Photograph a Hawaiian Vacation

I once met a man working in a public garden in Maui, who was originally from Pennsylvania, and I asked him what it was like to live on Maui. He calmly replied, "Its paradise, just like they say." There is a reason why people there are smiling all the time; just look around. Hawaii is one of the most beautiful places on earth--and truly has the best weather--it is very consistent due to the proximity to the equator, however, there are still seasons. More importantly, each island has its desert side and jungle side. Make sure you do your research on the Internet before deciding where to go and where to stay in Hawaii. Hawaii offers its own challenges to the photographer. Each beach and mountain is so beautiful, there is a desire to stop at every turn to take pictures--so just relax into the Aloha spirit and follow these handy tips for taking some great photos.

Vacation in the Woods of New England
Whether you enjoy roughing it in a tent or the luxury of a three-bedroom lakefront cottage with all the amenities, you can find the relaxation you seek in an old fashioned New England summer vacation.

Care for Potted Plants Outside During Vacation
During the warm spring and summer months, outdoor potted plants adorn most decks and patios. Although most potted plants thrive just as well as ones in the ground, they deteriorate quickly when not cared for. One of the primary times that outdoor potted plants are neglected is when homeowners go on vacation. With a little planning, homeowners can ensure that they have an enjoyable vacation and return to plants that are still alive. Does this Spark an idea?

Take a Cheap Vacation to Washington for Christmas
Washington, D.C., the capital of the United States, is home to many important American institutions such as Congress and the Supreme Court. Christmas can be an ideal time to visit Washington. The city's streets are less crowded as Congress leaves town for the holidays and lobbyists follow. The city's location in the middle of the Eastern seaboard means that it has a four-season climate. Snow is very likely during this period, giving the area a pleasant appearance. Christmas can also be a surprisingly inexpensive time to visit this area.

Earn All the Vaction Mementoes in The Sims 2: Bon Voyage
When your Sims go on vacation, there is a set of special Vacation Mementos that your Sim can experience. They have no effect on gameplay, but getting the memories is half the fun of sending your Sims on vacation! You can check the Vacation Memento panel for hints on what you need to do to get each Memento, but here are some extra hints you may find helpful.