Lose Weight After 45

Getting older means your body is undergoing many changes, and it's best to be prepared for them rather than taken by surprise. One of the biggest surprises of aging is weight gain. Because the body's metabolism slows and muscle mass decreases after the age of 40, putting on extra weight is almost a given. However, that doesn't mean defeat. In fact, you can lose weight after the age of 45 by following these steps.

Find Motivation To Lose Weight
You must prepare yourself for the weight loss. Diet alone does not make miracles - you need the appropriate attitude. First, you must really want this and find your weight loss goal. Here you can find ways to increase your motivation.

lose weight on the oatmeal diet
So you have been to the doctor for the annual physical and your cholestrol is high or considered borderline and you want to lower it without medication. Or maybe, you find that you suddenly have "love handles" that you just don't love. Whatever your reason here is your chance to lower your cholestrol, lose weight, feel satisfied and look and feel great!

Drink Bouillon Before a Meal to Lose Weight
Available in the soup isle of any grocery store, bouillon is a quick, simple and inexpensive item to help you reach your weight-loss goals. Drinking a cup or bowl of bouillon broth before each meal can help curb the hunger that often overwhelms the willpower to eat healthy. Once the gnawing hunger is gone, you can slow down, make healthy choices and stick to smaller portions.

Run Without Weight Loss
Running is difficult and exhausting, but it's also very beneficial to the body. It lowers blood pressure, expands the lungs' potential, and strengthens the heart. It also raises metabolism and more often than not leads to weight loss. While the latter is a very good thing for most people, it isn't all that great for athletes who need to maintain their body weight, such as bodybuilders and football players. Thankfully, there are a few ways in which you can maintain your weight and muscles while still getting all the great benefits of running.