Reduce Back Pain with Yoga (pictures included)

Millions of Americans suffer from back pain on a regular basis. In large part this is due to a sedentary lifestyle, such as sitting at a desk for long periods of the day. A few minutes a day doing Yoga poses that strengthen your back muscles can improve back pain. Use the poses listed below everyday to reduce back pain.

Do the Maha Mudra Pose in Yoga

Maha in Sanskrit means “great” and Maha Mudra means “great seal.” It employs all three bandhas, or energetic “locks”, or “seals", in order to direct prana, or vital energy, in the body. The three bandhas are Mula Bandha at the level of the first chakra, Muladahara, or “root chakra.” Second is Uddiyana Bandha, at the level of the belly or solar plexus, or Manipurna chakra. Last is Jalandara Bandha, or “chin lock” at the level of Vissudhi chakra, or the “throat chakra.” This is not a practice for beginners. Cultivating this advanced practice of engaging these bandhas is a prelude to a formal sitting meditation.

Tone the Back With Yoga

Yoga can be very therapeutic for individuals with back trouble and for people wanting to tone and strengthen back muscles. While the "full locust" posture is perhaps the most effective way to tone your back with yoga, there are a number of less advanced, postures that will work your back muscles.

Dress for Ashtanga Yoga

When attending an Ashtanga yoga class, it's important to dress in a way that allows you freedom of movement while adequately covering your body. Ashtanga yoga involves an intense series of yoga postures that will definitely cause you to work up a sweat; so you'll want to be prepared. Here's how to dress for Ashtanga yoga.

Do Sivananda Yoga

Sivananda yoga is a style of yoga developed specifically for westerners. While it can be as intense and serious as any form of yoga practice (and does still incorporate spiritual elements), it is a simple type of yoga to begin practicing, even if you have never done yoga before and don't have a teacher. One of the convenient features of Sivananda yoga is that it suggests a sequence of thirteen poses to use in every practice session. These poses can be used by anyone from beginners to advanced yogis, and they make developing a personal home practice relatively simple.

Teach Yoga to Children Through a Story

In her book, "Storytime Yoga: Teaching Yoga to Children," Sydney Solis states that storytelling gives children the basic tools to face the challenges of growing up. Combining the art of storytelling with that of yoga can promote literacy and oral and listening skills, help children understand archetypes like the mentor and hero, and promote "subtlety and complexity in a young mind."

Perform the 12 Yoga Asanas

The 12 basic yoga asanas are the core of the practice of Sivananda yoga, a form of hatha yoga. Not all of these can be done by a beginner; however, with practice and effort most people can accomplish these as part of a daily yoga routine. Sivanada yoga focuses specifically on relaxation and breathing. These 12 asanas are commonly performed after a sun salutation. Keep posture and alignment in mind when doing any sort of yoga, and listen carefully to your body to avoid overexerting yourself or causing injury.

Do Kashmiri Yoga

Kashmiri yoga is an ancient form of yoga that dates back to the 8th century. Today, the ancient Kashmir teachings are coupled with modern insights into our nervous systems, resulting in a yoga form that returns your body to a "light open free state" like that of a child. Kashmiri yoga brings awareness to your state of being.

Pick a Bikram Yoga Studio

Take care when you pick a Bikram yoga studio. Not all yogas are the same. The Bikram yoga is many times referred to as the "Hot Yoga" because of the heated room along with humidity that is a part of the ninety-minute class. Do some research on this type of yoga, so that you'll know what to look for and expect in a Bikram yoga studio. Read on to learn how to pick a Bikram yoga studio.

Do the Yoga Mudrasana

The Yoga Mudrasana or the yoga sealing posture is an Ashtanga Yoga posture that deepens your physical posture in the Baddha Padmasana as well as your mental and spiritual awareness.

Learn the Bandhas in AshTanga Yoga

Bandhas is an ashtanga yoga technique that requires some physical action and much mental concentration. Bandhas regulate and strengthen the flow of prana, or life energy, in your body and can improve your ashtanga yoga practice. There are two basic forms of bandhas which you can easily learn as part of your regular yoga practice.

Do a Dolphin Yoga Pose

Practicing the dolphin yoga pose benefits you in many ways. It prepares you for harder poses, improves your posture and strengthens your back and arms. Learn the dolphin yoga pose and improve the physical condition of your upper body.

Practice Yoga for Epilepsy

In his book, "Yoga: The Path to Holistic Health," internationally acclaimed yoga guru B.K.S. Iyengar describes a series of yoga poses for treating epilepsy. Forward fold pose, downward-facing dog pose and corpse pose are three of the 18 illustrated positions. Epileptic seizures occur when your brain abnormally generates electric signals. Rhythmic yoga breathing in forward fold, downward-facing dog and corpse pose increase blood flow to your brain, calming brain cells and soothing your nervous system.

Use Yoga for Anger Management

Yoga includes physical postures, meditation and breathwork or pranayama. Any of these elements can be used for anger management. This article will focus on breath work.Pranayama is a general term to describe all yoga breathing exercises. Prana means life force and yama means to direct it. Below are 2 different kinds of yoga breathing exercises that have been simplified to make them easier and more practical to do. Each pranayama can help you manage anger effectively.

Become a Yoga Instructor in Los Angeles

Los Angeles may famously be a town of stretch limousines, fake tans, promenade rollerblading and hyper-selective nightclubs, but there's a mellow side to the city embracing meditation, yoga and healthy living. Los Angeles-area yoga studios are brimming with yoga aficionados, guaranteeing full classes and plenty of work. Cracking into the industry can be competitive, but breathe easy. With patience and motivation, it's certainly possible to become a Los Angeles yoga instructor.

Do Yoga Swing Exercises

Yoga swing, also known as aerial or anti-gravity yoga, is not a new style of dance, it is a new yoga prop whose popularity is growing as it makes its way into yoga studios. The concept of the yoga swing comes from gymnasts working on their aerial training. The movements have similar elements to yoga asanas as well as acrobatics and pilates.

Sequence Kundalini Yoga Poses

How you sequence Kundalini yoga poses is determined by your ultimate goal for the Kundalini session. In Kundalina yoga, there are many different sequence sets that you can try, each one focusing on the area of your body and energy that needs work. These sequences are called kriyas. A kriya combines yoga poses with flow movement, breathing, vocalized mantras and hand positions, also called mudras. Here is a Kundalini yoga sequence that you can use to wake up the body.

Run a Yoga Business

Running a yoga business may be the logical extension to your current hobby of teaching to friends, or it may be a completely new vocation. However you enter the world of professional yoga instruction, it's important to cover the business essentials. As well as finding and retaining clients, you'll need to find a suitable space, invest in equipment and plan lessons. Knowing how to teach and how to run a business will be as essential as being a yoga expert in this new challenge.

Use Yoga to Help With Bulimia

Many therapists are now recommending yoga to help patients deal with bulimia. When used appropriately, yoga can provide both mental and physical relief for patients and can aid in recovery and in dealing with symptoms. While yoga is not considered a complete treatment and should only be used along with other forms of therapy, it is still a great way to work on both your body and your mind.

Do the Chest Expansion in Yoga

The chest expansion exercise in yoga can be performed sitting or standing. An excellent choice to aid respiratory and lung capacity, it also relieves tension in the shoulders and back. The instructions below deal with the standing position; but the chest expansion can be adapted as an exercise for busy office workers sitting at a desk, too. Follow these steps to learn more.

Practice Ashtanga Yoga Steps

Ashtanga Yoga steps are the Eight Limbs of Ashtanga Yoga. Each succeeding step builds cumulatively upon the previous step(s). Practiced together, as taught in the Yoga Sutra of Patanjali, the Eight Limbs of Ashtanga Yoga create a way of life that reaches the physical body, one's conduct in the world and one's spiritual aspirations.

Join a Bikram Yoga Class

Bikram yoga has grown in popularity in recent years due to an increased Western interest in yoga. Join a Bikram class and see if this style of yoga is right for you.

Perform Chin Lock Breathwork in yoga

Pranayama (breath work) is very important in the yoga practice. Chin lock breath work in (Jalahandhara Bandha) can be challenging but it can also be very cleansing and rejuvenating to body, mind and spirit.

Become a Yoga Teacher in Alaska

Alaska's natural beauty and the traditionally free-spirited nature of its residents make it an ideal location for becoming a yoga teacher. While studios may not be as crowded as the trendy yoga venues of Los Angeles or New York, Alaska yoga instructors embrace the opportunity to share yoga with students who may not have had much prior exposure. Emphasizing a connection with Alaska's outdoors transforms simple yoga flows into something special for students.

Do the Table Pose in Yoga

The Table Pose is a basic pose that is the starting point for poses such as Balancing Table and the Cat and Cow series. The pose is deceptively simple, but it is important to learn proper alignment. Follow these simple steps to perform a perfectly aligned Table Pose that will enable you to move fluidly through more challenging variations after you have mastered the basics.

Practice Kriyas in Sivananda Yoga

One of the lesser known aspects of the Sivananda tradition of yoga is a group of practices known as "kriyas". The six kriyas are practices that are designed to be used in combination with asanas to cleanse and purify the body and mind for greater health. The kriyas may seem odd at first, but they are really not too challenging. Two, however, are somewhat involved and should probably only be practiced with further direction.

Protect Elbows in in Yoga

Locking out your joints in any physical activity instinctively feels "wrong." Locking out the elbow joints in yoga poses is called hyperextension and can lead to overstretching certain ligaments and tendons, or worse, destabilizing the joints. Luckily, there are easy ways to protect your elbows for every pose in yoga.

Learn AshTanga Yoga

AshTanga yoga is more physically challenging than many other types of yoga. For this reason, it is recommended to find a teacher, workshop or class to learn the proper form, alignment and posture for the poses. AshTanga's rigorous series of poses are designed to create intense heat inside of the body to help eliminate toxins and other impurities. The result is a clear mind and body.

Relieve Heartburn With Prenatal Yoga

Along with all the good parts of pregnancy (the glow, the fabulously thick hair, the impending motherhood) come the bad parts, like heartburn. Yoga is not only great, low-impact exercise for expectant moms, it can also relieve and even prevent heartburn.

Train to Become a Yoga Teacher

Yoga originated in India several thousand years ago. It is a vital practice that many people find benefits them spiritually, physically and mentally. Some who practice yoga find they enjoy it so much that they want to pass the knowledge on to others. If you are one of those people, there are certain steps to follow in order to become a certified yoga teacher.

Do Vinyasa Yoga

Vinyasa yoga is a form of yoga that concentrates on the importance of breathing and performing poses in a balanced way. Instead of just staying in one position, you go through various poses to complete a Vinyasa yoga sequence.

Practice Kundalini Yoga Postures

Kundalini Yoga is a form of Yoga in which breathing, meditation and chanting are combined with 'asanas', or yoga postures. Kundalini postures use continuous movement to allow the life force to circulate freely in the body to energize the chakras. The aim is 'mastery of self' through releasing body tension, silencing mental chatter and releasing energy. Here is how to practice some basic Kundalini postures. These postures should be combined with Kundalini breathing and chanting.

Practice Kundalini Yoga Concentration

Kundalini yoga uses a variety of yoga techniques, meditation and mantra (sound) to integrate the body and mind., Because we are used to allowing our minds to wander aimlessly, entering a state of intense concentration during Kundalini yoga practice can be challenging.

Do a Headstand at the Wall in Yoga

Sirsana, or headstand, is an inversion as the head is inverted above the heart. Inversions can stimulate the endocrine system and help reverse the effects of gravity.

Beat the Heat in Hot Yoga

Beating the heat in a hot yoga class takes a mixture of discipline and humility. Practicing yoga in a heated room helps to soften the body and gain more flexibility. You must remember when practicing yoga that yoga is a nonjudgmental and noncompetitive practice. Taking breaks is always encouraged, and listening to your body will help you survive the heat. The Bikram Yoga website explains that a typical hot yoga class can reach 105 degrees Fahrenheit.

Assume the Mountain Pose in Yoga

The mountain pose, or "tadasana" in Sanskrit, is a fundamental posture in yoga. Though it seems very simple, it demonstrates principles you can apply to every yoga pose - balance, concentration and extension.

Use Yoga With Kids in the Classroom

It's been proven that yoga helps to calm children and help them to focus their minds. Integrating yoga into classrooms helps to engage students' hearts, minds and bodies through physical and social skills games that attempt to work with the whole child instead of just working with the child's raw intelligence. A 2003 study done by the Charter College of Education shows yoga improves children's behavior and health and improves their ability to perform well academically.

Dress for Kundalini Yoga

Kundalini Yoga is a form of yoga that uses continuous movements while practicing the postures, while breathing and chanting. As with many other forms of yoga, certain types of comfortable clothing are required in order to perform the postures correctly. Here's how to dress for Kundalini yoga.

Teach Christian Yoga

Yoga was started as a practice by Hindus, and because of that many Christians feel uncomfortable with the chants and some of the vocabulary and music associated with it. Christian Yoga is a new exciting version of yoga that implements Christian principles, music and Bible verses in the same healthy stretching poses.

Do Jivamukti Yoga

Jivamukti Yoga is a relatively new addition to the centuries-old tradition of yoga. This specific type of stretching, breathing and meditating has its roots in the idea of liberation while living. This form of yoga is designed to help you in all aspects of your life. While there are countless studios around the country that offer this yoga, here are some steps to help you do Jivamukti Yoga.

Build Stamina With Yoga

Most people view yoga as a gentle and peaceful exercise. But what most people don't realize is that you can build stamina and endurance from practicing different methods of yoga in different intensities. You will also get the benefits of increased flexibility, a peaceful and rested mind and a feeling of being centered. There are many types of yoga you can choose from, but if you are looking to build stamina, you may want to consider Vinyasa yoga. Vinyasa yoga classes are offered in many yoga or fitness centers.

Do the Yoga Up Dog Pose

Yoga up dog pose is also called Chataronga. It requires a lot of upper body strength and is often used in Vinyasa or yoga flow classes to make the routine more challenging. It is a great pose to incorporate into your yoga routine, especially for women who can tend to have weak upper body strength. Using this pose can help you to strengthen and tone the arms and chest.

Participate in a Yoga Retreat

Finding time to practice yoga can often be a huge challenge for most people. Everyday lives are consumed with work, family and other tasks that make it hard to focus on yoga. A retreat provides the serenity needed to create that focus. Read on to learn how to participate in a yoga retreat.

Combine Yoga With Strength Training

Yoga is often hailed as strength training in its own right, and for good reasons. Yoga strengthens your core, tones your arms and legs, increases your physical stamina and disciplines your body. Yoga can also function as a complement to strength training programs as a way of elongating muscles that become tight during weight training and other strenuous exercises. According to "Yoga Journal," yoga not only improves your physique, but also "develops balanced, injury-free muscles and spines." This is especially important for athletes and persons in strength-training programs.

Teach Yoga to Seniors

As seniors age, bones and muscles deteriorate overtime, reducing flexibility and range of motion of joints. Incorporating a safe yoga program is beneficial to increase bone density, range of motion in joints and muscular flexibility and balance. Yoga is effective for seniors with disabilities or replaced joints. Instructors should be knowledgeable in using yoga props and feel comfortable working with this population. Teaching yoga to seniors require patience and understanding of the needs and wants of the class.

Start Yoga as a Male Beginner

Yoga is an exercise typically practiced by women. This ancient exercise routine can also be used to enhance many of the sports men love. Starting yoga can be intimidating. Watching pros touch the back of their heads with the tips of their toes is enough to make a man roll up the yoga mat and hit the showers.

Do the Yoga Chair Pose

Although a standing pose, you enter the Chair position by moving as if you are about to sit in a chair. This yoga position works the legs and arms and hones balance.

Breathe In Ashtanga Yoga

Ashtanga is a form of yoga that focuses on a series of vinyasas, or set poses connected to breathing. Deep and even breathing helps you calm your mind and focus on your movements. Though it seems strange at first, deep breathing eventually becomes second nature. Read on to learn how to breathe in ashtanga yoga.

Practice Bikram Yoga Poses

Bikram yoga features a set sequence of 26 poses or asanas practiced for 90 minutes. Follow these steps to learn the poses.

Do the Urdhva Dhanurasana Drop Back Yoga Pose

The Urdhva Dhanurasana Drop Back, otherwise known as the upward bow posture drop back, is an Ashtanga Yoga asana which is said to refresh your entire body while reducing feelings of fear and increasing self confidence. In short, it is your basic standing backbend but when combined with the breathing and philosophical elements of Ashtanga Yoga, it becomes the Urdhva Dhanurasana.

Relieve Stress With Bikram Yoga

Bikram yoga, founded by yoga champion Bikram Choudhury, is done in a hot room with temperatures between 95 to 105 degrees F. The purpose of the heat is to make the body more flexible while releasing toxins in your sweat. You'll do 26 poses that promote stretching and strengthening. Get out your yoga mat, drink lots of water and get started on your journey into Bikram yoga.

Prevent Ashtanga Yoga Injuries

Ashtanga yoga is a favorite among fitness-minded individuals because it works the mind and the physical body simultaneously. Poses in ashtanga yoga certainly get your heart rate up and your muscles can really feel sore after a high-energy ashtanga yoga class. Take care to prevent accidental injuries while practicing ashtanga yoga with these tips; it's easy to hurt yourself before you even realize what's going on.

Do Yoga Big Mind Meditation

Big mind meditation involves moving your unconscious emotions into the conscious mind so that you can overcome obstacles and release toxic feelings and memories from your body. Once you learn the yoga big mind meditation, you can incorporate your regular meditative practices, or use them throughout the day to calm strong emotions, particularly anger.

Get the Most Out of Hot Yoga

Hot yoga allows its practitioners to safely go deeper into poses, helps release toxins in the body and also reduces the risk of injury, according to The ABC of Yoga. The benefits of practicing yoga in a heated room are widely debated, according to the Seattle Times, which stated that "few researchers have studied the physical and mental effects of hot yoga...leaving...practitioners as the main guide to its benefits or harms." Nonetheless, there are several steps to take both before and during your hot yoga sessions that will help you get the most out of your yoga practice.

Participate in a Bikram Yoga Retreat

You can think of Bikram yoga retreats as yoga vacations, a chance to dedicate yourself to the practice while relaxing. Follow these steps to find a Bikram yoga retreat.

Practice Yoga on an Empty Stomach

It is said to practice yoga on an empty stomach, meaning no food for up to 3 hours before you start. How is this possible?

Do a Tadasana Pose in Yoga

In yoga, the Tadasana or “Mountain” pose is the most basic of all the positions, but it is arguably the most important. It is from the Tadasana pose that many positions and exercises will begin; your alignment for Tadasana carries into your alignment for many of yoga’s standing and inverted poses. So, if your alignment and positioning in Tadasana is incorrect, the rest of your workout will be incorrect as well. At first, it may just seem like you are standing, but this is the very opposite of what your body should be doing. Bringing the body into the correct alignment is difficult and takes the energy and focus of all your muscles, joints and most importantly your mind. Here’s a guide to posing correctly in Tadasana.

Create a Yoga Podcast

More for the semi-experienced yoga enthusiast who doesn't need to have a video to watch in order to figure out the positions, a yoga podcast is more accessible and has more room for variety. Imagine someone just being able to go outside next to the beach and the palm trees and following a yoga program, just by having their iPod next to them. You can make it happen.

Practice Partner Yoga at Home

Practicing partner yoga at home is a great way to bond. Partner yoga can be practiced by anyone, including romantic partners. When you practice partner yoga at home you can both enjoy a form of low-impact exercise together, and enjoy connecting on a physical and spiritual level. Partner yoga can be practiced once a week, or once day, depending on your schedules.

Start A Yoga Studio Business

The ancient discipline of yoga has recently become extremely popular. If you are an experienced yoga practitioner, you may want to open up your own yoga studio. There's much more to it than simply teaching yoga. It is important to know how to properly set up a business as well.

Grow Taller By Doing Yoga

Yoga is a highly beneficial form of exercise that not only improves strength, balance and flexibility, but it can also help elongate the spine. Technically speaking, if you are a full-grown adult, yoga will not make you "grow," as it cannot increase the length of your bones. However, yoga can help you appear taller by stretching the spine, creating space between vertebrae and helping you develop the muscles to support this extension. Yoga can also improve your posture and correct curvature in the spine, making you appear taller over time. Some people claim to have gained as much as three inches by regularly practicing yoga.

Do Poses In Bikram Yoga

Bikram Yoga is a hot, sweaty yoga where you do the same 26 poses each class. So how do you do these poses and survive the heated temperatures? Read on to learn how to do poses in Bikram yoga.

Run a Yoga Studio

Yoga is a physical, mental and spiritual practice that has its roots in ancient India. Yoga Journal estimates that 15 million people practice yoga in the United States. With the amount of interest in the practice, it is natural that avid yoga practitioners and teachers are becoming increasingly interested in running yoga studios. Running a yoga studio is very different from just being a regular practitioner, however. There are many steps involved with running a successful studio that you should take into consideration before you attempt to do so.

Safely Practice Yoga While Pregnant

Yoga is an excellent activity for expectant mothers. It can keep you focused and flexible during pregnancy and prepare you for the rigors of both childbirth and motherhood. Yoga can be easily adapted as your pregnancy develops and your belly grows. In spite of its pliable nature, there are still some necessary precautions to take while practicing prenatal yoga. Here are some.

Treat Autoimmune Disorders With Yoga

Treating autoimmune disorders with yoga is a good alternative treatment. Most disorders and illnesses are due in part to bad habits and a lack of knowledge, which yoga can help reverse. Applying a yoga style of living to your life can improve any condition. To treat autoimmune disorders, don't stop the procedures and methods prescribed by your doctor, but compliment them with yoga practices.

Heal a Pinched Nerve With Yoga

A pinched nerve is a peripheral nerve that has become blocked, allowing little or no feedback to the brain. A nerve can become pinched by such things as a herniated disc in the spine or carpal tunnel syndrome in the wrist. The symptoms of a pinched nerve range from a slight tingling in the extremity connected to the pinched nerve to numbness, hot or cold sensation or dull to acute pain. Yoga exercises can be effective in easing the symptoms of a pinched nerve, but should always be approached with caution.

Do the Crab Pose in Yoga

The Crab Pose is a beginner's back bend. Back bends strengthen the back and chest and improve spinal flexibility. They are practiced toward the end of a yoga class or home practice, between seated forward bends and inversions. Back bends like the Crab Pose, Bridge Pose and Wheel Pose are energizing poses that can alleviate fatigue and depression.

Assume the Corpse Pose in Yoga

The corpse pose, or Savasana in Sanskrit, is the most restful pose in yoga. It's the final pose used in most yoga classes, but can also be done on its own to facilitate meditation or relaxation.

Teach Water Yoga

Yoga takes on new dimensions when practiced in the water. Some poses that were challenging become easier and others feel completely different from their land counterparts. Try branching from teaching regular yoga formats into teaching water yoga or yoqua classes by using these steps.

Practice Yoga for a Healthy Liver

Your liver filters toxins out of your body. It is located under the right side of your rib cage and shaped like a football. Deep breathing and twisting stimulate the liver, encouraging detoxification. Yoga poses like head to knee pose, half lord of the fishes pose, and Marichi's pose are three yoga positions that gently massage the liver. The poses can be done separately or strung together in a sequence. In vinyasa yoga, the student uses her breath to link positions together. Performing these poses can take as little as five minutes.

Best Way to Clean a Yoga Mat

Your yoga mat provides a firm foundation for doing yoga postures and other exercises. After performing your postures, your yoga mat can get dirty. The more you use it, the more sweat, skin disease causing bacteria and dirt accumulate over time. However, cleaning your yoga mat with some common cleaning recipes you can make will prevent the spread of infectious skin conditions, such as ringworm.

Do Iyengar Yoga

Considered one of the safest and most user-friendly types of yoga, Iyengar focuses on the proper alignment of the body in the performance of asanas. Iyengar instructors use various props to help students safely complete different postures. This type of yoga also prescribes the order in which to do its postures. Because it emphasizes precision and technique, Iyengar yoga is one of the best types of yoga for beginners.

Benefit From Bikram Yoga

Yoga has been compared to an onion. As you develop a consistent practice, the layers of benefits slowly peel away and reveal themselves to you. Follow these steps to start peeling your onion with Bikram yoga.

Alleviate Bags Under the Eyes with Facial Yoga

Puffiness beneath the eye area is a common issue among those who deal with sagging facial skin. Facial yoga generates results you can see in just a few weeks. Skin lifts over newly toned muscles to reveal a tighter and younger looking face.

Compare Power Yoga to Ashtanga Yoga

Ashtanga yoga is an ancient practice comprised of six different series of poses, which when followed in order allow each practitioner to progress in strength, flexibility and spiritually awareness at his own pace. Although based on the poses done in Ashtanga yoga, power yoga has been introduced to Western practitioners as a more vigorous and fitness-based program without a definite spiritual inclination. This article will explain some of the differences between these two types of yoga.

Become an Anusara Yoga Instructor

It is difficult for most Anusara yoga instructors to identify the exact day and place that they began envisioning themselves no longer as a student of Anusara yoga, but rather as the teacher. Maybe you took a class and admired your own teacher’s devotion. You may have been practicing Anusara yoga on your own for years and suddenly desired to share your love of yoga. Regardless of when it began the desire is now there and you want to teach Anusara yoga.

Practice Tantra Kundalini Yoga

Tantra kundalini yoga awakens your sensual energy. This type of yoga does not suppress energy but raises vibrations and allows you to find a higher awareness and consciousness of both yourself and your sensuality. Tantra practices have been associated with unlocking sensual energy within your body, mind and spirit.The term "tantra" was derived from two words: "tanoti" (which means expansion) and "trayati" (which means liberation). Tantra kundalini yoga is one of the most intimate forms of yoga to practice and is a non-stressful, relaxing style that will leave you with a deeper awareness of your sensual consciousness.

Do the Yoga Triangle Pose

The Triangle pose in yoga provides stretches the hamstring and back and expands your core for excellent breathing. You may use a foam block to assist you in this pose if you are less flexible, or you may deepen the stretch without it.

Do Hatha Yoga

Strengthen and align your body and quiet and focus your mind with Hatha Yoga, one of six branches of yoga that originated in India 5,000 years ago. Hatha Yoga is the physical path to achieving the state of yoga through postures, breathing techniques, conscious relaxation and meditation. There are several styles of Hatha Yoga, each with a different approach to the poses, also known as asanas. The following steps are general guidelines for whichever style you choose.

Choose Yoga Poses for Sinusitis

Sinusitis is a condition where your sinuses become swollen or inflamed because of allergies or infections. There are quite a few poses and breathing exercises that you can learn to do with the help of a yoga instructor, which can help relieve and even prevent you from having problems with sinusitis in the future. They are fun and easy to learn, so you can improve your health.

Adjust Yoga Poses for Wrist Pain

Putting too much pressure on your hands or wrists in yoga class can exacerbate existing conditions. Follow these steps to identify which poses to skip and which poses you can modify.

Benefit From Power Yoga

Besides looking and feeling great, power yoga has the ability to change your life on many levels. With a regular practice, power yoga can improve your outlook on life, give you greater confidence and sustain maximum health. While the benefits are infinite, here are just a few to consider.

Do Infant Yoga

Yoga is one of the world's oldest and best-known forms of exercise for mind, body and spirit. Wonderfully adapted classes allow mothers of infants to practice yoga with their babies introducing them to the art of yoga while creating a bonding experience you will treasure for a lifetime.

Treat Impotence With Yoga

Impotence can be the either the inability to have an erection, or simply not being able to keep one. Disease, drug side effects or injury can cause impotence. There are many ways approach the problem, and one of the gentlest is yoga.

Learn Yoga Positions

Limber up and learn some great yoga positions. Practicing yoga can be a little intimidating at first. Follow these steps and understand what to expect before you feel overwhelmed. Take a little time and practice and before you know it, "downward dog" won't just be a move for your pooch.

Practice Bikram Yoga at Home

Yoga is one of the most popular exercise routines in the world. It helps clear the mind, stretch and tone the body. Bikram yoga is a specialized yoga done in a hot room with high levels of humidity, which help increase sweat and weight loss.

Use Yoga With Special Needs Kids

Yoga therapy can be used to help children with autism, attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder, cerebral palsy, learning disabilities and other special needs, according to Amy Iverson, a licensed teacher of "Yoga for the Special Child." Yoga teaches children to cultivate a sense of awareness of their own bodies, mental and emotional states. This awareness can help special needs children to navigate the daily challenges in their lives. Yoga is also helpful in elevating self-confidence, as children set and conquer physical goals for themselves through the yoga asanas (physical postures). Breath work and meditation help to still the active minds of children and give them something to focus their energy on.

Breathe in Hatha Yoga

Though breathing is something we do all the time, few of us do it correctly. Rather than short and shallow, breathing should be long and deep. You can break bad breathing habits, and expend less physical effort in your poses by learning the right way to breathe in Hatha Yoga.

Practice Chair Yoga

Chair yoga, considered a gentler form of yoga, uses a chair for additional support. Most of the exercises are done while sitting on, leaning on or holding onto a chair. This makes it a great way to practice yoga for people of all ages and those with limited mobility. Read on to learn how to practice chair yoga.

Easy Yoga Exercises

Yoga is a joining of the body, mind and spirit with the help of proper breathing. By practicing yoga, your body will become stronger and more flexible inside and out, and you will have a new-found sense of balance. Below are a couple of easy yoga exercises that beginners can do before moving on to the harder poses.

Become a Yoga Instructor in Rochester, NY

With its rolling hills, scenic waterways and proximity to the awe-inspiring Finger Lakes region, Rochester, NY, is a perfect place to get in touch with your inner yogi. As the third-largest metropolitan area in New York State, Greater Rochester also offers all the training and support you will need to become a certified yoga teacher and get your first job.

Do Yoga Face Exercises

Yoga is a calming form of exercise that can also help your body become more flexible. You can also use yoga exercises to help tone the muscles in your face, which can help you stay looking younger. The great thing about yoga facial exercises is that you can do them anywhere because you don't need any extra equipment to complete them.

Lay Out a Yoga Store

Maybe you were teaching classes at the local rec center or gym, but have made a decision to open your own yoga studio. Setting up your shop will be exciting and intimidating. However, there is a right way and a wrong way to set up the studio. Follow the framework as you prepare for this venture.

lose weight by doing Yoga

Don't underestimate the power of Yoga. I always thought of yoga as calming and not as a cardio exercise. I was wrong. Since doing Yoga to lose weight, I've gotten a great cardio workout, resistance training and stretch training to regain and maintain flexibility.

Do Japa Yoga

The repetition of any Mantra or Name of the Lord is referred to as Japa yoga. Japa is an easy way for attaining God-realization. This type of yoga is different than traditional yoga because Japa yoga mainly exercises the mind, as opposed to Power Yoga, which works the body. This article will explain how to practice Japa yoga.

Make a Yoga Mat

Since many people are now doing yoga in their homes, yoga mats are becoming a popular purchase. But building a yoga mat is a quick and simple way to kick-start your yoga routine. Besides saving money, you can make good use of some old articles you may have been saving. This particular mat is eco-friendly and does not contain any of the harmful toxins that most store-bought yoga mats do.

Do a Swan Yoga Pose

Yoga is a great way to not only improve your fitness level and tone your body, but to also release areas of the body where you hold your tension. The hip area, particularly for women, is a commonly tense spot; however, the yoga swan pose can help to open and relieve stress held in the low abdomen and hips. This pose can be challenging for beginners, but with a few tips and your yoga block, you can begin practicing today.

Practice Kundalini Yoga Daily

Kundalini Yoga is a type of yoga that requires strict physical and meditative discipline. It works to bring the body and mind together while balancing chakras and promoting wellness. Kundalini is practice with bodily postures, movements, utterances and breathing patterns. It is often done with your eyes closed. Kundalini is urged to be practiced with a guide to avoid mental and physical problems, known as Kundalini Syndrome. However, Kundalini can be practiced every day.

Increase Stamina With Power Yoga

Power yoga, a continuous flow of postures and poses, is a very physical, aerobic workout. By practicing power yoga, you can endure longer workouts easily, you can build muscle strength holding powerful poses, and increase lung capacity through breathing exercises thereby improving energy levels that lead to an increase in stamina. Try following the beginning yoga sequence, Sun Salutation, in a fluid manner to get you started on a stamina building power yoga workout. The Sun Salutation sequence incorporates important yoga poses that you should know for a regular yoga practice. For best results, after you have mastered poses in Sun Salutation, practice power yoga on a steady basis with a qualified instructor.

Reduce Stress With Yoga

When a person is under stress, there is a lot of "mental chatter" going on in their mind. Thoughts race with worries about the future or anxiety about the past and the body generally takes the brunt of that energy. A person under stress holds tension in various parts of the body, such as the shoulders, and it can be hard to release that tension. Yoga can be a powerful way to reduce stress. By calming your racing thoughts and releasing physical tension through yoga, you will find that you feel less stressed out.

Modify Yoga Poses for Larger Bodies

If you have watched a yoga DVD or have gone to a class, you might think only naturally thin, willowy people can do yoga. But that's not true. Bigger people can also benefit from the flexibility and stress reduction a regular yoga practice provides. A large chest for women or rounded bellies on both men and women can make some poses challenging, but simple modifications will help. Read on to learn how to modify yoga poses for larger bodies.

Do Raja Yoga

Raja yoga, often incorporated in Ashtanga yoga practice, is referred to as the "royal path of meditation." One of the classic philosophical Vedanta systems, Raja yoga focuses on a psychological avenue to control the unruly mind. In meditation, you direct your life force to attain balance. As with all of Hinduism's other paths, the ultimate purpose of Raja yoga is liberation from the cycle of rebirth by realization of the self. While it is best for a teacher to recommend the specifics of meditation based on your unique needs, here is an outline of Raja yoga meditation.

Practice Yoga for Hiatal Hernia Relief

A hiatal hernia occurs when your stomach protrudes through a hole in your diaphragm. A large hole will allow stomach acid to get into the esophagus causing heartburn and chest pain. Surgery may be necessary with a very large hole. In his book, "Yoga: The Path to Holistic Health," internationally renowned guru B.K.S. Iyengar illustrates 27 sequenced positions for the treatment of hiatal hernia including mountain pose, extended mountain pose and extended triangle pose. Deep yoga breathing in these three poses will provide strength and flexibility to the muscles involved.

Do Yoga Neck Rolls

Yoga neck rolls are a great exercise to do to release tension in the neck. This is especially important of you spend a lot of time at the computer, on a phone or any other activity that rounds the shoulders forward and pulls on the neck.

Improve Lung Function with Yoga Breathwork

Patients who suffer from chronic lung disorders like asthma, COPD or cystic fibrosis could benefit greatly from yoga breathwork. Yoga helps to improve lung function by opening up lung passages and releases stale air accumulated at the base of the lungs. By exhaling out toxins, it allows the lungs to circulate fresh, clean air.

Practice Kundalini Yoga Chants and Breathing

Kundalini is a form of yoga which focuses on psychic centers in the body, called 'chakras'. In order to generate a spiritual power known as Kundalini energy. This energy is conceptualized as a coiled snake, the literal meaning of the word Kundalini in Sanskrit. Kundalini combines yoga postures with utterances and breathing. Here are some common chants and breathing techniques used in Kundalini yoga.

Perform Yoga Postures

Yoga is an incredibly healthy physical activity which can be enjoyed by virtually everyone, regardless of age and size. Highly adaptable, yoga postures can help you to gain physical and mental balance, ease stress, improve circulation and feel more energetic. If you are new to yoga, a few basic tips will give you an idea of what to do when performing postures.

Protect the Knees In Yoga

Any yoga pose that requires you bend the knee (flexion) or straighten the leg (extending the knee) can place the knee joint at risk if you are also twisting the knee improperly or if the pose is weight-bearing. Take time to learn how to protect vulnerable knee joints. They are held in place by long, ropey ligaments that receive less blood supply than bulky muscles. Once strained, the ligaments and tendons that attach muscles to the knee joints take longer to heal. Learn how to stabilize the knee joints sitting, standing and in balance poses in yoga to prevent unnecessary strain or serious injuries.

Begin Yoga Poses for the Overweight

Many times people think if they're overweight, they can't do yoga. Yoga is a series of relaxing and stretching poses. Any of them can be modified for your fitness level. An introduction to yoga by using simple sitting poses is a good way for an overweight person to ease into other yoga poses.

Make a Yoga Bolster

Yoga props can help relax the body in specific yoga postures. Yoga bolsters are a yoga prop used aid relaxation in supine postures and forward bends. Bolsters can help ease the body into more difficult postures and allow the body to release tension. They are made of a thick fabric in either a rectangular or circular shape and can be filled with cotton or foam. Making your own yoga bolster is a fun and money-saving project that can be completed in under an hour with minimal supplies.

Learn Kundalini Yoga Online

Kundalini yoga is a meditative and physical discipline that strengthens the communication between the body and mind. By focusing on the chakras, a person can generate Kundalini energy, a spiritual power that requires spiritual discipline to be unleashed. You can learn this practice online.

Stretch Before a Yoga Class

Whatever type of yoga you practice, it is good to do stretches and loosen up before you begin. Shake off any stiffness by relaxing and opening your body. Like any physical activity or exercise, yoga can challenge and strain muscles and joints during difficult or held positions.

Design a Yoga Room

While it is not essential to have a yoga room in order to practice yoga, you may find that creating a special space in your home provides inspiration, relaxation and tranquility for your yoga sessions. Create a yoga room that suits your needs and style.

Do a Tree Pose in Yoga

The tree pose in yoga is a standing position that can increase the flexibility of your legs and strengthen your balancing skills. Keeping your breathing consistent is key to holding the tree pose for long periods.

Do the Yoga Bridge Pose

The Bridge pose in yoga benefits several muscle groups. The pose's first stage stretches and strengthens the thighs, buttocks and abdomen. The second stage works the upper body.

Do a Shoulder Stand in Yoga

The shoulder stand is one of the most therapeutic yoga asanas. It stimulates the thyroid, a butterfly-shaped organ in the neck which regulates hormones, weight and sex glands. People who suffer from asthma, poor circulation or indigestion can profit from regular practice of this asana. The shoulder stand has anti-aging benefits, as it encourage a healthy, youthful complexion and improves energy. Follow these steps to learn more.

Use Yoga to Benefit Knees

Each year, numerous middle- aged people undergo surgery to repair damaged, over-worked knees. Our knees, when functioning correctly, allow us to walk, sit, run, stand and bend. If other parts of our body are out of whack, such as our feet or hips, this can cause problems for your knees. Yoga can help us deal with aging knees or knees damaged by athletics by stretching them, as well as strengthening other parts of the body, so that we're operating like a well-oiled machine. Hopefully, by keeping the knees stretched and flexible we can avoid surgery.

Use Yoga to Start the Day

Daily morning yoga helps start the day physically and mentally relaxed, centered and balanced. Morning yoga requires less than 20 minutes to start the day. People are more likely to continue the practice daily because of the results with little investment of time. Develop and maintain a daily morning yoga practice.

Get Rid of the Plastic Smell on My New Yoga Mat

If you have invested in a new yoga mat, the last thing you want is the plastic or rubber smell ruining your yoga sessions. The classes are a time to relax and practice breathing techniques; therefore, an unpleasant smell is an unwelcome distraction. Fortunately, there are a few different ways you can try and cleanse your yoga mat of the plastic smell. Does this Spark an idea?

Treat Obsessive Compulsive Disorder With Yoga

Approximately one in 40 people in the world will experience the symptoms of obsessive compulsive disorder at some point in their lives. This makes it one of the most common anxiety disorders in the world. There are many avenues to treating it. Medications, herbal remedies and psychological counseling are among the most widely used methods to treat obsessive compulsive disorder. One of the lesser known, yet highly effective, methods of treatment is yoga. A specific branch of yoga, called Jnana yoga, deals specifically with the mind and emotions and is an especially good choice if you want to treat obsessive compulsive disorder successfully.

Dress Comfortably for Yoga

Yoga requires the body to move in many directions. If your clothing is uncomfortable, not only does the exercise become less enjoyable, but it loses its effectiveness. Follow these steps to dress for yoga success.

Prevent and Correct Spine Problems With Yoga

There’s an expression that floats around in the yoga world: You’re only as strong as your spine is flexible. We’ve all seen what happens when a spine suffers too much wear and tear. People get bent over, sometimes so severely that their upper torso is parallel to the ground. Add years of sitting at a desk and pounding on a computer to the natural aging process, and you’re going to end up with a rounded back and a head that juts forward. Here are a few tips on how to prevent this from happening--and how to correct problems you may have already begun to notice--through yoga.

Do a Handstand Yoga-Style

A handstand is a coveted pose in yoga. It strengthens the arms and the core. It builds heat to keep the muscles warm and despite what the yogic texts warn about ego, it’s a great show-off pose. Heed the warnings, though, and learn how to balance safely on your hands.

Make Yoga Pants

One of the tricks to being able to do yoga --- and do it well --- is to wear clothing that will move and bend with you. Clothing that restricts your movement in any way will not be suitable for yoga, as your body and your energy must be allowed to move as freely as possible. However, if you are an odd size, or if the price of yoga pants is too much for you to afford, you can make your own, guaranteed to fit and likely to be cheaper than what you can purchase online.

Assume the Cobra Pose in Yoga

The cobra pose, or Bhujangasana in Sanskrit, is a comfortable way to stretch the back and can be suprisingly energizing.

Do a Yoga Frog Pose

The Frog Pose is an intermediate-level yoga posture. It provides a very deep stretch for the inner thighs and hips. If your knees are sensitive, have a couple of blankets or a thick yoga mat available to place under your knees for cushioning. If you have any back sensitivities, be sure to keep the abdominal muscles contracted and do not over-arch the lower back. Move slowly in and out of this posture.

Use a Yoga Strap

Yoga straps come in a variety of materials and resistance levels. Beginners and experts alike enjoy an added challenge when using yoga straps to increase resistance for strength training. Yoga straps can also be used to deepen or guide certain stretches.

Bounce on a Ball to Induce Labor

When a pregnant woman's due date has come and passed, being pregnant becomes increasingly uncomfortable. Some foods, such as pineapple and mangoes, can stimulate contractions. Natural activities such as sex, walking, light exercise, massage and bouncing on a ball can often induce labor. The ball technique is a gentle way to induce labor and is a good option if you are too tired or unable to walk around much.

Get Rid of a Headache With Yoga Poses

Minor headaches that are a result of inadequate sleep, long periods staring at a computer or exposure to loud noises can be reduced and often eliminated with the practice of yoga postures. Yoga poses in which the head is lowered below the level of the heart--inversions--allows blood to flood the brain, bringing with it more oxygen. Inverted poses include adho mukha svanasana (downward-facing dog), salamba sarvangasana (shoulderstand) and setu bandhanasana (backbend). Learn how to use these asanas for minor headache relief.

Practice Integral Yoga at Home

Integral yoga is a very special type of yoga because it integrates the body, mind and spirit. The main purpose of this practice is to teach the students how to live healthy and peaceful lives. There are many classes around the world that inform people about integral yoga, but this article will show you how to practice integral yoga outside of the classroom and in your home.

Become a Yoga Teacher in Houston

Texas has a proud, vibrant yoga community that has, since 2009, become increasingly organized in lobbying against government regulation of yoga studios offering teacher training programs. While the issue still stands, several professional yoga associations have emerged from the activity, offering resources, yoga classes and information about training to become a yoga teacher. While there's not yet any legal "certification" for becoming a yoga teacher in Houston, most professional yoga teachers register with the Yoga Alliance after completing 200-hour training programs.

Weigh Pros and Cons of Bikram Yoga

Bikram, known as "hot" yoga, has taken the yoga world by storm. It has grown in popularity and was first introduced to the United States by Bikram Choudhury (also known as the "Yogi to the Stars"). Bikram is practiced in a room heated to 105 degrees Fahrenheit (40 degrees Celsius) with a humidity of 40 percent. Bikram includes 26 asanas (postures) and 2 pranayama (breath work) exercises. The 26 asanas are repeated twice and are held for 30 seconds during each round. Classes are usually held for ninety minutes. There are many health benefits as a result of bikram, yet there are some negative results to bikram as well. It's important to research and find out as much information about bikram before you make your decision. The following information will help you learn more about bikram yoga and help you figure out if bikram is the right style of yoga for you. .

Do Yoga for Sciatic Nerve Damage

Sciatic nerve damage brings about unbearable shooting pain to sciatic patients. Adding to their distress, is the tingling sensation that feels like they have been mildly electrocuted. To treat this condition, some opt for medications and herbal treatments, while others go for massages and back or abdominal exercises. But one of the best recommendations for sciatic patients is Yoga. Therapeutic poses provided by this kind of remedy, hits each and every part of the affected area. It also increases circulation and relieves the pain - leading to relaxation and wellness. The following are some curative yoga poses that are beneficial in soothing pain from sciatic nerve damage (sciatica).

Become a Kundalini Yoga Instructor

For centuries, yoga has been the connection of body and mind. Millions have achieved peace and physical alignment through the practice of yoga. Kundalini yoga is a specific branch that combines the life force with the basic tenets of yoga to create a unique sect within the yoga realm. Instructing Kundalini yoga is specifically rewarding for teachers who adhere to the teachings of a yoga awakening. Here’s how to become a Kundalini yoga instructor.

Explain Hatha Yoga

Because there are many new and wildly different styles of yoga, and because many people only have vague notions about yoga based on depictions in popular media, defining hatha yoga to newcomers can be a challenge. Trying to explain the entire history may feel daunting. You don't have to teach everything about the subject at once --- over time, you may have the opportunity to broaden and deepen the discussion and explain finer details. To start, discuss the key elements of the history of hatha yoga, and how it is practiced today.

Become a Yoga Instructor in Ontario

Yoga is both an ancient spiritual practice and a burgeoning sector in the health and fitness industry. Yoga instructors work out of private studios or community centers and offer classes to novice and experienced practitioners. The range of yoga styles allows for a practice that is suitable to almost anyone's taste, whether the desire is to learn or to teach yoga. Although there is no governing body that regulates yoga teachers in Ontario, Canada, it is essential to obtain a combination of education, experience and network contacts to succeed as an instructor.

Structure a Kids' Yoga Class at School

Not many kids have access to yoga classes at school, so offering any type of yoga program is a great opportunity for your students. You can structure a kids' yoga class at school similarly to a yoga class for adults. However, there are a few steps you can take to make a yoga program more kid-friendly.

Begin Practicing Yoga After 50

Yoga is a very popular form of exercise that is a combination of various poses, positions and breathing techniques. Yoga is not just for young people because people of ages can engage in this type of physical activity. Actually, it is becoming more and more common to see people over the age of 50 enrolling in a yoga class. However, if you are 50 years of age or older, there are a few things that you should do before you begin practicing yoga.

Best Approach Your Yoga Practice

This article is intended for all who are considering beginning a Yoga practice and for those who wish to get deeper into their existing practice.

In a typical Yoga class you are guided through Vinyasas (a sequence of Yoga postures) to increase coordination, balance and strength, while focusing on Pranayama (breath) to initiate and sustain poses (increasing stamina and endurance). The purpose of it all, besides creating better physical fitness, is to ultimately quiet the cluttered mind. But how do we do this as individuals within the setting of a class?

The first thing to look at is the fact that Yoga is considered a practice. This is a great word because if it is a practice, you have permission to abandon self-doubt and create room for self-discovery. The very nature of the word "practice" suggests there is no need to prove, but rather the freedom to improve. Accept your own perfection and imperfection and find the beauty, that together, they reveal. Lets take a look at a few steps that may serve you well in your approach to Yoga.

Do Lyengar Yoga

Not everyone is flexible enough to wrap her left foot around her neck and tickle her right great toe. Lynegar Yoga acknowledges that, and allows the use of props or other assistance to help its practitioners hold prolonged poses in the pursuit of greater precision. While this form of yoga is somewhat more demanding than Hatha yoga, it accommodates many levels of strength and flexibility.

Do the Lion Pose in Yoga

The lion, or simhasana, is a yoga pose that imitates the body position and the facial expression of a roaring lion. It is very easy to do and can be performed by both adults and children. This position is unique compared to other positions since its benefits are primarily centered on the structures of the neck going up to the face. It provides good exercise for the facial muscles and the fix gaze helps in reducing strain in the eyes. Individuals with throat problems, such as sore throat and tonsillitis, and those who suffer from tightness of the jaw muscles can also benefit from this position.

Remove Wrinkles From the Face With Yoga Exercises

Yoga is a holistic approach to well-being. It doesn't just improve the flexibility and health of your body, it can also help turn back time by increasing circulation and training your muscles to release unnecessary tension. You can even minimize facial wrinkles through yoga. Relaxing your facial muscles whenever you're doing an asana is one step in erasing wrinkles, but you can also do some yoga exercises that are specifically designed for facial relaxation. Does this Spark an idea?

Stretch for a Bikram's Yoga Class

Bikram yoga is a series of 26 poses that Bikram Choudhury adapted from hatha yoga. Hot yoga is another term used for Bikram yoga, the theory being that a warm body is more flexible. Adherents practice Bikram yoga in a 104-degree-Fahrenheit studio. The heat encourages sweating and the flushing out of impurities, which speeds up the inner cleansing process. It is important to perform a few stretches and warm-up poses to prepare your body for the class.

Do the Savasana Yoga Pose

The Savasana posture, often referred to as the corpse posture is an Ashtanga Yoga pose that promotes deep relaxation. The Savasana posture is said to relieve the body of tensions, accumulated throughout the day while helping to improve health, happiness and creativity.

Do Baby Yoga

Yoga is proven beneficial to helping your baby develop. When you start young, babies who participate in yoga sometimes have a better pattern of growth and development. And baby yoga is also a great way for the parent and the infant to bond. Who knows, baby yoga might even get your infant to sleep through the night.

Do Yoga in the Workplace

Yoga is a popular form of exercise to relieve stress, aches and pains, increase energy and improve the quality of life. For those who work busy schedules, work at a desk or have jobs with physical demands, yoga becomes even more important to protect the body and the mind. If you can't seem to find the time outside of work, there are several ways to do yoga in the workplace.

Use Yoga to Improve Acne Scars

Yoga utilizes age-old physical and mental exercises; however, it becomes more popular every day in the United States, with multiple yoga centers in every major city. While yoga is well known for it's ability to calm the mind and strengthen the body, it has far more benefits than those commonly known, such as boosting the body's ability to heal acne scars and prevent future outbreaks. Does this Spark an idea?

Master Meditation & Yoga

Practicing meditation and yoga is an effective way to improve your mental health and physical fitness. These activities help relieve stress and allow you to embrace a feeling of peacefulness, which results in a positive outlook on life. Mastering meditation and yoga is an ongoing process. If you start slowly and practice regularly, it can become an essential part of your daily life.

Stay Motivated in Yoga

It's hard to motivate yourself to practice yoga day in and day out. Even though the exercise benefits are plentiful, sometimes you need a little reminder of why you're doing yoga in the first place. Pace yourself and you'll never find yourself wanting to get out of a yoga exercise again. Here's how.

Keep Your Hands From Slipping on a Yoga Mat

There is nothing worse than being in the perfect downward facing dog position when your hands start to slip on your yoga mat and you lose your balance. When using a new rubber yoga mat, some people find their hands and feet slipping. This is normal and will occur until your yoga mat has been put to use and there is a little wear and tear on the mat. There are some steps you can take when using a new yoga mat to stop slipping and make your yoga practice more rewarding.

Do Jnana Yoga

Jnana (gee-ah-nah) Yoga is the "Way of Wisdom." One of the Hindu Ways to God, Jnana Yoga emphasizes self-discipline to achieve awareness of the Truth of Atman or Self. The follower along this path studies scriptures, meditates and is selflessly devoted to God. Devotees discuss, teach and observe as they experience the divine. Jnana Yoga practice focuses on concentration and breathing.

Firm a Sagging Chin and Neck with Yoga

Spend time, not money firming up sagging skin under your chin and on your neck. Regular yoga practice can do wonders to firm up that trouble area under your neck and chin, an often-neglected area during exercise. Spending time practicing these poses will help lift and and firm sagging skin under the chin and neck, without costly lotions or cosmetic surgery. People in good physical condition, without any current neck or back injuries will be able to do these yoga poses.

Do the Yoga Scorpion Pose

The yoga scorpion pose may be the best of all poses for opening and stretching the muscles of the hips, abdomen and chest. However, this pose is an advanced pose and requires a great deal of balance and upper body strength.

Wash a Yoga Mat

Yoga mats are used mostly on floors. Some of them might not be as clean as they look. Before you use one, you should take the time to regularly clean it. If your hands are sticky after class or a short routine, then you know that a cleaning is long overdue. Follow these steps to find out how to clean it.

Do Kundalini Yoga

Kundalini yoga is a form of yoga that not only focuses on physical wellness, but also on mental well-being. When practicing Kundalini yoga, you are meant to harness the energy found in the universe. Kundalini yoga was introduced in the U.S. by Harbhajan Singh Yogi, an instructor from India in the late 1970s.

Do a Shoulder Blade Yoga Stretch

Most people carry the stress of their daily lives in their neck and shoulders and experience tightness and pain in the muscles below and between the shoulder blades. Yoga is not only a great way to relieve and reduce your daily stress, it can help you to alleviate problem areas. With a few simple steps, you can perform this yoga shoulder blade stretch whenever you feel stressed.

Use a Yoga Ball

A yoga ball provides support during backbends, hip openers and restorative poses, while building muscle strength and increasing flexibility. It is also quite simple to add a yoga ball to your current routine. Follow these steps to learn more.

Write a Yoga Resume

Writing a resume for yoga depends on whether you have experience in teaching and participating in classes or are a newcomer. There are three main formats of resumes: chronological, functional and technical. The technical format is for IT or engineering positions so is not relevant. If you have taught and participated in classes, you should use the chronological format. If you do not have at least five years experience in yoga, the functional format is for you.

Become a Prenatal Yoga Instructor

Prenatal yoga is becoming popular across the country. Prenatal yoga helps pregnant women stay healthy during their pregnancy, helps prevent common aches and pains and helps prepare the body for labor and childbirth. Many gyms and birthing facilities now offer prenatal yoga classes, making prenatal yoga instructors very needed.

Start a Yoga Studio

The decision to start a yoga studio can be a big decision to make. There are risks to be considered, but if properly managed and with a little luck, the decision to start that yoga studio could very well turn out a sound investment. Not only can the monetary rewards be great, but you will have the extra thrill and satisfaction of knowing you are improving the quality of life for many people. If this prospect sounds interesting, read on to learn how to start a yoga studio.

Build a Successful Yoga & Pilates Studio

Building a successful yoga and Pilates studio requires the same business sense necessary for other small enterprises. Get as much knowledge about starting a business and managing it as possible before making your yoga and Pilates studio a reality. Bob Christenson of SCORE, Counselors to America's Small Business, reiterated the importance of getting business training in his article, "Good Managers are Trained, Not Born."

Decorate a Yoga Studio

Practicing yoga is a gentle, richly rewarding experience. It is spiritually, mentally and physically beneficial and has been an integral part of Eastern religion for thousands of years. The exercise is only a part of a yogic philosophy that includes meditation and other religious tenets. Group practice in a studio environment is a wonderful way to learn the poses and the variations involved, especially for beginners. Proper tools, such as props and a clean environment are essential for the experiences of the clients that will visit your studio. Nothing should interfere with the concentration necessary for a satisfying yoga session.

Do the Yoga Lotus Pose

The Lotus pose has two variations, the Half Lotus and the Full Lotus. This seated pose is useful for meditating because the body is both peaceful and active. Holding the position also benefits flexibility and posture.

Do The Complete Breath In Yoga

The complete breath is the foundation of all Hatha yoga exercises. Correct breathing technique improves the speaking voice and helps people suffering with asthma and other respiratory maladies. It reduces anxiety, and leads to better sleep and more energy for its practitioners.

Do the Crow Yoga Pose

The crow pose, also known as bakasana or the crane pose, can strengthen your arms, wrists, upper back and abdomen. Practicing this pose increases mental and physical balance.

Choose Yoga Mat Thickness

Fifty years ago, yoga practitioners did not use mats, which sometimes meant slipping and sliding on hardwood floors or sweating onto carpets. Yoga teacher Angela Farmer is credited with bringing carpet padding into yoga studios, creating a new market for the sticky mat. Standing, sitting and reclining postures each benefit from a different amount of yoga mat thickness.

Teach Gentle Yoga

It might be easier to teach a power yoga or intermediate yoga class than a gentle one, especially if more intense yoga is what you practice on your own. Many people need a gentle yoga practice in order to de-stress and stretch properly, or if they have injuries or certain conditions. Some basics strategies will get you started on coming up with your own gentle yoga class ideas and sequences.

Do Bhakti Yoga

To Westerners, yoga usually means a series of stretching exercises that culminates with some sort of resting period or invitation to meditate. Yoga is actually a name for spiritual practices that come from India, and practicing yoga does not always mean physical exercise. Bhakti yoga is an exercise of the heart, soul and mind; it is unlikely that bhakti practice will resemble the familiar hatha yoga positions that are so popular in Western culture today. The steps below introduce the practice of bhakti yoga, which is a process defined by each individual, so part of the journey is to figure out what your route should be.

Get Teaching Experience as a New Yoga Teacher

There are small armies of newly minted, certified yoga teachers in nearly every city in the U.S., all vying for paid teaching work. While some people chose to practice and refine their own yoga physical practice for many years before teaching, many more are entering the teaching field within the first 2 years of their physical practice.

Create Yoga Space

You do not need a spare room in your home to create a yoga space. Just rearrange and adjust the space you currently occupy. Set up a yoga mat in the middle of the living room. If your floor plan is pinched, clean out the corner of your bedroom. Once you start to look around, you will find it is possible create a yoga space just about anywhere. If the possibilities are not jumping out at you, read on to learn how it's possible to create this haven.

Stay Hydrated During Bikram Yoga

Bikram yoga, often called "hot yoga," is a series of 26 asanas performed in a room heated to 105 degrees Fahrenheit. Given the room's temperature and session length (generally 90 minutes) bikram yoga can easily cause dehydration. Learn how to stay properly hydrated in a few simple steps.

Start a Bikram Yoga Studio

Bikram Yoga has become popular in American society. Celebrities, politicians and even school children are all participating in this ancient form of meditation and exercise. With such a high level of interest opening a yoga studio can be a profitable endeavor for a small business owner.

Lead an Ashtanga Yoga Class

Leading an Ashtanga yoga class is much different from participating in one since you will be responsible for the enjoyment and the safety of your students. However, teaching Ashtanga yoga can be an empowering and uplifting experience if you prepare in advance and keep your students' welfare in mind.

Become an Ashtanga Yoga Instructor

Ashtanga yoga is a type of exercise that uses breath and motion to rid the body of toxins. To teach this type of yoga, you must be a qualified instructor. Follow these steps to become an Ashtanga yoga instructor

Do Yoga Ujjayi Breath

You're in yoga class and the teacher keeps mentioning ujjayi breath, but you're thinking "How do I do this" and also "What is it for?" Here are steps to engage your own ujjayi breath and to learn about its importance.

Become a Yoga Instructor

With the rising popularity of holistic and alternative medical care, becoming a yoga instructor is a great career choice. Not only will you enhance your physical well-being, you will help others improve their health. Follow these steps to enter the field.

Do Vinyasa Yoga Breathing Patterns

There are many pranayamas (breathing exercises) in yoga, but the most practiced in Vinyasa is the Ujjayi breath. The pattern for Ujjayi breath is fairly simple once you find your own rhythm and rate. Here is a step-by-step way to pattern your breath and find your own breathing rhythm.

Tighten a Turkey Neck With Facial Yoga

No matter what your age, facial yoga can help you achieve a healthy, youthful look. Simple resistance exercises can tone the various muscles in the face and neck. The loose skin beneath the chin is a common issue among many who seek surgery to alleviate a "turkey neck." Forget surgery and use facial yoga for a tighter, firmer jaw line.

Clean a Yoga Mat Without Chemicals

Yoga has been practiced in India since at least 900 BCE. It has a rich history and is even hinted at in Hindu sacred texts. With such a rich history, it is no wonder that yoga has become a common practice all over the world. With its physical and meditative benefits, it has become embedded in the modern world's pop culture. Performing the yoga positions, however, isn't the only thing a "yogi" (male) or "yogini" (female) must consider. They must also keep their yoga mats clean and there is no better way to keep such a spiritual thing clean than with all natural materials.

Learn Yoga Free Online

A basic Google search of the phrase "free yoga classes" will turn up countless videos and instructions for general exercises. Once you settle on a yoga instructor or facility, you will need to set up your own plan to "learn" the practice on your own. You will be on your own to overcome the great disadvantage of working online -- there is no teacher in the room to help you mark your progress or encourage you to keep going.

Do Yoga for Eyes to Reduce Eye Strain and Improve Eyesight

In the age of computers, eye strain is becoming more common. Performing certain yoga exercises for with your eyes can reduce eyestrain and can often improve your vision as well.

Treat TMJ With Yoga

TMJ, or Temporo-Mandibular Joint, is a fairly common health problem that affects the jaw muscles. Nothing can match a doctor's treatment but some patients have found that yoga relaxation techniques can ease their discomfort. Consult your doctor and give it a try. Release that tension.

Market a Yoga Studio

After you've got your yoga studio up and running, your next step is to start marketing it aggressively. You can take advantage of free sources of advertising as well as ads that vary in cost to get to your target market.

Practice Tapas in Yoga

Tapas is loosely defined to mean enthusiasm, excitement and discipline towards yoga--a sort of inner fire to be the best you can be while practicing yoga. In order to fully commit to yoga, many believe you must practice tapas in its entirety. Read on to learn how to practice tapas in yoga.

Define Cheekbones with Facial Yoga

You can lift sagging facial skin with facial yoga. Facial yoga exercises firm up the muscles beneath the skin using resistance techniques that focus specifically on facial muscles. Whether you're 28 or 62, your face will look firmer and more youthful after a few weeks of facial yoga.

Teach Laughter Yoga to Children

Laughter yoga is unique in that you not only perform breathing exercises, but you also incorporate laughter into the exercise routine. With additional stress on children in recent years, including parents' divorce, school expectations and peer pressure, it's becoming increasingly important to keep our children laughing.

Modify Common Yoga Poses for Knee Injuries

While yoga is an excellent form of gentle exercise for many people with limited physical capabilities, some poses can aggravate knee injuries. You can modify common yoga poses to be gentle on the knees and even aid in the healing process. The following modifications allow you to continue to practice yoga and gain beneficial rehabilitation from the gentle stretching involved.

Perform Yoga Push-Ups

If you are interested in becoming a yogi, you must learn a staple move of yoga practice, a yoga push-up. Yoga push-ups are also known as the yoga pose Chaturanga Dandasana, which translated from the Sanskrit means "four-limbed staff pose." Yoga push-ups build strength in the biceps, triceps and shoulders, tone the core and are a part of many flow yoga classes. Learning the correct technique will help you perform yoga push-ups with ease and prevent injuries.

Become a Yoga Instructor in Portland, OR

Portland, Oregon, is a popular location for yoga classes, with over 50 studios offering classes within the city (See Resources 1). This means yoga instructors are in high demand, but to become a successful yoga instructor you must first obtain your certification. Today, the Yoga Alliance is the standard in yoga teacher trainings. Its website says it is the national education and support organization for yoga in the United States, following the merger of two organizations. By taking a Yoga Alliance-approved certification course, you will be ready to apply for teaching jobs at major studios throughout the Portland area.

Do Yoga At Home

Are you interested in Yoga, but do not have the time or the money to go to a Yoga Center or gym? With a few simple items, you can do Yoga at home. Doing Yoga at home is low cost and convenient.

Increase Strength With Power Yoga

There are many forms and styles of yoga. There are even more reasons why people start a yoga practice. No matter what form you study the goal of yoga is to create a mind-body connection and increase awareness of how the body is responding to the yoga practice. Yoga can be very gentle or very vigorous. More vigorous forms of yoga can not only connect the body and mind but also build muscular strength. Below are some guidelines to gain more strength from your practice.

Practice Bhakti Yoga

The purpose of bhakti yoga is to commune with the higher power in your life. This involves letting go of the ego of self and is a spiritual effort that does not require the physical movement typically associated with yoga. Practicing this form of yoga gives you a life of emotional fulfillment. Visualization and meditation are at the basis of your bhakti yoga practice.

Teach Yoga Poses

Effective yoga instructors use a variety of techniques to provide easy-to-follow directions that safely guide students into poses while encouraging them to explore and experiment. Keep in mind that all students learn differently: some learn by observing the pose, others need to hear instructions and see the pose demonstrated, and some prefer to try out a posture first and then receive more detailed guidance afterward. Draw on your creative skills to teach in a way that supports every learning style.

Make Yoga Mat Spray

Buying a yoga mat cleaner can be time consuming since a lot of places don't carry mat spray, or they're charging a lot for it. Why not make your own personalized yoga mat cleanser with all natural ingredients? Use the steps below and the ingredients in Things You'll Need to make your yoga mat spray.

Do a Yoga Turtle Pose

The turtle pose is also known as the kurmasana. It is a yoga pose where the human body imitates the form of a turtle sticking its head and four limbs out, and then pulling its head and limbs back into its shell. It involves gradual execution and takes careful positioning of certain body parts to achieve its benefits. This position opens up the hip, which then provides good circulation around the area. The back will have a good stretch as well as the groin, lower extremities, upper extremities and shoulders. It also serves as a good position for your spine and abdomen. Here are some steps on how to do a yoga turtle pose.

Find a Job as a Yoga Teacher

So, you have earned your certification as a yoga teacher and are anxious to get going...but where will you work? How can you find a job? If you are willing to do research and find ways to make connections with the right people, finding a job as a yoga teacher is attainable. You will find that once you make one connection, it will lead to many. You can even create your own yoga class (and thus your own work environment) if you choose.

Persuade Someone to Do Yoga

When you find something that makes you feel good, you want to share it with those you care about. When it comes to wellness activities, many people can be a bit skeptical. They come up with all kinds of barriers from time to old injuries.

Perform Breath of Fire Breathwork Exercise in Yoga

The Breath of Fire (Kapalabhati) breath work (pranayama) is associated with Kundalini yoga. This rapid, rhythmic breathing exercise cleanses toxins and also energizes the body and mind. This breath work exercise can help you if you are feeling tired or unfocused and helps with clarity and concentration.

Eat Before Yoga

Ideally, you should practice yoga on an empty stomach. But since that isn’t always in the cards—you may be practicing after work, in between classes, before you pick up the kids, after your evening meal—there are a few things to keep in mind when you’re putting something into your stomach.

Open Your Own Yoga Studio

Yoga is a popular past time, which means that it could be a profitable business for you. If you want to open your own yoga studio, you should carefully plan in order to make the business a success. If you've never started a business before, you may want to consider opening a yoga franchise, as you'll likely receive additional business training in the process. You need more than just a yoga teaching certification to start a yoga studio. While local regulations may vary, some of the basics remain the same.

Create Your Own Yoga Program

The "classic formula" for yoga includes attunement, preparation or warm up, standing, balance, abdominals, inversion, back bending, forward bending, twisting and final relaxation exercises, in that order. Some routines have additional rest and compensation exercises after the main exercise and before final relaxation postures.

Lose Weight With Bikram Yoga

You can use Bikram yoga to drop unwanted pounds. Just follow these steps.

Become a Yoga Instructor in Canada

Although the benefits of yoga have been known in India for over 3,000 years, this form of meditative movement reached North America in the 20th century. Yoga attracted many practitioners, and the demand for qualified teachers grew as the years went on. Though yoga practitioners approach class with individual objectives and goals, every yoga student appreciates a highly qualified and well-prepared instructor. Canada offers a variety of options for those wishing to obtain national or international yoga certification as instructors.

Open a Bikram Yoga Studio

Owning your own yoga studio can be an adventurous and rewarding experience. The profit potential of opening a Bikram studio is encouraging, as well. The number of yoga practitioners in the United States has reached about 15.8 million, and a recent study found that Americans spend 5.7 billion dollars a year on yoga classes and products (Yoga in America study, 2008). With yoga increasing in popularity and new markets opening up, opening a Bikram studio could be a worthy investment.

Do Karma Yoga

Karma yoga requires a person to be free of hate, greed, lust and any other negative attributes, because it is the action of selfless service to humanity. Karma works on the philosophy that every action has a consequence, and negative actions will come back to haunt you in the future. However, karma yoga helps purify the heart and lessen the risk of bad karma. Read on to learn about how to do karma yoga.

Live a Yoga Lifestyle

Yoga isn't just about being able to put your foot behind your head or conquering the scorpion pose. Actually, what most Westerners imagine when they think about yoga is only a small aspect of what is essentially a whole lifestyle. Yoga is a set of ancient spiritual practices that has influenced spiritual practices all over the world. Read on to learn how to live a yoga lifestyle.

Become a Yoga Teacher in New York

New York is a stressed-out town, so no wonder so many yoga studios are in operation here. Yoga teaching seems like a fun, easy and even important occupation, but have you considered that, like everything else in New York, it can be annoying and competitive as well? Before you quit your day job to help people along the path to enlightenment, find out a little bit more about the road to yoga teaching in New York.

Do Humming Yoga Breathing Exercise

To learn deeper, healthier breathing, do the humming yoga breathing exercise, also known as Brahmari or the Humming Bee. This exercise not only helps you learn how to better control your breathing, but also improves the circulation of blood in your body, loosens congestion in the chest and creates in you a meditative state of mind.

Calm the Mind With Internal Yoga

In this frazzled, instant messaging, cellphone, high stress life most of us live, it's good to have some techniques for calming the mind. Internal yoga was designed for the Western lifestyle and can help practitioners achieve greater mind/body balance. Follow these easy steps and learn how to calm your mind with internal yoga.

Make Your Own Yoga Hammock

Aerial yoga, a modern variation on traditional yoga practices, uses hammocks or "silks" to support participants in midair, where they execute a range of postures, also known as "asanas." If you'd like to try aerial yoga, first contact local studios to try out a class. To continue the practice at home, you can make your own hammock either with a ready-made yoga silk and appropriate hardware or with comparable fabric of equal strength. You need a sturdy, exposed I-beam to hang your hammock safely. Does this Spark an idea?

Modify Yoga Pants

You can hem your own pants (yoga or otherwise) in just a few easy steps, even if you don't own a sewing machine. If your yoga pants are fairly close to the right length, this method, based on instructions by blogger Dacia Ray, is fast and easy. Does this Spark an idea?

Do Laughter Yoga

Laughter yoga is a form of yoga that incorporates laughter to improve your health. Laughter has been proven in scientific studies to be beneficial to your mental and physical health(in addition you burn 3 calories every time you laugh). Here is how to do laughter yoga..

Survive Bikram Yoga

You finally let your friend talk you into trying Bikram Yoga despite the fact that everyone else you know laughs at the mention of people writhing in 100-degree heat. Now, you're standing in that hot room sweating from pores you didn't know you had and wondering if anyone has ever died doing this or if you'll be the first. Here are some keys to surviving your first Bikram Yoga class.

Practice Yoga Breathing Techniques

Practicing yoga breathing techniques reduces stress and allows you to concentrate on the process and effect breathing has on your entire body. Yoga breathing, also called Pranayama, involves several different techniques that focus entirely on the path your breath takes through your body. You can achieve ultimate relaxation and better health by learning these techniques and practicing them daily.

Tone the Stomach With Yoga

Yoga is an exercise routine designed to engage your body, mind and spirit as you work out. Many yoga poses and stretches will help tone your stomach while giving you better posture and more flexibility over time. Yoga stretches help elongate and strengthen your abdominal muscles.

Do The Bird of Paradise Yoga Pose

This pose isn't for the weak. Stretching before and doing the proper preparation poses will help you come into Bird of Paradise.

Become a Bikram Yoga Instructor

Bikram yoga deals with 90-minute classes that follow a set 26-pose sequence without variation. To become a Bikram yoga instructor, you will first need to be a dedicated Bikram yoga student. Follow these steps.

Do Ashtanga Yoga

If you're interested in a vigorous aerobic workout along with challenging stretches and other poses, Ashtanga may be the right style of yoga for you. Ashtanga means "eight limbs" in Sanskrit. Like many other styles of yoga, Ashtanga is traditionally a comprehensive way of life, and the eight limbs it refers to include yoga poses, breathing exercises, ethical rules and more. However, like most other yoga classes, Ashtanga classes generally focus on physical poses and are open to people with a variety of spiritual beliefs. You will need to take a class (or at least get a book or video) to really learn to do Ashtanga yoga, but this tutorial should give you an idea of what is involved.

Teach Vinyasa Flow Yoga

Teaching Vinyasa flow yoga takes creativity, a flare for sequencing and the ability to help connect students' breath and movement. Vinyasa flow differs from other styles of yoga in that is it really like a dance and you are the choreographer. In addition to creating the class from start to finish, you must be comfortable being up in front of the room and must be ready to walk, talk and give students adjustments—all while maintaining the flow of the class.

Assume the Tree Pose in Yoga

The tree pose, or Vrksasana in Sanskrit, is a beautiful Yoga pose that teaches balance and flexibilty.

Do Yoga Facial Exercises

While yoga facial exercises have been around for centuries, you now see them marketed under the name of "yoga facial." These exercises can tighten the skin, tone the muscles and create a more youthful appearance overall. With regular practice, you may see stunning results in as little as 1 week. Does this Spark an idea?

Teach a Yoga Class

When teaching yoga, you help students to increase their flexibility and strength while enhancing their sense of unity and giving them a chance to tune into their body through exercise and breathing. Though there are many types of yoga--Iyengar, Bikram, Ashtanga, Hatha, Vinyasa and Anusara, for example--the ways of teaching classes are fairly similar. Read on to learn how teach a yoga class.

Survive the First Yoga Class

Want to try a yoga class for the first time, but afraid of not being able to twist like a pretzel? Never fear. Practiced for more than 3,000 years, yoga can be great for meditation, weight loss, flexibility, strength and stamina. Check your concerns at the door, relax, remember to breathe and you'll be well on your way to your first down dog.

Use a Yoga Block

The yoga block is a useful tool not only for performing yoga poses, but many other exercises and gentle stretching as well. It can be used for people who aren't very flexible, have injuries or are in the mid to late stages of pregnancy. Yoga blocks aid in supporting the weight and aligning the body properly. Here's how to use a yoga block.

Make a Yoga Video

Even just a few years ago, making a yoga video meant hiring an expensive production team to film, edit and produce the video. With the ubiquity of laptop cameras and cameras that shoot in high-definition, you have the option to make your own video cheaply and with little outside help. If you have a tripod, video-editing software and a DVD burner, you can even complete the process yourself.

Do a Rabbit Pose in Yoga

The rabbit, or the sasangasana, is an inverted yoga pose that provides excellent traction on your back, shoulders and upper extremities. As you turn your body in an inward position, your back will have a good stretch followed by elongation of your spine. With the spine properly lengthened, the circulation of your blood will improve, allowing your nervous system to receive its proper nutrition.The placement of your upper torso helps relieve pressure from your back and shoulders all the way up to your neck and head. It also balances your hormones, stimulates your thyroid gland and improves your immune capacity. For people suffering from sinusitis, colds or congestion, tonsillitis, laryngitis, upper airway allergies and glandular problems, this position is the best way to find relief.

Organize a Yoga Workshopas a Yoga Teacher

If you have been teaching yoga for at least a few years and are very comfortable doing all that it entails: safe choreography of the asanas (poses) and establishing a regular following of students, consider organizing a workshop.Be certain you are not teaching or presenting anything that you have just only recently learned or incorporated into your own practice. Present only ideas and ways of practicing that you have personally inhabited for years and for which you have the appropriate training to teach others safely.Presenting yoga workshops are a challenging way to engage your students and stimulate growth in your own teaching.

Do Yoga Nidra Meditation

Yoga Nidra meditation is a very powerful method of relaxation. The ultimate goal of the relaxation technique is to reach a state in which the mind is very deeply relaxed, yet still conscious. This goal is achieved by slowly scanning the body with the mind.

Teach a Beginner Yoga Class

A regular yoga practice has many benefits. It can enhance your flexibility and strength, improve balance and reduce muscular tension and stress. Unfortunately there are a lot of misconceptions about yoga. If you are a yoga teacher, potential students may tell you that they cannot do yoga because they are not flexible enough, they do not like to sit still, they are too old or a host of other concerns. Yoga can be done by anyone, at any fitness level, at any age. Offering a beginners yoga class can help members of your community, who may not have previously tried your class, to feel comfortable about coming. Labeling a class as a beginner class sounds more inviting and manageable for those new to yoga.

Establish Private Clients as a Yoga Teacher

Establish private clients by directly stating to people in your group yoga classes that you are available for private instruction. A certified yoga teacher in Los Angeles can charge in the range of $75 to $175 per hour, depending on the type of training and years of experience. Don't waste time--learn how to maximize your training and earn top dollar.

do Kriya Yoga Meditation

Kriya yoga meditation is designed to purge energy obstructions that can occur in both the body and mind. The Kriya yoga meditation includes a general life awareness and balance in addition to breathing and actual meditation that help you to gain control of your energy and bring calm. Obtain self-awareness by practicing Kriya yoga on a regular basis.

Set Rates as a Yoga Teacher

Setting rates as a yoga teacher is generally based on your level of training, certification and years of experience. Rates will vary depending on whether you are teaching a group class at the gym, at a high-end health club or in a yoga studio or are offering private instruction to one client.Some family gyms might offer as little as $12 per class to teach group classes, whereas a high-end health club may pay its yoga teachers $75 for a 75-minute class. Yoga studios generally offer a base rate and additional monies based on the number of students in the class.If you have a specialty, such as working with pregnant women or children, this will also affect your rates.

Fix a Slippery Yoga Mat

A yoga mat's main purpose is to provide you with a comfortable cushion on a floor. It also gives your feet and hands the necessary traction that you need to perform your exercises effectively. When not taken care of properly, your yoga mat can accumulate dust, dead insects and other particulate matter, and this can make the mat slippery. To avoid injuring yourself due to a slippery mat, follow these suggestions.

Clean a Lululemon Yoga Mat

When you are regularly practicing yoga, it is a good idea to clean your Lululemon mat after every practice. Cleaning your yoga mat regularly will help reduce bacterial buildup, which can cause skin infections. This is especially important if you are practicing hot yoga, or another yoga practice that results in a lot of sweating.

Practice Power Yoga at Home

Practicing power yoga in your own home is convenient but can be challenging and even dangerous without the proper preparations and knowledge. Following these few simple steps will give you just the start you need.

Practice Mula Bandha in Yoga

In Sanskrit, mula means "root," and bandha translates as "lock" or "binding." The action of mula bandha is a lifting of the root muscles, or pelvic floor muscles. This exercise, called Kegels in the medical community, has many benefits. It can help prevent incontinence and strengthen the vaginal walls after childbirth. It may also help stabilize the spine and improve posture.

Mula bandha focuses on the muscles that form a sling in the pelvis from the pubis to the coccyx. These muscles support the upper part of the vagina, the uterus, the bladder, the rectum, and the prostrate. They also surround the sphincters of the urethra, vagina, and rectum, which can help protect against leakage.

Many yoga practitioners have heard the term mula bandha, but few yoga instructors provide detailed instruction on the technique. That is because mula bandha can be difficult to describe and at first, challenging (but rewarding) to achieve.

Prepare for Bikram Yoga

If you have already joined a Bikram yoga class, you know this type of yoga is practiced in a room that is heated to between 95 and 105 degrees. Because of this heat, there are a few precautions you must take and a few preparations you must make before attending class. Read on to learn how to prepare for Bikram yoga.

Breathe During Bikram Yoga

Yoga is often about breath, more than movement. Many new practitioners of Bikram and other types of yoga must learn how to properly breathe as their practice develops. Follow these steps to get it right.

Dress for Bikram Yoga

Bikram yoga requires proper dress for ease and comfort. If you show up in the wrong clothes, you will regret it for the duration of the 90-minute session.

Modify A Yoga Class For Pregnancy

According to the American College Of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) and the National Academy of Sports Medicine, whatever type of physical activity you were doing before pregnancy can be continued throughout pregnancy with fairly simple modifications as long as you are healthy. Pregnancy is not a time to "go for the burn." Rather, it's a time to keep your body limber, maintain your fitness level and calm your mind. If you've maintained a fairly regular yoga practice, there's no reason why you shouldn't continue during your pregnancy.

Break in a New Yoga Mat

When you buy a yoga mat, it comes with a sticky sheen on both sides. This coating helps the mat stick to the floor so you stay put while practicing yoga. However, the sheen can be slippery to those with bare feet and those wearing socks. The optimal condition for a mat is to maintain the sheen on the side that will face the floor and wear down the side you stand on.

Interview for a Job Teaching Yoga

Interviewing for a job teaching yoga will depend a lot on where you are interviewing. If it is at a family gym or a YMCA, the standards for certification to teach generally will not be very rigorous. Interviewing to teach yoga at a high-end health club or at a yoga studio will require more credentials, as these places generally have stiffer requirements for teachers. This is not surprising: the pay rate differs widely, too. Teaching at a family rate gym, a yoga teacher may be paid as little as $12 per class to start, while at a high-end health club, that rate may be $75 to $85 for an hour. Pay rates at yoga studios may be based on the number of students in the class and a base rate. Your certifications and years of experience teaching will also dictate how and where you interview.

Practice Yoga at Home

For whatever reason, you may decide to practice yoga at home instead of at a studio. With strong ties to meditation, yoga is perfectly suited for solo practice. Read on to learn how to practice yoga at home.

Practice Yoga at Work

After a few hours spent hunched over your office computer, your body may start to feel a bit tight and stiff. One way to relax and refresh your stationary muscles and joints is to do some yoga moves in the office. No mat or steamy yoga studio is required.

Lose Belly Fat Through Yoga

Yoga is a type of exercise originated in India thousands of years ago. Most people consider yoga a lifestyle and many become lifelong practitioners. For modern-day practitioners, the goal of practicing yoga is to achieve a physically fit body as well as a peacefully sound mind. Physical fitness is achieved through a series of yoga poses that strengthen and stretch muscles, and also burn fat. There are a number of poses that specifically target the belly area, reducing fat and increasing muscle.

Activate a Weight Loss Program

Many people want to shed unwanted pounds quickly. There are countless diets and exercise programs to choose from and implementing them can be close to impossible. There are many obstacles to overcome such as time restraints, expense of gyms or exercise equipment, and lack of preparation and knowledge about nutrition and exercising. The key to weight loss is burning more calories than you consume.

Build Muscles With Weight Loss

Lean muscle mass is the secret ingredient to losing weight. The reason is because muscles burn calories. One pound of muscle burns about 50 more calories per day than other types of tissue. According to Christian Finn, an expert in the exercise science field, it can be difficult to build muscle mass while also losing weight as both things have different demands. Building muscles generally involves consuming energy in the form of calories. Alternately, losing weight involves consuming less energy in the form of calories. It is possible to build muscle while also losing weight. However, the results are not likely to be equal; there may be more muscle gained than fat weight lost, or more fat weight lost than muscle gained.

Lose 10 Pounds in 3 Days with Great Weight Loss Plan

There are many quick diet that are available to you and if you want to lose 10 pounds in 3 days it is possible. Losing weight and keeping it off is the goal of many of us but it is not always so easy to do. It is important if you want to stay healthy and cut down on your chances of having major health conditions such as diabetes and heart disease you need to find a diet plan that fits your lifestyle and that will help you get the weight off.

Lose Weight in 10 Weeks

If you have excess body fat, you can improve your health and self-confidence by losing weight. In order to lose weight and keep it off, you must adopt lifestyle changes that you can stick to. The Mayo Clinic recommends losing weight at a rate of one to two pounds per week. With a little dedication, you can effectively lose 10 to 20 pounds in 10 weeks.

Lose Weight Fast With a Treadmill

You can lose weight fast using a treadmill if you also combine your cardiovascular exercise with eating a balanced, low-fat diet.
Use the treadmill to jumpstart your weight loss program by starting with an easy start of walking for 20 minutes the first day. Add hills and several short bouts of faster walking to boost your heartrate and weight loss.
See your doctor if you have any serious medical conditions before you begin a new exercise regimen.

Lose Weight Fast Before Surgery

You should aim to treat an impending surgery as a competitive athlete would treat a major event--prepare for it completely beforehand, and aim to come in on the big day at your "fighting weight." Keeping your body in optimal condition before the surgery can help to minimize risks along with improving your prognosis during the recovery period. While switching from your "normal" diet to a pre-surgery weight-loss diet won't be easy mentally, understand that it will afford you the best chance of coming out of the operation in one piece.

Lose One Pound A Day for A Month

Congratulations on putting yourself on the fast track to healthy weight loss. It is very possible to lose one pound a day for a month, with discipline and the right techniques.

Here's how to lose one pound a day for a month.

Wrap Your Body to Lose Weight

Body wraps are helpful in creating a more svelte look for a wedding, honeymoon, class reunion or other special event. With the help of an absorbing substance, such as sea clay, body wraps make the body sweat out toxins and water weight, resulting in a slimmer appearance, if temporarily. The wrap itself is usually made out of linen sheets, though bandages and even plastic are used in wrap treatments. While many spas offer body wrap treatments they are fairly easy to perform at home. Does this Spark an idea?

Become a Certified Yoga Instructor

If you've practiced yoga, you know the feelings of relaxation and joy that continue long after you've completed your final pose. Becoming a yoga instructor is a difficult but rewarding experience. Here's how you can begin your new career by earning your yoga instructor certification.