Do the Tortoise Pose in Yoga

The Tortoise Pose, or Kurmasana, is a forward fold that opens your hips and massages your abdominal organs. It also increases flexibility in your spine and strengthens the neck. Like the Frog Pose, it is a pose that moves slowly and is held for several minutes for optimal effect. The Tortoise Pose should be performed after the body is warmed up. A good order for structuring a yoga practice at home is generally: seated meditation, sun salutations, standing poses, twisting poses, seated poses and hip openers, back bends, and finally Corpse Pose. Tortoise uses a seated forward bend, so you should incorporate it at the end of your practice.

Create a Yoga Playlist
Music sets the tone for your yoga class. Setting the mood for students makes all the difference between students really letting go emotionally, physically and spiritually in yoga. Many students will tell you that music in yoga that is all chants (for example, solely using Krishna Das) can be boring. Why not mix it up with a playlist that is modern and fun and also matches the tempo class?

Do Prenatal Pregnancy Yoga
Yoga is a great way to stay in shape during pregnancy. It helps keep you flexible and toned and it improves balance and circulation. A special benefit of yoga for pregnancy is that it helps you learn deep breathing and relaxation techniques. Many gyms and yoga studies provide prenatal yoga classes with instructors who are specifically trained in prenatal yoga.

Start Teaching Kids Yoga
When you visit most yoga studios, you'll find mostly adults taking the classes. However, yoga is a discipline that can be taught to children as well. Kids that learn yoga have better self esteem as well as a higher degree of physical fitness.

Do Yoga Backbend Stretches
A yoga backbend stretch can help you stretch out multiple areas of your body. If your abs are somewhat tight, doing a backbend stretch can help to loose them up. If your shoulders are a little sore, doing this backbend stretch can actually help you stretch them out.