Practice Integral Yoga at Home

Integral yoga is a very special type of yoga because it integrates the body, mind and spirit. The main purpose of this practice is to teach the students how to live healthy and peaceful lives. There are many classes around the world that inform people about integral yoga, but this article will show you how to practice integral yoga outside of the classroom and in your home.

Do a Yoga Frog Pose
The Frog Pose is an intermediate-level yoga posture. It provides a very deep stretch for the inner thighs and hips. If your knees are sensitive, have a couple of blankets or a thick yoga mat available to place under your knees for cushioning. If you have any back sensitivities, be sure to keep the abdominal muscles contracted and do not over-arch the lower back. Move slowly in and out of this posture.

Do the Savasana Yoga Pose
The Savasana posture, often referred to as the corpse posture is an Ashtanga Yoga pose that promotes deep relaxation. The Savasana posture is said to relieve the body of tensions, accumulated throughout the day while helping to improve health, happiness and creativity.

Best Approach Your Yoga Practice
This article is intended for all who are considering beginning a Yoga practice and for those who wish to get deeper into their existing practice.

In a typical Yoga class you are guided through Vinyasas (a sequence of Yoga postures) to increase coordination, balance and strength, while focusing on Pranayama (breath) to initiate and sustain poses (increasing stamina and endurance). The purpose of it all, besides creating better physical fitness, is to ultimately quiet the cluttered mind. But how do we do this as individuals within the setting of a class?

The first thing to look at is the fact that Yoga is considered a practice. This is a great word because if it is a practice, you have permission to abandon self-doubt and create room for self-discovery. The very nature of the word "practice" suggests there is no need to prove, but rather the freedom to improve. Accept your own perfection and imperfection and find the beauty, that together, they reveal. Lets take a look at a few steps that may serve you well in your approach to Yoga.

Learn Kundalini Yoga Online
Kundalini yoga is a meditative and physical discipline that strengthens the communication between the body and mind. By focusing on the chakras, a person can generate Kundalini energy, a spiritual power that requires spiritual discipline to be unleashed. You can learn this practice online.