Use Fruit Smoothies for Weight Loss

Fruit smoothies are highly successful in promoting weight loss. Fruits and vegetables are high in the nutrients and antioxidants that can help to boost your immune system. A diet consisting of five pieces of fruit a day could help protect you from illnesses and infections . When using fruit smoothies to lose weight you should substitute your usual breakfast and lunch for smoothies which can be prepared at home. This weight loss plan should only be used for two to three weeks at a time. Always ensure you eat a healthy, nutritionally balanced evening meal.

Jump Start a Weight Loss at a Standstill

Weight loss plateaus tend to occur a few weeks into diet and exercise programs. When you reach a plateau, eating and exercising the same way no longer yields the same weight loss results. However, a few simple tweaks to your diet, exercise routine and motivation are often all it takes to jump start your weight loss again.

Design a Weight Loss Workout Plan

Getting in shape, for most people, involves losing weight and toning muscles. Lifestyle changes such as diet and exercise should be incorporated at the same time, since each facet of the plan relies on the other for an optimal chance of success. Designing your workout plan for weight loss allows you to customize your plan to your own individual taste, schedule and needs.

Use DHA and EPA to Lose Weight

Although many pills falsely claim to help you lose weight, some actually work to help shed stubborn body fat. The EPA and DHA found in fish oil are two fatty acids that significantly reduce body fat and increase muscle, according to a 2010 study conducted by the Department of Health Sciences of Gettysburg College. Furthermore, the study showed that after six weeks of supplemental EPA and DHA, participants had significantly lowered the amount of stress hormone in their blood. This stress hormone, known as cortisol, has been associated with difficulty losing weight.

Start an Office Weight Loss Club

In your goal to lose weight, it is always good to get the support of others. The best continual support you can get is from your coworkers to help your weight loss goals. But they have weight loss goals of their own, so how can you help them as well? Starting a weight loss club at the office will help everyone lose weight and feel great at the office. Follow these simple steps to start an office weight loss club.

Sell Weight Loss Products

With more than two thirds of Americans carrying around extra pounds, it's safe to say that most of us want to lose some weight--whether 10 or 100 lbs. The proof is in the multi-million dollar weight loss market. This battle with the bulge gives you the perfect opportunity to earn some tidy profits. Here's how to sell weight loss products.

Calculate Percentage of Weight Loss

It is motivating to watch the Biggest Loser while on a diet. But when I see a 400 pound guy lose 30 pounds in one week it can make me feel that my 5 pound weight loss is nothing in comparison---especially since 30 pounds is my total weight loss goal. That's why on the Biggest Loser, they calculate the contestants' weight loss percentage and compare contestants by percentage lost, not pounds lost. By following the steps below, you too can calculate your weight loss percentage and see if you are the Biggest Loser.

Organize a Weight Loss Competition

Sometimes it takes a little push to lose weight. By developing a weight loss competition, you can help give others that extra incentive to exercise and eat better. If you organize the competition with teams, it will also serve as a support group. Members will gain additional motivation to lose weight by aiming for the prize. They will also have team members who will encourage healthy eating and exercise. Even the losing teams come out as winners because they will be on the road to healthier living.

Get Paid for a Weight Loss Success Story

Losing weight is a huge achievement. It involves a large amount of motivation and perseverance, and depending on how much you lose, it can take years. It's also a very inspiring achievement. People enjoy reading real-life stories about how other people managed to lose weight, what foods they ate, what exercise they did. There is a large segment of the weight-loss market dedicated to printing inspiring weight loss stories, so if your story is good you can profit from your achievement easily.

Create a Meal Plan to Lose Weight

You've decided you want to lose weight and get healthy. But it seems like you're always running out of time and grabbing something on the go, something like a big, greasy hamburger. A little meal planning can help you avoid these diet pitfalls.

Buy Phentermine Weight Loss Pills

Phentermine is the generic form of the weight loss drug Adipex and is only available with a prescription. Prior to an amendment of the Controlled Substances Act passed in January 2008, consumers could purchase phentermine and other prescription drugs on the Internet. It is now illegal to market phentermine online and the majority of the companies claiming to do so are scams. The FBI urges consumers to avoid purchasing prescription-only medications over the Internet, as there is no sure way to tell what substances those medications actually contain--especially if they are imported from a foreign country. It is possible to buy phentermine, but you must first procure a prescription for the drug. This is sometimes difficult to accomplish.

Use Acupressure for Weight Loss

Using acupressure for weight loss is easy. Releasing certain pressure points will aid in your quest for weight loss. Incorporate acupressure into your diet and lifestyle changes for rapid success! Does this Spark an idea?

Lose Weight by Adding Chia Seeds to Your Diet

Chia seeds are a type of sage plant called salvia hispanica. According to "Self" magazine, a 1-oz. serving has 137 calories, no cholesterol or trans fat, 4 g of protein and 11 g of fiber -- 42 percent of your recommended daily fiber intake. The magazine also notes chia seeds are low in sodium and high in phosphorus and calcium. The seeds improve digestion and help you stay hydrated. Because of their high protein and fiber content, they also provide a feeling of fullness.

Choose the Best Antidepressant for Weight Loss

Since weight gain can be a symptom of depression, many people want to choose the best antidepressant for weight loss. With the abundance of antidepressants available it can be difficult to choose the best antidepressant for weight loss. There are a few antidepressants that are known for helping people burn extra calories and helping people increase metabolism. If you are struggling with depression and weight gain, it's best to talk with a doctor who can prescribe an antidepressant medication that will help relieve anxiety and help with weight loss. To find the best antidepressant for weight loss, follow the tips below.

Calculate a Fair Weight Loss Competition

Weight-loss competitions can be a fun and healthy way to achieve weight-loss goals with co-workers, friends, or family. If you are taking part in a weight-loss competition, it is important to calculate the weight loss fairly to determine who the winner is. Calculating a weight-loss competition fairly can be achieved by following a few steps.

Lose Weight With Sauna Suits

Sauna suits are most often used by wrestlers or other athletes who have to hit a certain weight prior to a competition. However, more and more people are using sauna suits as a quick way to drop a few pounds.

Sauna suits are usually made from plastic, nylon, or a type of rubberized vinyl. They aim to trap heat in toward the body, causing the core temperature to rise, and the body to sweat out excess water, thereby losing weight.

Use Apple Cider Vinegar for Weight Loss

Apple cider vinegar has been touted for thousands of years as a folk remedy for weight loss with no known side effects. It is made from a double fermentation process of apples. It is unknown exactly how apple cider vinegar aids in weight loss, but it is thought that it helps someone feel "full" earlier when eating and prevents a rise in blood sugar.

Lose Weight by Swimming

Contrary to popular belief, swimming is not generally considered an ideal way to lose weight. Unless you are an expert, the movements and strokes are usually less efficient than land-based aerobics. On the plus side, swimming makes an excellent aerobic conditioner, and it has less impact on the body than running or other aerobics. Experts disagree on how effective swimming is as a form of weight loss, but you can make it more effective by maintaining proper form and increasing your lap speed.

Figure Percentage of Weight Loss

Have you been watching The Biggest Loser on NBC and wondered how they figure the percentage of weight loss so you could keep track of your own weight loss in a similar way? Here's the super easy formula.

Lose Weight Fast by Drinking Water

If you are looking to lose weight quickly by drinking water, there are tips available to help you do it properly and effectively. Consistent water intake is critical in weight loss because a high volume of water present in your cells allows them to push out fat and toxins stored within them. Learn what kind of water is best to help you lose weight and what kind of diet you should have to support your goals. It's not difficult, but it does require resolution on your part to do it.

Drink Green Tea to Lose Weight

Knowing how to drink green tea to lose weight will help you reach your goals quickly. Green tea has natural properties that help increase metabolism so that you will burn more fat and calories and lose weight quickly. Green tea will also suppress your appetite and help you feel full so that you eat less.

Workout to Lose Weight

There are many things that you can do to lose weight. Not all weight loss ideas are healthy. To lose weight in a healthy way, you need to eat small healthy meals every 2 to 3 hours. You also need to workout so that your body burns the calories that it takes in. The equation to lose weight is quite simple. Burn more calories then you consume during the course of a day. If it is so easy, why do more people lose weight? One of the hardest things for most people is to workout on a regular basis. They can change their eating habits to see weight loss, but in the end, they do not see the results that they would like without including a workout plan along with their diet. This is an easy workout plan to include in your weight loss plan. It is set up for anyone to do.

Help Your Dachshund Lose Weight

The dachshund is a small dog with a long back. When your dachshund is overweight, they may begin to suffer from back problems. Additional weight adds pressure on their spinal cord and their back may begin to droop. Always speak with your veterinarian before starting your dog on a new diet. Helping your dachshund to lose weight takes determination, but once you have established a healthy routine for your dog, the weight should begin to fall off.

Accomplish Weight Loss for Teenage Girls

As a teenager, it's important to stay healthy and maintain a weight that is right for your body as you develop into an adult. A few extra pounds leads to various health conditions as you age, such as diabetes, sleep apnea and pregnancy complications, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Unfortunately, many teens turn to unrealistic diets that promise weight loss in an unhealthy way. To accomplish weight loss, you need to establish a lifestyle change, among other things.

Use Free Weights to Lose Weight

Although aerobic activities like running and cycling burn more calories than weightlifting, it is entirely possible to use free weights to lose weight. Using free weights several times a week will build muscle, which will in turn speed up your metabolism (because muscle tissue burns more calories than fat tissue). Diet and aerobic exercise will still play an important part in your weight loss program, but building muscles with free weights will help you lose weight more quickly and keep it off long-term.

Keep Skin Tight During Weight Loss

Losing weight is such an amazing accomplishment. But, it can be disheartening to watch your once taut skin become loose and saggy. The reason people suffer from loose skin after weight loss is due to the collagen being broken down in the skin. There is no way to determine whether or not someone will have loose skin after weight loss. It tends to be more of a factor for someone losing a lot of weight and losing it rapidly. A lot of it also simply depends on genetics and age. There are several things that can be done to prevent loose skin and keep skin taut during weight loss.

Setup a Team Weight Loss Based on Percentage

Weight loss competitions are a good way to motivate people to lose weight. However, going strictly by pounds lost is not fair to all participants. For instance, a 350-pound individual would need to lose more than a 130-pound individual. There would be no way for the lighter person to compete against such participants, since losing comparable weight would be impractical and dangerous. Therefore, measuring the percent lost equalizes the weight differences. Forming competing teams offers support and encouragement from team members, while maintaining the competitive motivation between teams.

Speed Up Your Weight Loss Naturally with 7 Simple Tips

Do you want to speed up your weight loss naturally? Do you want to speed up your weight loss without a fad diet or nutritional supplement? Do you want to speed up your weight loss Now? Follow these 7 simple tips and you will speed up and increase your weight loss.

Measure Inches for Weight Loss

According to Real Women's Fitness, stepping on a scale may not be the best way to track weight loss. When most people start a diet and exercise plan, they are hoping to get slimmer and smaller, not specifically lose pounds, per say. When you start a rigorous exercise plan, you may lose fat, but gain muscle, which has more mass and can actually make you heavier. Measuring the inches that you have shed, rather than the pounds you have lost, will give you a more accurate gauge of your progress.

Rebuild Muscle After Weight Loss

Dramatic weight loss, whether intentional or due to an illness, results in your body burning both fat and muscle, leaving you weakened. According to the American Council on Exercise (ACE), you must approach rebuilding muscle mass after weight loss carefully to ensure that you do not injure yourself in the process. By modifying your diet and participating in regular light exercise, you can rebuild your muscles over time.

Use Flaxseed Oil for Weight Loss

Everybody seems to have a secret for losing weight. The truth is, in order to achieve and maintain a significant weight loss, you need to burn more calories than you consume. Flaxseed products may be able to help you. The oil is a powerful antioxidant that can help boost your metabolism. Whole or ground flaxseed provides you with dietary fiber that makes you feel fuller and omega-3 fatty acids that can possibly curb cravings for sweets.

Lose Weight Fast - The Healthy Way

Most folks feel that losing weight is a daunting task and they are unsure of the best way to lose weight. If you need to lose weight fast, all you have to do is keep putting one foot in front of the other and dive into the weight loss process. Within a week or two you'll start feeling better and you will lose fat quickly. Here's the quickest way to lose weight fast - the healthy way: Add this to my Recipe Box.

Lose Weight If You Dislike Vegetables

It is no secret that vegetables aid in weight loss because of their high levels of nutrients, fiber and tendency to contain very few calories. But for some, eating vegetables is not easy. Toward that end, there are many healthy fruits and legumes you can substitute for vegetables, which contain the same nutritional benefits. For example, by eating strawberries instead of spinach you will still be consuming the adequate amount of calcium, fiber and a low level of calories as contained in a leafy green vegetable. There are several examples of fruit substitutes for vegetables.

Start a Weight Loss Center

Owning a weight loss center can provide you with the opportunity for self-employment while at the same time providing a valuable service to your community. Before opening a weight loss center, you should understand the steps involved.

Use Exercise Equipment for Weight Loss

Using exercise equipment is one of the most effective means of weight loss, whether you do it at home or at a gym. Combine healthy eating habits with consistent exercise, and it's possible to give yourself the body you've always dreamed of.

Eat Chocolate to Lose Weight

Chocolate is as good for your body as it is delicious for your palate. The pleasure properties of chocolate have never been a secret. Not only is it tasty but we have come to discover connections between chocolate and mood as well as chocolate and cholesterol. Alas, if it could only be a weight loss aid. Wait! It is! It has been found that the very link between chocolate and cholesterol has a positive affect on reducing body fat around the midsection. In this article you will learn a little about how this works and how to make it work for you.

Use Chromium Picolinate for Weight Loss

Chromium picolinate has been touted as a breakthrough in glucose and fat metabolism, weight loss and management of high blood pressure and cholesterol. When chromium, a basic nutrient, is combined with picolinic acid, chromium picolinate is created. Chromium picolinate reduces sugar and carbohydrate cravings. It also suppresses the appetite, which is how it can help lead to weight loss.

Use Skateboarding for Weight Loss

The term "weight loss" can inspire fear in some people. Visions of boring, tiresome treadmills and sweatpants might flash into some minds. Consider instead having fun, learning a new skill and losing weight all at the same time. If practiced correctly, skateboarding can lead to weight loss and improved cardiovascular health. You don't even have to do any special tricks to get a good workout from skateboarding. Try using your skateboard as a mode of transportation; just a few hours of skateboarding a week can help you shed pounds.

Lose Weight Naturally

There are many fad diets out there, but the hard truth is there is no magic. To lose weight naturally, make a few small changes to your lifestyle. This can save you the expense of fads, while giving you the benefit of making a lasting life change. Although the steps are relatively simple, completing them is challenging and requires effort on your part.

Stop Weight Loss While HIV Positive

When weight loss occurs in an HIV-positive person, you must take care to ensure it does not develop into HIV wasting syndrome. Wasting syndrome can result in significant loss of weight and muscle mass in a short period of time, making the infected individual much weaker and unable to fight off potential infections. While weight loss associated with HIV infection can be difficult to stop, it is possible and can even be reversed if recognized and treated.

Open a Weight Loss Business Online

The weight loss industry is without question one of the largest and most lucrative industries in the world. The rising level of obesity on a global scale guarantees a constant supply of potential clients and customers. Traditional business models such as gyms have given way to Internet-based businesses that rely on affiliate commissions to sell a wide range of products from fitness guides to supplements. The online weight loss industry is highly competitive, but also very profitable if approached correctly.

Make Weight Loss Body Wrap

You have heard it time and again: the best way to lose weight and keep it off is by decreasing the amount of food you eat and increasing your exercise. However, if you need a quick weight loss solution that will at least temporarily take off a few pounds and inches, then you might want to try a body wrap. You could spend $100 or more for a weight loss body wrap at a spa, but you do not have to. Instead, you can make your own at home.

Make Money With Weight Loss

With about two-thirds of the nation overweight, weight loss remains an American pastime. New diet products appear on store shelves and online marketplaces every year, making tens of billions of dollars for weight-loss companies. Use the Internet to help others in the battle against obesity and make money in the process. Affiliate programs allow you to make money advertising other people's weight-loss products.

Use Green Tea for Weight Loss

Studies have shown that drinking green tea or adding green tea extract to your diet can promote more weight loss than can exercise and attention to your calories alone The catechins in green tea not only promote weight loss, but also serve as antioxidants, helping to maintain your overall health. Though drinking green tea isn't a magical recipe for weight loss and good health, it can help support your overall exercise and weight loss plan.

Eat Rice for Weight Loss

While rice alone won't cause weight loss, the type of rice you eat determines how your body uses it for energy. Whole-grain rice is a complex carbohydrate that satiates you more than white rice, as your body takes longer to digest whole-grain rice and creates a feeling of fullness. White rice is a refined carbohydrate, which your body burns off quickly and uses for energy. When buying rice, check the ingredients listing, as many products that contain brown rice may not be healthy if they contain bleached flour.

Lose Weight With Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne pepper is actually the best natural herb for weight loss. Many people would argue that Green tea is, however cayenne pepper aids in speeding up your metabolism much faster. When you take cayenne on a regular daily basis you can increase your metabolism some say as much as 25%. Many people have no clue that the benefits of cayenne pepper can actually aid in weight loss. Now, don't get me wrong - Yes, you will still have to maintain a healthy diet and exercise, but cayenne pepper will help - a lot.

Avoid Loose Skin During Weight Loss

Some people may be reluctant to lose weight because of worry regarding loose skin after weight loss. You may have heard stories of people who have undergone tremendous strides to lose weight only to gain an abundance of unattractive loose skin. If the prospect of having loose skin is preventing you from losing weight, stop your worries, because according to certified personal trainer Tom Venuto and certified fitness instructor Karen Sessions, if managed properly, you can lessen the potential of creating loose skin.

Lose Weight Like Tyra Banks

Tyra Banks's has lost a lot of weight fast within a six month timeframe. She doesn't believe in diets and said she didn't lose the weight with starving herself. Tyra Banks has lost 30 pounds by eating more healthy and exercising more often. Some of the foods Tyra has been eating includes: fruits, vegetables and more protein which speed up your metabolism and keep you less hungry. Tyra had decided to let everyone in on how she lost the weight with a plan called "Get Your Shape In Shape". To learn how to lose weight like Tyra Banks did and get your shape in shape, read the article below:

Understand Oolong Tea and Weight Loss

Oolong tea and weight loss are two things that seem to go hand in hand, especially lately. It seems that people are realizing that when it comes to tea, green tea isn't the only one that has weight loss benefits. So does oolong, black tea, even white tea.

Coincidence? Not quite. All of these teas originate from the same plant: Camillia Sinensis. Green tea, for example, is picked and dried, whereas oolong tea is oxidized and then dried, which is why it's darker.

Let's explore the weight-loss benefits of oolong tea. And, in case you're wondering what the tea truly is... it is what they typically serve with your meal in Chinese restaurants throughout the US. Add this to my Recipe Box.

Pass a Plateau in Weight Loss

Your first thought when the number on your scale becomes static is, "Where did I go wrong?" You are faithful to your diet, rarely cheat and never skip an exercise session, but your weight loss has come to a halt. Do not blame yourself; this is normal for many dieters. You have reached a weight-loss plateau, the point at which your body experiences a reduction in its energy requirements.

Shrink Your Skin After Weight Loss

Weight loss is often a boost to your confidence, but loose skin can be a troubling result. Age, genetics and how rapidly the weight was lost can have an affect on how loose your skin will be after weight loss. In general, younger people have more elasticity and collagen in their skin, which makes it bounce back more quickly. When weight is lost rapidly, there is more of a chance of having loose skin, since the skin does not have time to adapt. The best way to shrink your skin after weight loss is to be patient and nurture your skin from the inside out.

Firm Facial Muscles After Weight Loss

Loose skin and drooping is common after people lose weight, and many seek to firm facial muscles. If you have lost a lot of weight, have dry skin or are older, you will more than likely have a problem with loose skin after losing weight. Having loose skin does not affect health, but it can be perceived as unattractive and cause self-esteem issues. Luckily, there are exercises that help firm facial muscles after weight loss. Performing a series of facial exercises and stretches will help you tone your facial muscles.

Take Coconut Oil for Weight Loss

A recent study in "Clinical Biochemistry" indicated that coconut oil may help increase your metabolism and help you burn calories and fat faster. Taking virgin coconut oil regularly (regular coconut oil contains hydrogenated fats, which are bad for you), and eating a balanced diet and exercising regularly can help you lose weight. It is also believed that taking virgin coconut oil regularly will ward off food cravings, which can be detrimental to a diet.

Use a Weight Loss Journal

Weight loss journals are a helpful aide for anyone trying slim down. Not only do weight loss journals keep you honest, they help articulate why you can’t lose weight. If you use a journal properly, it can help speed up your journey towards a smaller body. Here’s how to use a weight loss journal.

Use Sassy Water to Lose Weight

Sassy water is named for its creator Cynthia Sass and is usually connected with the flat belly diet. However, the name sassy water works for more than one reason. This is more than just water. Anyone who has ever sought weight loss help knows the old maxim of drinking 8 glasses of water. Sassy water gives that task some zing, calms your gastro-intestinal tract, and makes it easy to tell if you have finished your goal for the day.

Compare Weight Loss Between Men & Women

A good way to compare weight loss results between men and women is to calculate the percentage of weight lost and compare those results. This will also account for the fact that men tend to weigh more than women as well as the fact that men tend to lose weight faster. Women naturally have a higher percent of body fat than men, making it harder for them to lose weight. These facts are taken into account in reality shows such as The Biggest Loser to make it fair between the contestants.

Take Metformin Weight Loss

If you are diabetic or are at high risk of diabetes, you can use prescription metformin weight loss. Metformin is a popular prescription drug used in the treatment of diabetes that often results in weight loss as well. Consult with your doctor before using prescription metformin weight loss or diabetes.

Apply for Grants for Weight Loss Programs

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) is the primary Federal agency for conducting and supporting medical research. Their main purpose is to provide leadership and financial support to programs that improve health and help save lives.

Periodically, the NIH will offer grants to programs that support the agency's mission. Weight loss programs would fall under this category. The agency will offer several types of grants. Once you find the appropriate grant, you can apply for the grant online.

Lose Weight with White Tea

Green Tea has been in the news for a while now, because of its dieting and weight loss benefits, but Green Tea may soon take a back seat to White Tea. Can drinking White Tea really help you lose weight? Recent scientific research suggests that drinking White Tea not only can help you lose weight- you can lose fat! This article will show how to effectively use White Tea for weight loss and fat loss. Add this to my Recipe Box.

Take Topamax for Weight Loss

Topamax is the brand name for the oral drug topiramate, an anticonvulsant medicine used in the treatment of epilepsy. It is also commonly prescribed to prevent migraine headaches in adults. A common side effect of taking Topamax is weight loss, induced by the drug's tendency to suppress the appetite. According to Bruce Goldfarb in the January 2005 edition of the American Diabetes Association's journal Doc News, clinical studies show that nearly three-quarters of the drug's users experienced weight loss, anywhere from 4 to 16 percent of their starting weight. There are, however, a number of adverse side effects associated with Topamax, including memory problems, insomnia, anxiety, dizziness, fatigue, tingling sensations and taste distortion, all of which must be carefully considered before choosing this drug as a weight loss aid. If you are still interested in trying Topamax, and all other methods of losing weight have not worked for you, then here's what to do.

Break a Weight Loss Plateau

Have you hit the dreaded weight loss plateau?

Are you frustrated because the weight loss has just stopped?

Here are 4 simple ways to break through a weight loss plateau.

Drink Acai Juice For Weight Loss

Knowing how to drink acai juice for weight loss will keep you thin and healthy. Acai berries are very high in antioxidants and are an excellent drink for weight loss. Their natural properties keep you fit and healthy. The acai berry juice will fill you up, boost your energy and help you lose weight.

Lose Weight with Coffee

Did you know that your morning cup of coffee can actually be a weight loss aid? The caffeine in coffee gives your metabolism a boost and can make you more likely to have the energy to partake in calorie burning activities. Caffeine is also a moderate appetite suppressant, and can help curb cravings. If used correctly, coffee can be part of a healthy weight loss program; keep reading to learn how to make it work.

Set Up Team Weight Loss

If you're trying to lose weight, you've no doubt been told over and over again to find a weight loss partner to help you stick with it. But if you work great in bigger groups, or if you have a competitive bent, you may want to try forming your own weight loss team. Weight loss teams can provide support and encouragement, as well as a social outlet. Learn how to start your own weight loss team and start shedding pounds together.

Make Spiced Weight Loss Tea

You have probably heard of sassy water - the flavored water that is supposed to help you lose weight. On cold days, a hot cup of tea is what you crave. Why not indulge in a cup of spicy tea that can help you win the battle against belly fat. This tea uses several ingredients that are known to promote weight loss. Cinnamon helps to control insulin levels, and prevent spikes that can trigger the body to start storing fat. Oranges, and other citrus fruits, are useful in flushing fats from the body. Green tea is believed to help with weight loss. This weight loss tea is so good, you'll love it hot or cold, all year long. Add this to my Recipe Box.

Have a Weight Loss Contest

Beginning and then committing to a weight loss program can be a real challenge. Hosting a weight loss contest with friends, family or co-workers is a fun way to bring together people and create a positive, motivating environment for your weight loss endeavors. Not only does the contest create a support group for individuals seeking motivation, it helps you track your progress throughout the duration of the contest.

Lose Stomach Weight Fast

Maybe you just had a baby or you've been trying to lose stomach weight for years. Whatever the case, it takes will power and determination to lose weight fast, especially in the stomach area. Here's how to lose stomach weight fast:

Set a Weekly Weight Loss Goal

Many people are anxious to lose weight as quickly as possible, for obvious reasons. This article discusses the steps to determining a safe, effective, and realistic weight loss goal for each week.

Stick to a Weight Loss Plan

Maintaining a weight loss plan takes strategy, discipline, and continuous motivation. This is especially true when your goal seems distant. When your enthusiasm begins to wane, try one of these tips and psychological tricks to keep yourself on track. These suggestions are effective because they break up the monotony of routine, keep you focused, and help you to celebrate the smaller victories on the way to your ultimate destination. Treat yourself well and you will feel better about yourself. When you feel better about yourself, you will want to look your best and do more to safeguard your health.

Make a Weight-Loss Scrapbook

If you have lost weight and you love to scrapbook, keeping track of your progress along the way through a weight-loss scrapbook is a fine way to share your success with your family and friends. Make sure to take lots of pictures of both before weight loss and after weight loss.

Stimulate Weight Loss

Stimulating weight loss can be accomplished by combining a healthy diet with a couple weekly sessions of high intensity interval training. Results won't come overnight but with consistency and patience, you can accomplish your weight loss goals.

Measure for Weight Loss

Measuring weight loss is simple. It requires only a few tools and little time. Checking measurements every two weeks is a good way to start. Good places to check are your waist, thighs, neck and hips. When measuring these areas, wear snug clothing, or none at all, to get the most accurate measurements.

Make a Weight Loss Plan

Before deciding to lose weight, it is helpful to have a plan to keep track of your weight loss efforts and use as a reference when necessary. When you plan a weight loss program, you are probably much more likely to be successful in your efforts. Here is how to make a weight loss plan.

Calculate Percent of Weight Loss

The number of pounds you lose is important in determining the effectiveness of you exercise or diet program. The best number for determining effectiveness, however, is the weight loss percentage. The weight loss percentage is more important because it's much easier for a heavier person to lose a large number of pounds than in is for a lighter person. You can calculate your weight loss percentage yourself, with either a paper and pen or a calculator.

Lose Weight

Figuring out how to lose weight is a challenge for many of us, particularly considering that the quickest path to weight loss is different for everyone. Of course, the common denominator is always proper diet and exercise, which not only aid in weight loss, but also keep a body healthy. Of course you've heard this before - the challenge is to follow through. Others have lost weight by following these simple guidelines, and so can you.

Calculate Weight Loss Percentage

Many doctors recommend that people who are overweight could greatly improve their health by losing just 10 percent of their body weight, but how do you know the percentage of weight you have lost?

Optimize Weight Loss

After you've followed an exercise routine for a month or so, you might face a plateau where fitness gains or weight loss become harder to achieve. The last thing you need is to stop seeing results, and you certainly shouldn't give up if you've made it this far. Don't fret; you can optimize your weight loss by changing a few things in your regimen beginning today.

Maintain Weight Loss

You have lost the weight, but the battle is far from over. Maintaining your new weight loss and lifestyle will take just as much work, if not more, than when you set out to shed those unwanted pounds. Find out here what it takes to keep your new figure successfully.

Evaluate Weight Loss Websites

There are dozens of websites that promise to help you lose weight in exchange for your dollars. How can you evaluate a site's plan to see if it's the right one for you? Follow a few tips when searching online weight loss sites.

Decorate a Gym for a Wedding

Having a wedding reception in a gym can provide a large enough space for large weddings, be a good use of space and be cost effective as well. With a little creativity and some supplies, you can transform the gym into a beautiful wedding reception venue. Most wedding reception venues start out as drab rooms and are only transformed into beautiful rooms when the decorations, table settings, flowers, and linens are in place. If you're planning a gym reception, learn ways to transform your gym into a stunning wedding celebration that rivals the finest hotel party rooms.

Decorate a Wedding Hall

Whether you are getting married, helping someone else who is getting married, or you are a paid decorator, you will want the wedding hall to look beautiful. It should reflect the special day in a way that will make the bride, groom and the guests feel like they are a part of something special.

Decorate for a Garden Wedding

Exchanging vows in a peaceful garden, surrounded by natural beauty is what many couples dream of. Decorating for a garden wedding can be a pleasant undertaking, with plenty of room for creativity. While much of the decoration has already been done for you by nature, with a few finishing touches to complement the setting, a little mood lighting for evening and some well-placed floral accents, your garden wedding will be an event to remember.

Make a Sash for a Wedding Dress

A sash added to a wedding dress adds a splash of color and makes the dress more personal. Buying the sash in the store is sometimes costly, especially when ordering a custom-made sash. Making the sash yourself is a relatively simple project, but it can add to the wedding dress and make the dress more beautiful. Before starting the project, it is important to determine the preferred style of wedding sash. There are several options, such as a short sash or a sash that trails to the ground or even trails behind the dress, which will alter the necessary amount of fabric. Does this Spark an idea?

Set Up a Bar for a Wedding

According to The Knot, up to 50 percent of your wedding budget goes toward the reception, which includes the cost of food and drink. To cut down on the cost of drinks, couples can seek out a venue that allows them to set up their own bar. Buying beer, wine and liquor wholesale and setting up the bar yourself can cut down on expenses. Plus, you can usually return any unopened bottles, meaning your money won't go to waste.

Select a Wedding Gown

Selecting a wedding gown is one of the bride's biggest decisions, second only to the man she has chosen to stand beside her at the altar. Selecting a wedding gown does not have to be difficult. By getting organized, your decision to select a wedding gown will be fun and memorable. Does this Spark an idea?

Write a Maid of Honor Wedding Speech

A maid of honor's speech typically happens during the reception, and is offered as both a blessing for the new couple and a testament to the maid of honor's love and friendship. The aim of this article is to explore the rules and most common tips for writing a maid of honor speech, helping you create your own heart-warming and memorable speech.

Ask for Money As Wedding Shower Gifts

According to etiquette rules, directly asking for any type of gift for a shower is inappropriate. Registries do make things easier for couples because their loved ones can casually mention where the couple is registered. However, many couples prefer money to other types of gifts. Thankfully, sharing this preference with guests is one of the easiest parts of wedding or shower planning.

Start a Wedding Planner Agency

A wedding planner is someone who works as a consultant to the bride and plans all aspects of the wedding and reception. There are no regulations or licensing requirements to become a wedding planner, other than a municipal business license as your city or state requires. In order to succeed as a wedding planner, you must be knowledgeable, professional and have contacts within the field.

Run a Home-Based Wedding Decorating Business

When you work as a wedding planner or decorator, you complete much of your work independently; your schedule varies, you travel often and you may not have many employees, if you have any at all. For this reason, establishing a home office can be a way to save money and prevent hassles. Still, working from home is not without its own inconveniences and expenses, so consider what it will require of you and your family before making any decisions.

Study to Be a Wedding Planner

There is no consensus from wedding planners on how to learn the industry. Some believe the only way is to pursue a pricey course of study focused exclusively on wedding planning. Others advocate real world study and hands-on practice to achieve success, and they have plenty of clients to verify the quality of their services. Thus, simply follow your instincts and chart your own course.

make that first wedding anniversary special

The first-year wedding anniversary is a milestone that should be celebrated in a special way. Even though what makes an anniversary special is completely subjective, you can do a few things to make that day feel extra special. A set of ideas that would make the first anniversary special could point you in the right direction or spark a few ideas of your own.

Fill Out Wedding Reply Card Envelopes

When sending out wedding invitations, it is a good idea to include reply cards or RSVP cards inside of already addressed and stamped envelopes. Knowing exactly how many people are to attend your wedding reception is crucial in wedding planning. The caterers must know how many heads to prepare for, and the vendors must know how many tables and seats to set up. Self addressed reply cards ensure that you have made it as easy as possible for your guests to reply with their acceptance or regrets.

Choose a Wedding Guest Book Attendant

The wedding day is fast approaching and there are a million decisions to be made. It seems as if they will never be finished. But just because they are the smaller details doesn't mean you should just gloss over them. Here are a few tips on how to choose your wedding guest book attendant.

Make Wedding Tiaras

Brides often use their wedding day as an opportunity to show off their individual style and sense of drama. A dramatic statement can be all about the details used. One of the very best ways to demonstrate your personal sense of fashion is with a tiara. A tiara complements any style of dress and helps even the shortest bride add height to her look. A tiara can be purchased or home made. Making a tiara at home is quite easy if you follow a few simple steps. Does this Spark an idea?

Handle a Drunk Wedding Guest

It would be nice if the out-of-control drunk wedding guest was only a cliché. Sometimes an open bar is too much temptation and a guest overdoes it at a wedding. But with some quick thinking, and a lot of discretion, the happy couple's special day can be saved.

Make a Large Wedding Altar Flower Arrangement

When it comes to weddings, the altar flower arrangement is one of the key decorations. The flower colors and overall display can add beauty and provide an elegant centerpiece for the ceremony. Since many weddings are already expensive enough, many people wish to save money by creating their own altar flower arrangement. Following seven steps should help most people create a large and attractive arrangement without spending a fortune in the process.

Walk in a Wedding Dress

With a little practice - and the right shoes - you can glide down the aisle with grace and elegance. Does this Spark an idea?

Look Good in Wedding Photos

Your wedding is one of the most important days of your life. Looking good is crucial. People will look at these photos over and over for years to come. So here is how to make the most of looking good in your wedding photos.

Plan a Wedding at SeaWorld

For those seeking a unique backdrop for their wedding or reception, Sea World Orlando provides scenic surroundings with exotic and exciting exhibits that feature an array of marine life. The Worlds of Discovery parks of Sea World include a variety of venues that suit groups both large and small. Although Sea World frequently caters to smaller private parties and corporate groups, specific requests for on-site weddings and events can always be discussed by contacting the group sales and events department.

Decorate Bird Cages for a Wedding

Adding special touches to wedding decor often involves incorporating personal style, specific themes and preferences. Whether your wedding theme embodies a whimsical, enchanted forest or pays homage to your favorite exotic birds, they can be taken and used throughout wedding events. Bird cages can be found at craft shops, vintage boutiques and antique stores. Their shape and size make for versatile decor that will help your wedding stand out. Bird cages can even serve as party favors for a wedding your guests are sure to remember.

Use Weight Loss Pills

Weight loss pills are a product that many people shy away from because they don't know how they work and think they are just a gimmick. Well, the fact is weight loss pills can work, and can be an integral part of your weight loss plan and turn your diet, into a fast diet.

Have a Traditional German Wedding

Weddings are unique events because they not only reflect a country's long-held traditions, but also its sense of play. If you're having a German wedding, you'll find a variety of both. While the bride might carry salt instead of flowers and the celebration may last three days instead of three hours, traditional German weddings aren't that different from ones in America.

Make Wedding Reception Menu Cards

Having menu cards during your wedding reception is one of the few details commonly overlooked, according to Wedding DNA. Having menu cards custom-printed can be expensive and time consuming, but according to The Knot, it doesn't have to be, especially if you make your own. Many wedding planners who post information on the The Knot agree printing menu cards for every one of your guests can add to the detail and look of your overall reception.

Decorate Wedding Tent Ceilings

Outdoor weddings are popular, particularly in the spring and fall. They can help combine a beautiful garden wedding with a formal sit down dinner or cocktail dance. Most outdoor weddings provide shelter for guests through tents. Unfortunately, these somewhat limiting structures can often be difficult to decorate in order to maintain a glamorous theme.

Make Floral Wedding Cake Toppers & Bouquets

A woman's wedding day is the most important day of her life. You want everything to be perfect but the perfect wedding can be expensive, thus you may choose to do several things yourself. Making your own wedding floral bouquets can save you tons of money as will making your own floral cake topper. Both of these are easy to make and can turn out to be a lot of fun. Does this Spark an idea?

Install a Bustle in a Wedding Gown

While no longer part of mainstream fashion, a bustle can be a necessary---and very fashionable---addition to a wedding gown. The bustle creates the loops, hooks or ribbons in the gown to allow the train to be pinned up during the reception. Most gowns are not sold with the bustle already in them, because the bustle must be added to suit the bride. This means that a bride who would like to keep the train up after the wedding will need to have the bustle installed. Fortunately, this is not as difficult as it might sound. Adding a bustle to a wedding gown requires only a few measurements, some sewing knowledge and a little time. Does this Spark an idea?

Tactfully Request Money as Wedding Gift

Anyone with a sense of etiquette knows you should never mention money or gifts on a wedding invitation or any materials sent to guests. It is just plain tacky. So, if you have all the material things you need and would love some cold hard cash, how do you ask politely? Here is how to tactfully request money as gifts from your guests without making a major social faux pas.

Interview Wedding Planners

Let's face it: planning a wedding is a lot of work, and there is no shame in admitting that you just can't do it. If you have decided to hire a professional to do the planning for you, you need to interview wedding planners to make sure that you are going to have the wedding of your dreams. Read on to learn how to interview wedding planners.

Preserve Your Wedding Dress After the Wedding

More than just a pretty dress, your wedding gown deserves to be protected against natural soiling and age even after the day of the wedding. Experts recommend getting the dress professionally cleaned soon after the wedding to address any stains or loose stitching from wear. After it has returned from the cleaners, you can then take steps to ensure that it is properly stored at home.

Celebrate Your Wedding Anniversary at Disney World

If you thought Walt Disney World in Orlando was only for kids, you'll be surprised to find many adult-friendly attractions and venues with a romantic twist. Disney World is a wonderful place to celebrate your wedding anniversary, and you can make your trip extra special with advanced reservations at key locations in the park.

Decorate a Backyard for a Wedding Reception

A large, well-manicured backyard is a perfect setting for a wedding reception if the weather is nice. In fact, many brides and grooms are opting to hold an informal, less expensive reception in a relative's backyard. With just a little creative decorating, you can turn the backyard into a beautiful space to host the happy event. Take into account just how formal the wedding will be and decorate accordingly.

Do Wedding Decor

The decorations are an integral part of any wedding, but can also contribute toward a significant amount of the total cost. According to a survey carried out by The Knot, the average cost of an American wedding in 2010 was $26,948, with around $2,000 of that total being spent on decorations. Planning and making your own wedding decorations not only ensures you get the exact look you require, you can also cut down on the costs.

How do I Tell Wedding Guests to Wear Flat Shoes to a Wedding?

Weddings take place in lots of venues where the footing may be a bit uncertain. Garden weddings mean grass and heels sink into the dirt. Beach weddings make it difficult to maneuver in high heels. Lakes are lovely to look at, but their shorelines are rocky and often a bit muddy. Do your guests a favor and let them know flat shoes are preferred when you invite them to your wedding.

Plan a Civil Ceremony for Your Wedding

Plan a civil ceremony for your wedding if you want to provide flexibility and allow a bit more creativity in your wedding ceremony. Whether you want to hold your ceremony somewhere other than a church or you'd prefer a non-religious wedding, a civil ceremony may be the best option for you.

Make a Tiered Wedding Veil

One of the most expensive wedding articles is the bride's veil. Wedding salons place exaggerate value on this piece of material. But the fact is most tiered wedding veils can be made without much time or trouble. With the use of a few yards of silk tulle or English netting fabric, and the right tools, any bride can make her own wedding veil. Does this Spark an idea?

Drape Fabric for Wedding Tables

When it comes to a wedding, one of the first things that your guests will notice as they walk into your reception venue is the way that the tables are dressed. The table linen that you use defines the mood of the entire event. If you want a casual wedding, then a quick toss of a checkered or gingham tablecloth over the table will do just fine. But if you want an elegant look, use fabric in an elegant and coordinated way to add a touch of drama to your table décor.

Ask for Addresses for Wedding Invitations

Sending invitations to a wedding can be daunting. People move and mail is not nearly as common as it used to be, with an exception of formal invitations. However, with today's technology you can easily get everyone's address while still mailing a formal invitation. There are a few methods. You may have to use multiple to gather all the addresses, based on the wedding size.

Make Your Wedding Special on a Shoestring Budget

Weddings are significant events -- many people follow a "spare no expense" mentality when planning one. However, not everyone can afford the extravagant gatherings many weddings turn out to be. According to ABC News, the average American wedding cost $26,501 in 2011 -- nearly $2,000 less than in 2009. Many couples simply cannot afford to spend a lot of money on their nuptials; fortunately, a few budget-savvy strategies can create a special and inexpensive wedding.

Choose a Wedding Suit

There is a lot of focus on the wedding gown when it comes to wedding attire. In fact, most of the attention on a wedding day goes to the bride when it comes to fashion and beauty. However, the groom does need to pay special attention to his own look on the most important day of his life. When it comes down to picking a suit for the wedding, there are many factors to consider. Does this Spark an idea?

Make Wedding Bouquets

Weddings are wonderful and joyous events, but they are also very expensive and can easily break the bank. Flowers are a traditional part of weddings, but when purchased from a florist they can get extremely expensive. Making your own wedding flower arrangements, corsages and bouquets will save you tons of money and can be fun to design and create as well.

Use Candles in Wedding Decor

Candles are often used to create intimate and romantic atmospheres, and using candles in wedding decor seldom fails to make an impression. Candles can be used on their own, as a centerpiece or to compliment floral arrangements, as well as for wedding favors and ambient lightning.

Choose Between a Band and a DJ for Your Wedding

Music makes the party. In a perfect world, with unlimited resources, a live band/DJ combo would be bliss. In the real world, you might have to choose.

Ask for Wedding Cash

Wedding gifts are a way for friends and family to show their support for the new couple and their union. If you and your fiance would rather have wedding cash, there are ways to politely buck tradition in lieu of getting what you need. Wedding cash is often far more useful for you and your new spouse, who may be more concerned with making a down payment on a new home or paying for your honeymoon than replacing your old blender. If you and your fiance would prefer cash as a wedding gift, you can spread the word that you want money for your wedding while still observing traditional etiquette.

Arrange Food for a Wedding Reception Buffet

There are many benefits to having a buffet table, versus a sit down meal, at your wedding reception. They generally cost less, due to the fewer number of staff needed. They can look beautiful, and they allow your guests to control what, and how much food, goes on their plates. If you will be setting up the buffet yourself, aim to make it as eye-catching and functional as possible.

Ask for Money as a Wedding Gift

Wedding gifts once were a way to get a young couple started in life. Toasters, china, and linens all represented items that the couple would need. Since most people went straight from their parents' homes or college dorm rooms to married life, purchasing these gifts took some of the financial strain off a couple. Now as people get married later, they have these items already. Many couples want money, but are not sure if it is appropriate to ask or how to ask. These steps walk you through the etiquette maze and help you get what you want--money.

Become a Wedding Coordinator

Today's brides and grooms have busy lives and rarely have the time or expertise to plan and execute the perfect wedding. A wedding planner or coordinator is very often the lifeline a bride is looking for. Becoming a successful wedding planner requires knowledge about the industry and good people skills.

Write the Perfect Wedding Toast

A wedding is an important day for the bride and groom and although they will probably not remember if your speech was good, they will definitely remember if it was bad. The day for all of the attendees is a little different; for them the speeches are a form of entertainment and you want to make a great impression.

Distribute Disposable Cameras at Your Wedding

Let a professional photographer handle the official pictures, but capture intimate moments by distributing disposable cameras to guests for them to use throughout the event.

Steam Press a Wedding Dress

If your wedding day is just around the corner but your dress is wrinkled from being stored in the box or bag it came in, you take your dress to the dry cleaner to be steam pressed or you can do it yourself at home. Doing it yourself at home can save you money, but you have to be careful when taking on the steam press process on your own. Does this Spark an idea?

Write Your Own Wedding Invitation

Hurray! Your soul mate finally popped the question and you're getting married! Now make your special day more personal by composing your own wedding invitation wording. Your wedding reflects the love between you and your intended, and your wedding invitation is the first declaration of the joyous commitment you are embarking upon. Use your own special style to bring all the people you care about together for your celebration of love.

Make an Inexpensive Tent for Weddings

Making your own tent for a wedding or other outdoor occasion can be an inexpensive alternative to renting one, especially if your party is small. In addition, this is a very easy project to assemble and disassemble.
This 20 by 15 foot tent can be staked into the ground, or cement blocks can be used to stabilize the poles. Any white, durable fabric can be used to create the tent cover (canvas, tent fabric, nylon). White PVC pipes can be left bare, or covered with fabric wraps, string lights, or flower or plant swags.

Model Wedding Dresses

Wedding dresses are gorgeous garments all girls dream of wearing. Why not get to wear wedding dresses all the time? Here is how to model wedding dresses. Does this Spark an idea?

Plan an Off Season Wedding

Although most weddings in the U.S. usually take place in June, July and August, you can save money by planning your wedding day in the off-season when there is less competition for wedding services. Some couples choose to get married at other times of the year because they like the appeal of the natural beauty of a particular season. In any case, if you are thinking about getting married in the off-season, keep these tips in mind.

Create the Ultimate Wedding Checklist

You've set the date. You're ecstatic. You've told all your friends. Panic creeps in as you realize everything you have to do to pull this wedding off. Break it down into simple steps, and you'll get it done.

Create Wedding Invitations in Photoshop

If you are a thrifty bride or budget-conscious planner, finding ways to cut costs in lots of little ways for the wedding can help you stay on budget. Wedding invitations are a good place to save money, especially if you have image editing software like Adobe Photoshop. It's a cinch to design the wedding invites yourself and save a lot of money in the process.

Decorate a Large Area for a Wedding Reception

Every couple wants to find the perfect location for their wedding and reception. But once the reception area is pinned-down, the question becomes how to decorate the area. The challenge for a large reception area is to decorate it in a way that makes it more intimate and inviting for the guests.

Use a Photo Booth at Wedding Reception

Photo booths are a great way to entertain guests and capture priceless memories at your wedding reception. You'll get great pictures that will give you a cool behind-the-scenes look at your own wedding, or you can use the photos as favors that your guests can take home. You can either rent a photo booth from a rental company, hire a photographer to man one for you, or set up an easy DIY photo booth that your guests can operate themselves.

Make an Oriental Lily Wedding Bouquet

Assembling your own bridal bouquet with hearty and dynamic Oriental lilies is an almost foolproof wedding-flower project. Oriental lilies are broad, open flowers with large petals and thick stems, and are as durable as fresh flowers can be. Creating even a large bouquet requires few stems compared to other single-variety bouquets. Whether you opt for a classic white bouquet of Casablanca lilies or a vibrant orange and black-speckled arrangement of tiger lilies, your bouquet is sure to be striking.

Decorate Columns for Wedding

Columns add an elaborate, beautiful touch to a wedding. Placed on either side of an altar, they create a special, romantic area for the bride and groom to exchange their vows. Alternately, they can be placed near a doorway for the bride and groom to walk between as they exit the church, or they can be placed in the background for wedding pictures. How you decorate the column depends on the theme and style of the wedding, but below are some tips to get you started. Does this Spark an idea?

Make a Faux Wedding Cake

Here's the situation: Your wedding reception package comes with a delicious cake; however, it's a sheet cake. After all of the planning you've done to make your wedding perfect, cutting into a boring sheet cake during your wedding reception isn't exactly on your to-do list. So, what can you do without spending a fortune? The answer is simple---make a faux wedding cake. With just one layer of actual cake, or with none at all, you can create your dream wedding cake by simply using plastic foam and your imagination. Does this Spark an idea?

Make a Wedding Cake Stand

Wedding cakes are elegant creations. Much thought and planning go into getting just the right wedding cake, but the cake stand is often overlooked. Bakeries frequently charge extra for the cake stand and some may not do anything more than set the cake on weak, foil-covered cardboard. Weak support for the wedding cake results in a crumbled mess. Making a strong, beautiful wedding cake stand yourself is an excellent solution that presents the cake attractively as well as giving it firm support. Add this to my Recipe Box.

Have a Masquerade Themed Wedding

Planning a wedding is a big undertaking, whether you’re having an intimate affair or an elaborate gala fit for a queen. One way to differentiate yourself in the quest for the perfect wedding is to host a themed event. Enchanting and beautiful, a masquerade themed event is suitable for all ages and offers a different twist on the usual wedding affair.

Sew a Double Wedding Ring Quilt

A double wedding ring quilt is challenging even for experienced quilters. When finished, this quilt appears to have two layers of interlocking wedding rings that intersect and overlap one another. The thing that makes this quilt so difficult is the arc shapes that you'll need for the rings. Luckily, there are plenty of tools to help you make perfectly geometrical arcs.

Find the Wedding Hall Key in "MapleStory"

“MapleStory” is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game by South Korean game developers Wizet. In it, players travel around Maple World taking on quests, adventuring and improving their characters' abilities. At one point in the game, players will encounter a princess named Violetta, who wishes to get married. However, the ceremony cannot begin until your character finds the key to the wedding hall.

Repair a Torn Wedding Veil

Nothing can ruin a wedding day quite like a hole in your wedding dress or veil. If you find yourself in the unfortunate situation of having a hole in your tulle veil, and you have some time to spare before the big day, you can easily fix the rip using invisible permanent adhesive. This adhesive can be found in most sewing stores and comes in a small bottle with a tiny applicator tip. It dries clear and can repair even delicate fabric like tulle. Does this Spark an idea?

Have a Christian Wedding Night

Many true Christians still choose to wait until they are married before they engage in intercourse or any other type of sexual acts. This is meant to preserve their bodies as a gift to each other and to retain their purity for their chosen life mates. Traditionally, Christians reserved sexual acts only as a means to procreate. This negated any reasoning to engage in sexual acts before marriage.

have a Delaware Beach Wedding

There is nothing more romantic or charming than a wedding at sunset on the beach. Delaware has five different beach areas that accommodate beach weddings. Some beach areas are quiet and quaint, where others are historical in nature. Getting married on a Delaware beach is easy, just pick a beach, and start your planning.

Plan a Bohemian Wedding

A bohemian wedding is a type of casual and non-conformist wedding theme. The bohemian is by nature carefree, loving and an adventurist, according to the website When you are planning a wedding with a bohemian theme, the key is freedom in your style, dress and designs. While it is a free wedding style, you'll still need around six months to a year for planning and preparation.

Write Wedding Place Cards

Wedding place cards direct guests to their seats at a wedding reception. As the name implies, place cards sit at each guest’s seat and display guests' names. Place cards are available for each guest—husbands and wives should have separate place cards at the same table. Couples have many options for place card wording, depending on the formality of their wedding. Formal black-tie affairs should use more formal wording than a laid-back beach wedding, for instance.

Decorate for Your Wedding Ceremony

Picking the right decorations can set the entire tone for your wedding, and there are plenty of options to choose from. Here are some suggestions.

Add Appliques to a Wedding Dress

Brides often agonize over their wedding dresses. Bridal magazines feature wedding gowns that cost thousands of dollars, and the dress can often eat up a large portion of a bride's budget. One way to ameliorate the expense is to make the dress yourself, or to have the dress made for you, either by a professional seamstress or a friend or relative. Some nonprofessional seamstresses may fear tackling the intricate lace appliqués often found on bridal gowns, but in reality, sewing them onto the fabric is not difficult. Does this Spark an idea?

Choose a Wedding Dress for Your Body Type

Every woman probably spends at least a little time fantasizing about her perfect wedding day--well before she meets the one she wants to marry. Your wedding day only happens once, and it is for this reason that many women want to get every little detail right, especially the wedding dress. The majority of women are not built like supermodels, nor should they be. So how can the average woman find the right dress for her body type? Follow the steps below to find out. Does this Spark an idea?

Make a Wedding Planning Binder

Planning for a wedding without a professional wedding planner can be a very chaotic and stressful process unless you are organized and can handle multitasking without going insane. To save your sanity, create a wedding planning binder to keep everything in one place. By making it yourself, you'll be able to customize it to fit your needs for your wedding.

Get A Wedding Date Countdown Ticker for Email, Myspace, Facebook, Forums or Blog

You're getting married! Now you want to share your excitement with your online community. Get a wedding date ticker to countdown to the happy day!

Organize Wedding Information

You're getting married! You're planning a wedding! And you have so many papers and receipts and ideas that you don't know what to do with them all. Whether you're a bride or groom, here are a few tips on how to organize your wedding information.

Make Wedding Cake Figurines

Make your own wedding cake figurines to create a one of a kind cake topper for your special day. The task of sculpting bride and groom figurines can be a bit daunting, especially for someone who does not have experience with creating gum paste ornaments. Accomplish the task by working slowly and practicing with the gum paste to perfect your techniques.

Attach a Bustle to a Wedding Gown

A bustle is an elegant way to keep your wedding dress off of the floor during your reception so you can dance without tripping over it. It allows you to enjoy a long train during the ceremony, yet put it up and out of the way afterwards. There are many styles of bustles, but the most common is the overbustle, which gathers the train and allows it to be pinned into more of a traditional ballgown shape. Does this Spark an idea?

Word a Wedding Donation Card

Many couples look forward to using wedding gifts to build their homes together, but others choose to forego gifts altogether and ask their guests to make donations to a charity of their choice in their honor. Whether it's because they come from wealthy families or have previously been married, not every couple needs or wants wedding presents. Guests should honor a couple's choice to collect donations for their chosen charity, as it was likely selected because it holds special meaning for the couple.

Register for a Cash Wedding

Cash registries have become very popular with engaged couples as more people finance their own weddings and may already be established in a home upon engagement. Although wedding gifts should not be expected, some wedding guests will want to celebrate with the newlyweds by bringing a gift. Traditionally, asking for a cash gift has been a controversial etiquette issue, but if handled and communicated properly it can be a viable alternative to traditional wedding gift registries. Many companies now offer a variety of services to allow the bride and groom to register for cash.

Attach the Wedding Ring to the Ring Pillow

The tradition of bearing rings down the aisle on a pillow probably echoes the Egyptian ceremony of showcasing the couple's prized jewels on a cushion during their wedding ceremony. There's no doubt that your wedding rings are a cherished possession, so it's important to ensure that your rings are securely attached to the ring pillow.

Make Wedding Cookies With Powdered Sugar

These cookies are similar to truffles since both are centers rolled in a powdery exterior. For truffles, it is cocoa powder, and for wedding cookies, it is powdered sugar. These are a better option to serve at a wedding instead of truffles, since the cocoa powder could stain the white clothing many wear to weddings. For easier cleaning, you can shake these cookies in a zip top bag with the powdered sugar. You can double this recipe to increase the yield. This makes about 18 to 20 cookies. Add this to my Recipe Box.

Make Wedding Centerpieces With Branches

For a nature-inspired wedding, the right centerpieces will really help you create a one-of-a-kind, lovely space. Consider using branches, either real or synthetic, to make unique centerpieces to adorn the tables in your reception area. These branches are considerably more affordable than other floral arrangements, and they create a very earthy, earth-friendly look.

How do I Word an Enclosure Card for Hotel Accommodations for a Wedding?

According to Amy Suddleson, a wedding invitation specialist on, "Hotel accommodation cards inform your guests as to where the bride and groom recommend they stay." These cards are sometimes called "enclosure cards," and they are included in the wedding envelope when you send out invitations. These enclosure cards are strictly for out-of-town guests who will need accommodations to attend the wedding. Deciding how to word your own cards may seem tricky. Keep the wording simple and direct for the best result.

Plan Your Wedding at Walt Disney World, Florida

Thousands of couples choose Walt Disney World as their wedding destination, and the park offers many exciting venues for tying the knot and then enjoying an over-the-top celebration. If you're looking for a memorable venue for your wedding, here's what you need to do to plan your event at Walt Disney World.

Plan a Garden Wedding

You love your fiancé and you love your garden, so what could be better than combining your two loves in a garden wedding. As long as neither of you suffers from allergies and you have a suitable green space, planning a garden wedding could be perfect for you.

Use Live Butterflies in a Wedding

Create a memorable addition to any wedding by releasing live butterflies as a part of the celebration. There are several ways to incorporate a butterfly release into your wedding plans. Some brides choose live butterflies instead of the traditional rice or confetti wedding guests throw at the departing couple as they head for their honeymoon getaway. It takes advance planning and care to use live butterflies in a wedding and choose the right moment for their release.

Print Addresses on Wedding Invitation Envelopes

Proper etiquette dictates that wedding invitation envelopes should be addressed by hand, according the The Knot wedding website. Some people do choose to have their invitations addressed in a fancy font, although this can be construed as impersonal and improper, especially for such an intimate occasion. Print the addresses if your cursive writing isn't attractive or legible.

Change Wedding Date Announcements

Sometimes even the best laid plans fall apart. This is never truer than when discussing weddings. Even months and months of planning cannot prepare you for the unexpected. Sometimes a wedding date change is required.

Make an Afternoon Wedding Elegant

Conventional wisdom suggests that those weddings that take place in the afternoon are not as formal as those weddings held later in the day. You do not have to compromise elegance for formality, however. Elegance is more about style, and modern brides have several ways to make these semiformal weddings a sophisticated affair to remember for a lifetime. The very fact that your wedding will be more understated than a traditional, formal ceremony can often lend to its elegance.

Plan a Simple Destination Wedding

Destination weddings are ideal for couples who want to get married in a fantasy location. They usually are smaller in size than hometown weddings because fewer people will travel long distances for destination weddings. A typical destination wedding often has about 50 guests, though there is no etiquette as to how many people you should invite--unless your venue has a limited guest space. Destination weddings can be complicated to plan, but there are several things you can do to simplify the process.

Prepare for a Bridal Fitting

A high-quality bridal fitting is almost as important as choosing the wedding gown itself. In most cases, you will actually need to have at least two fittings at the bridal store or seamstress' shop in order to complete all of the necessary measurements and alterations. It is important to take the time to prepare for your fitting to be sure that your dress will fit your body as perfectly as possible on your big day. Does this Spark an idea?

Word and Format Wedding Invitations

Wedding invitations are your guests' first glimpse of your wedding day, so the wording and design are important features. While there are a large number of ways you can phrase the invitations to your big day, certain approaches are widely used and can help get started with a minimum of fuss.

Mail Merge Wedding Envelopes in Word

Save time addressing your wedding envelopes with Microsoft Word. The mail merge wizard in Word walks you through each step so you can address your wedding envelopes the way you want. In fact, you can match the font, colors and design to your theme. The mail merge works for any envelope, including custom sizes. Your addresses print directly onto the envelopes, so you won't have to straighten crooked labels or stick them on manually. You'll need an existing address list of your guests' names and addresses on the computer.

calculate wedding cake servings

Wedding cakes are generally custom-ordered in various shapes and sizes. The size of the cake usually depends on the number of guests attending the wedding. Each serving of wedding cake should measure 1 inch across, 2 inches deep and 4 inches tall, according to Wilton, the renowned cake supply company. Most bakeries will calculate the number of servings you need when you order the cake. However, you can calculate the amount of cake you need by consulting a serving chart or by completing a mathematical formula. Does this Spark an idea?

Decorate a Wedding Trellis

A decorated wedding trellis is a beautiful backdrop for a wedding altar. They look stunning for a garden or outdoor wedding, but they would also make a lovely addition to an indoor ceremony. Decorating a wedding trellis is easy to do, but give yourself some time to accomplish the task in case you need to make quick trips to the store for extra supplies. Gather your bridesmaids together a couple of days before the wedding to decorate the wedding trellis. Store the trellis indoors at the location of the ceremony. This will prevent possible damage from occurring if transported from somewhere else.

Recycle a Used Wedding Gown

According to statistics released in 2011 by WePay, the average American wedding gown costs upwards of $2,000. Some brides even break the bank by spending money on two separate dresses for this single-day occasion. Unfortunately, a white formal gown has little versatility and can rarely be worn outside of a wedding ceremony and reception. Maximize the possibilities of this likely extravagant purchase. Does this Spark an idea?

Write Your Own Wedding Vows

Your wedding vows are your opportunity to express your love to your spouse and make the most important promises you will ever make. Your wedding vows should be simple, romantic and filled with personal touches from your relationship. You can get an easy start on your vows by beginning with the traditional lines and moving into your own words and statements. Your vows are your own, but you should feel free to use them to form a special connection between you and your spouse.

conduct a wedding rehearsal

Getting ready to walk down the aisle? You may want to practice before the big day!

Write 50th Wedding Anniversary Invitations

When a couple is celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary, the event, often hosted by their children or grandchildren, will be a momentous occasion in their lives. Keeping that in mind, write the invitations to reflect their life journey together and to encourage the recipients to share in the festivities.

Arrange a Cocktail Wedding Reception

It's no secret that weddings are expensive. Many couples spend a ton of money on an event that lasts only a few short hours. Even though your wedding is an event that you want to celebrate, you don't want to go into debt for it. In lieu of a traditional sit down reception, you should consider arranging a cocktail wedding reception.

Lace Up My Wedding Dress

Many wedding gowns have to be laced up, especially if they have a corset bodice. The lacing and corset will allow you to appear slimmer and create an hourglass silhouette by cinching inwards at your waist. You will not be able to lace up your dress yourself, so you will need to appoint a member of the wedding party, friend or family member to lace you up on your wedding day. If you are nervous, be sure to have her practice lacing up your dress beforehand. Does this Spark an idea?

Word Wedding Programs in Memory of Someone

Although hope and excitement for a new beginning usually fill a wedding day, when you have loved ones no longer living, there may be some bittersweet feelings of loss as well. A mention in the wedding program is an ideal way to ensure departed family members are an important part of your wedding ceremony. Determine the way you wish to word wedding programs in memory of someone to express your love for your family member.

Make a Wedding Bouquet With Silk Flowers

Wedding bouquets are an important part of the overall ambience of the wedding ceremony and portraits. The flowers add color and beauty to the gowns. You can make wedding bouquets for attendants and the bride from silk flowers. A silk bridal bouquet is a keepsake to display for years to come. Silk wedding bouquets can be made well in advance of the wedding. This can help spread the work out over a period of time. The mother of the bride or another family member can help the bride with this pre-wedding project.

Know What to Insert with Wedding Invitations

Wedding invitations may seem a bit intimidating, especially when you receive them from the printer and see all of the inserts. Each of the inserts serves a specific purpose, some of which may not apply to your wedding. Therefore, you must decide which ones you need to put into your invitation and which ones you can leave out. A simple wedding with no out-of-town guests will require fewer inserts than an elaborate destination wedding with a large guest list.

Send Out Evite Wedding Invitations

Preparing for the big wedding day can be exhilarating as well as nerve-racking. The time spent looking for wedding dresses, finding a reception hall, creating the wedding list, and planning a honeymoon may not leave you much time to prepare and send out wedding invitations. If you are scrambling for time and want an easy way to get the invites out, send wedding invitation evites.

Do a Cheap Wedding in Hawaii

People of all types enjoy the adventure of getting married on the islands. It is important to understand that many tourist areas in Hawaii can be expensive when it comes to planning a wedding, but that does does not have to be the case with proper planning. Just like any other place in the world, Hawaii has hidden bargains and deals that you can find with a bit of smart planning.

String Lights for an Outdoor Wedding

More and more engaged couples are choosing to hold their weddings and receptions outdoors. According to the Massachusetts Wedding Guide, 15 to 20 percent of all weddings happening in that area are being held outside. Beaches, family homes and gardens are just some of the venues that are hosting outdoor weddings and receptions. While the natural beauty of the setting will help set the mood, lighting can help make the ambiance one of both romance and elegance.

Do Your Own Wedding Hair

Some brides feel that having their wedding hair done professionally is an absolutely must. However, hiring a stylist costs money, and it requires a lot of coordination and planning before the big event. Many brides opt to do their own hair, and the results can be just as good. If you have a solid plan and a talent for styling, you have what it takes to do your own wedding hair. Does this Spark an idea?

Fix a Wedding Dress That Is Too Small

Sometimes a bride gains weight after her final dress fitting and before her wedding. Other times, the dress arrives and she realizes it's one size too small, but it is too late to order a replacement dress that will arrive in time for the wedding. A problem such as this can reduce a bride to tears, but an industrious bridesmaid or a crafty family member can fix the too-snug dress in just a few hours. Does this Spark an idea?

Decorate a Warehouse for Your Wedding

Many modern brides are shying away from the traditional church hall wedding reception and searching instead for untamed territory. Warehouse venues have become prominent in this respect, as they allow many people to come and celebrate the day with the happy couple. Additionally, they offer aesthetically pleasing features, such as the tall windows and a charming industrial side. However, these dramatic venues can be difficult to decorate, particularly if the space is bigger than you expected.

Plan Food for a Wedding of 160 People

One of the biggest expenses for a wedding is the cost of food for your guests. So a smart way to reduce that expense is to take control of the menu, whether you are having a catered sit-down dinner or a casual buffet. Make smart selections and be a vital part of the decision-making process, and you could save yourself thousands of dollars.

Write an After-Wedding Breakfast Invitation

If you plan to begin the first day of your new life as a married couple surrounded by friends and family, you might consider planning an after-wedding breakfast. It's a great way to treat family and friends who have traveled many miles for your wedding. Making your post-wedding breakfast or brunch invitations can be done easily, quickly and inexpensively.

Honor Chinese Wedding Traditions

The Chinese wedding traditions are splendid in their appearances. The color red figures prominently, from the color of the wedding invitations and the traditional banquet wedding gown to the hue of the envelopes containing gifts. The bride and groom, as well as their families, celebrate the union of the "happy couple" in rituals unique to their culture.

Primp for the Wedding Night

Whether it is the first night you will spend with your beloved or you have been living together for years, you will want to spend time primping for your wedding night. Making the night special and memorable can kick off a splendid relationship and many long nights together. Show you care by making this first wedding night the best you can. Does this Spark an idea?

Create Free Wedding Programs Online

Weddings can be expensive. However, savvy couples know that there are ways to save on a number of details, such as your wedding programs. Wedding programs are often kept as sentimental keepsakes; therefore, it is okay to make them unique and personal. Take the initiative to create your own wedding programs online, utilizing a free wedding program template.

Dress for Attending a Wedding

Deciding what to wear to a wedding can be a difficult but important decision. Guests should take into account the level of formality of the wedding, where the wedding is going to be held, and the time of day during which the wedding will be held when they are determining what they should wear. By using a few clues about the wedding and following a few limited guidelines, any guest can dress appropriately for attending a wedding. Does this Spark an idea?

Plan a Wedding Barbeque

If you like being outside, or have your eye on a particular picturesque outdoor location, a wedding barbecue might be the answer for your special day. Outdoor weddings are popular among couples who wish to avoid the traditional banquet hall-style affair and, if done right, can be memorable for many reasons. As is the case with any significant event, proper planning ahead of time will ensure nothing goes wrong on the day of the occasion.

Plan a Long-Distance Wedding

As if organizing a wedding weren't stressful enough, now you're trying to do it from afar. Fret not, it's doable - it's just a little trickier.

Decorate a Wedding Arch with Tulle

A wedding arbor or arch is a curved structure composed of wood, metal or vinyl often used in outdoor weddings. Couples exchange vows and take pictures beneath the arch instead of at an altar. Because the arch plays such an integral role in the marriage ceremony, decorating the arch should be a priority. Using a sheer fabric such as tulle can give the centerpiece a simple yet beautiful look.

Put Beads on a Wedding Veil

Beading adds design and dimension to a wedding veil. Singular beads can be hand-sewn in random areas on the veil to create a free-form design, or in a pattern of lines, curlicues or dainty flowering vines. Patterns are made by sewing a series of hand strung beads in a design. Fine pearl, bugle or seed beading personalize a wedding veil to compliment and enhance bridal attire. Does this Spark an idea?

get an inexpensive Wedding Reception

Learn to negotiate your best pricing for a wedding reception.

Write a Formal RSVP

RSVP is an abbreviation for "Répondez s'il vous plaît" in French which means "Respond if you please."

Whether the answer is yes or no, writing an RSVP is the polite thing to do, but most people do not know quite how to phrase it!

Follow the guide below to write a formal RSVP that will look and sound elegant. Does this Spark an idea?

Plan a Halloween Themed Wedding

Halloween is not just for children. Adults love it, too. If you and your fiancé are among the adults that really enjoy Halloween, a Halloween Theme Wedding may be perfect for you. There are so many paths that you can take in creating a Halloween wedding, and it almost increases your wedding choices, rather than narrowing them down.

How to: Steps to Making Three-Tier Square Wedding Cakes

Creating a wedding cake is a time-consuming endeavor, but is very rewarding when complete. There are many steps involved, beginning with the design. Determine if the cake will be round or square and the number of layers needed. Decide if each layer of the cake will be a different flavor or if they'll all be the same. Also, choose the color and type of frosting and what kind of decorations the cake should have. When the plan has been created, the baking can begin. Does this Spark an idea?

Get Rid of Tan Lines Before a Wedding

Many brides do not want to have tan lines for their wedding, especially if they are planning to wear a strapless wedding dress. Luckily, there are a number of things which can be done in order to fix this problem. Women who want to get rid of tan lines before their wedding should be aware that it is best to begin trying to fix the problem as early as possible. Otherwise, it will be more challenging to get rid of tan lines in time for the wedding. Does this Spark an idea?

Write a Wedding Reception Invitation

Some couples choose to hold a private wedding ceremony with their closest family and friends. They follow this up with a large reception celebration. Creating and sending an invitation specific to a wedding reception is vital in wedding planning. Using the correct language and information avoids hurt feelings and guest confusion.

Plan a Winter Wonderland Themed Wedding

When I think of a winter wonderland scene, I envision an old fashioned frozen pond with people dressed warmly in sweaters, hats, gloves and mittens ice skating on it. Snowmen have been built alongside the pond, icicles drip from the trees and it makes me want a hot cup of cocoa and a roaring fire to go home to. This is one nostalgic scene of a winter wonderland. You could take this scene and use the elements to create your own winter wonderland theme wedding.

Ask for Formal Attire in Wedding Invitations

Every little girl dreams of her wedding, whether it's a simple ceremony in her parents' backyard or an elaborate formal affair at the local country club. Informing guests about the proper attire for the wedding is important for a picture perfect wedding and reception. Plus, making guests aware of proper dress alleviates the uncomfortable feeling of not knowing what to wear, and eliminates guests' fear of being underdressed or overdressed.

Decorate a Wedding Arch With Fabric

Creating a beautiful wedding arch, simply and cheaply, is not as hard as you may think. Weddings can be expensive, but you can save money by decorating the arch yourself and it's a lovely way for the bride or groom to express their artistic side. If a guest has a flair for the creative, she can offer to make the arch as her wedding gift. Either way, the arch can be a beautiful centerpiece for your wedding that will give a lasting impression and fond memories for years to come.

Decorate for an Outdoor Wedding

Summer weddings can be even more beautiful when you hold the ceremony outdoors. You can have a beautiful wedding and reception in your own backyard if you decorate properly. Follow these tips to decorate for an outdoor wedding.

Word Wedding Invitations With Divorced Parents

In today's society, the "nuclear" family of two married parents with children is less common than it was in the past. This can make wedding planning difficult, as the bride wonders how to adhere to wedding etiquette while embracing a less-than-traditional family. There are specific ways to word wedding invitations in order to keep up with the changing times.

Design Double Wedding Programs

There is no better way to make marriage nuptials more memorable for your guests than a double wedding. Sisters, cousins, or best friends who find their wedding dates close together may want to combine resources and have a double wedding. While there are numerous details to be determined for such an event, don't forget to carefully outline your double wedding ceremony in a program for your guests.

Make a Wedding Slide Show

A wedding slide show can be a great addition to any reception or even a rehearsal dinner. Slide shows usually consist of pictures of the bride and groom with family, friends or each other. They can provide quite a bit of emotion, humor or both when the photo memories are put to music. Slide shows are fairly easy to put together if you have the time and equipment available.

Create a Medieval Wedding Theme

It's your wedding day. Ever wanted to wear sweeping, gorgeous medieval garments? Get married in a castle? Become a princess and prince for a day? Have feast that will be remembered for years to come? Go medieval! A medieval wedding theme can be memorable and fun. These quick steps will put you on the path to the court of King Arthur while keeping your budget from becoming a royal pain.

Plan a Civil Marriage Ceremony

Many people choose a civil wedding ceremony. This may be because of convenience, lack of or conflicting religious traditions or even time constraints. Civil marriages, just like marriages performed by clergy, are contracts between two persons and require actions and agreements between the parties. They can be as formal or informal, sentimental or streamlined as the couple wishes. Once you've decided to use a civil ceremony, there are a number of things that any good wedding planner will tell you to get to work on. Read on to learn what they are.

Plan a Wedding on Horseback

Once you decide to hold your wedding ceremony on horseback, this decision should shape the direction that you take while planning your reception. You can give the entire wedding a western theme, or go for a more old-fashioned Renaissance feel by wearing clothes from a costume shop. Let the time of year influence your ceremony as well. Getting married on horseback on a spring afternoon may inspire a more romantic reception in a nearby field, while a horseback wedding at dusk in fall could inspire a rustic reception in a barn filled with twinkling lights.

Build Your Own Lighted Wedding Backdrops

Most brides strive for every aspect of their wedding day to be perfect. Months of planning go into every detail, including the ceremony and the reception. Many brides like the idea of using a lighted backdrop in their wedding or reception but are unsure how to create one without breaking the bank. Options abound, but there are some basic steps that can be used depending on the budget and reception location constraints. However, check with your wedding venue before you construct your backdrop. Some venues will not allow this type of decoration.

Plan a Hawaiian Wedding

Hawaiian weddings are typically tradition-filled to show respect for the family, ancestors and culture. This ensures luck, prosperity and happiness for the bridal couple.

Plan a Romantic 10 Year Wedding Anniversary

Ten years of marriage is something to celebrate, and something worth planning for. Here are some tips on how to spend some romantic time just for the two of you. Does this Spark an idea?

Make Your Own Wedding Card

When you make your own wedding card it is personal and unique. Make a wedding card special and send best wishes to the Bride and Groom using these wedding card creation ideas.

Decorate for a Beach Wedding on a Budget

Many brides choose beach weddings each year. Couples say their vows at the water's edge, then happily wade into the ocean. However, these types of weddings have one major drawback: Often the guests just plain do not know where to go. If you want to walk down the aisle but still be married on the beach, the best way to handle this is to do some minimal decoration so that even if your guests are standing in the sand, they are in an orderly enough crowd that you can walk down the "aisle" and actually know where you are going. On the other hand, since nature itself is so beautiful and present in this wedding scenario, many brides do not factor in beach decorations in their wedding budget. Here are some ideas for decorating for a beach wedding on a budget.

Choose Photos for Wedding Albums

Your wedding day is a special event that can be relived in photo albums. Unfortunately, not all of the photos taken at the event will end up in an album. Selecting which photos should go into your photo album can be overwhelming because of the number of photos from which to choose. Consider this method of choosing the best photos for your wedding album.

Decorate Cars After a Wedding

It's a tradition for the newly married couple to leave the reception early and have a grand exit. If they'll be driving their own car, one fun thing to do is secretly decorate their car so that when they go to leave it is covered with loving messages that identify them as a newlywed couple. It will put a smile on your newly married friend or family member's face.

Become a Wedding Organizer

The demand for wedding organizers, planners and consultants is constantly growing. Wedding planners have keen organizational methods and are experts in time management. It's helpful for aspiring wedding planners to have a background in management, finance, decorating, or all three. The planner must be able to work with the budget set by the engaged couple, and she must be able to please all of the guests as well. Once you've decided that you want to become a wedding planner, you should begin researching schools and courses as well as gain experience in all aspects of wedding organizing.

Make a Lace Design for Wedding Cakes

Wedding cakes decorated with piped lace designs are modern, elegant cakes. Whether you want a delicate, monochromatic look to complement the wedding dress or a striking, textured lace in a graphic style, lace icing is impressive and relatively easy to execute. To minimize preparation time for this design, it helps to master basic icing spreading and piping techniques before decorating the wedding cake. Does this Spark an idea?

Plan a November Wedding

When you're planning a wedding, the first thing to decide is when it will take place. If you and your partner decide to exchange vows in November, there are many things to take into consideration. November is a busy month, with the lead up to the holiday season as well as Thanksgiving celebrations, so planning ahead ensures an organized and worry-free time for everyone in the wedding party and all guests who attend.

Describe the Perfect Beach Wedding

Describing the perfect beach wedding is only limited by your imagination. Whether you are trying to entice your fiance or impart your vision to friends, concentrate on painting the most beautiful picture that you can. Envision what you would want from a wedding and apply those ideas to your description. When describing beach weddings, keep the elements simple, elegant and romantic. It's not hard to have someone fall in love with your idea if you incorporate the right attitude.

Plan a New Year's Eve Wedding

Have the best New Year's Eve party by throwing a wedding! It's a very romantic way to ring in the year to come. To have your wedding on New Year's Eve, you must plan it well in advance. Follow these steps for a successful New Year's Eve wedding.

Make Wedding Map Cards

A lot of thought and materials go into planning a wedding, and one of the most important things is making sure your friends and family are all there to share your special day. Including a map of the ceremony and reception sites on a card to be included with the invitation is an excellent way to do just that. With just a short amount of time at the computer, you can create and print maps to make sure even out-of-town guests arrive at the right place and time.

Decorate a Wedding Reception for Cheap

Weddings are one of the most photographed events of a person's life. Photographs capture the wedding gown, the rings, the bridesmaid dresses and hairstyles. Another focal point of the big day is the wedding reception. Wedding planners charge thousands of dollars to plan and decorate elaborate wedding receptions. Use planning, creativity and all available resources to decorate a wedding reception with affordable tools and labor.

Make 50th Wedding Anniversary Invitations

A 50th wedding anniversary is an achievement the whole family wants to celebrate. An example of dedication, loyalty and love, a golden anniversary is a special event that only happens once in a lifetime. If you are planning a party to celebrate this event, you know the invitations are vital. Using your own creativity and love for the happy couple, you can make wedding anniversary invitations from your home computer. Does this Spark an idea?

Make the Dummy Wedding Cake

Save costs on your wedding by creating a dummy wedding cake. Use these for adding height to your real cake or as a separate decoration for the reception. Treat dummy wedding cakes, which are foam on the inside but covered with real icing and fondant to match the rest of your cake, as perishable to prevent spoilage. Store your dummy cake or cake layers with the real cake in refrigerated storage until your big day. Does this Spark an idea?

Divide Up $6,000 for a Wedding

Celebrating their wedding is one of the happiest times in a young couple's lives. Although weddings can cost a lot, this doesn't have to be the case. It's possible to throw a wedding on a tight budget. Planning a wedding with only $6,000 means you need to be ready to let go of some of the more extravagant items, such as a coordinator and open bar. However, it's still possible to have a memorable event.

Plan a Wedding for Less Than $1,000

Planning a wedding can be stressful, especially when you are on a tight budget. Making the guest list, ordering food, picking colors and choosing flowers may sound fun, until you realize your budgetary limits. With a little planning, and plenty of help from family and friends, you can plan a wedding for less than $1,000.

Take in a Wedding Dress Bust

Your wedding dress will be at the center of your big event. It's important that it fits you properly, especially through the bust. Whether you are wearing a strapless ball gown or a sleeved cocktail dress for your wedding, you can alter the bust to fit your individual shape. Does this Spark an idea?

Print Wedding Invitations at Kinko's

Newly betrothed couples are often surprised to discover the amount of time, expense and thought required when planning a wedding, however simple the plans may be. Selecting and printing wedding invitations is a crucial step in that process, one that should be completed at least six weeks before the wedding date. If you are printing your invitations at Kinko's, now known as FedEx Office, you can do so either online or in the store.

Choose a Wedding Dress for Skin Tone

Certain wedding dress styles may enhance a woman’s appearance more than others. Another way that a bride can enhance her own appearance is by choosing the right wedding gown color. Here are some things that all brides should think about when trying to choose a wedding dress for skin tone. Does this Spark an idea?

Plan an Extravagant Wedding on a Budget

You've always dreamed of an extravagant wedding, but you didn't realize how much a wedding can cost until you started planning your own! With your budget, you may be sadly waving goodbye to that five-course meal in an elegant ballroom and instead be planning a lovely cook-out in your parents' backyard! But you can plan an extravagant wedding on a budget if you just follow these tips for cutting corners.

Become a Certified Wedding Consultant

To become a certified wedding consultant, you will need a background in business management, hospitality and event planning. It is important that you are creative, organized and detail-oriented. If this your field of interest, you probably enjoy weddings and working with people. Your success will depend on your ability to interact with a variety of personalities with professionalism. Wedding consulting is not a field that is regulated by any type of governing agency unless you attend a nationally accredited higher education institution. A college degree may certainly be impressive. However, it is primarily the certification that lends credibility to you and your expertise in the field, regardless of the type of school you attended.

Make a Bustle for a Wedding Gown

The most difficult thing about a bustle is deciding which type you want for your wedding dress: you can choose either the over bustle or the under bustle. Then you may create the bustle yourself or simply hire a seamstress.

The over bustle (or ballroom bustle) is a common bustle where the train on the wedding dress is pulled up and hooked or buttoned to the outer part of the back of the dress. It allows the bride to keep her train from dragging on the floor once the ceremony has ended and the reception has begun. This form of bustle would work well on a dress with no embellishments on the top part of the train because it will cover or hide anything in this area. The creation of this type of bustle should be done by someone will a good knowledge of sewing.

The under bustle (or French bustle) is the preferred choice for a bustle. If the bride is going to be very active after the wedding, this bustle is best. Although the French bustle has more volume, it's a very beautiful display for a dress that has beading or embellishments at the base of the waistline. The under bustle is secured by tied ribbon from the area between the lining and dress skirt.