding
It's every bride's nightmare. The day of the wedding, you are zipping up your dress, and you find the zipper won't make it all the way up. You have gained weight, and you had no idea. This nightmare scenario can be avoided if you plan carefully, and you can make sure that you are down to your "dress weight" by shedding a little extra water weight the week of the wedding. With just a few nutritional secrets, you can slim down that waist just a little smaller and slip into your dress of a lifetime. Does this Spark an idea?

Lose a Lot of Weight on the Grape Diet
In 1926, Joanna Brandt brought the grape diet to the public's attention. Stating that she was terminally ill with stomach cancer, Joanna began the grape diet and miraculously her cancer melted away. More and more people began trying the grape diet as not only a miracle cure for some cancers, but also to lose some extra weight. Using the grape diet to lose weight has been considered very effective.

Lose Weight With Two Bad Knees
A well-rounded weight loss plan virtually always includes some form of physical activity. Exercise has been shown to help people lose weight and keep it off long term. Incorporating exercise is challenging, however, when you struggle with knee pain or weakness. Still, losing weight helps improve or alleviate knee pain in many cases by reducing the force on the joint. Below are a few suggestions on how to stay active and lose weight while being gentle on your knees.

Lose Weight Quickly for Women Over 40
Metabolism slows down as women age, making weight loss more challenging. To lose weight quickly after the age of 40, you should take steps, literally, to increase your metabolism. When you alter your routine, your metabolism reacts by working harder to burn calories for you. This article provides steps you can take to help increase your metabolism and lose weight quickly once you are over 40.