Gain Strength With Power Yoga

Power yoga gained its popularity in the United States in the 1990s. It is a vinyasa-style yoga that is similar to Ashtanga yoga. The difference between power yoga and other styles of yoga is that power yoga focuses on the strength and flexibility of the body. A lot of students have been using power yoga to strengthen their body by using their own body weight as opposed to free weights. Once you read this article, you should have a better understanding of power yoga and how it works to strengthen your body.

Yoga Ball Inflation Instructions
A yoga ball is a large, inflatable ball used to enhance a yoga practice, focus on certain muscle groups and strengthen your body's core. According to Yoga Journal, when it comes to conditioning your core, the more varied your routine, the better. Stability ball training classes and home exercises can add an element of balance to a yoga practice, allowing you to work your abs from every angle.

Tone the Back With Yoga
Yoga can be very therapeutic for individuals with back trouble and for people wanting to tone and strengthen back muscles. While the "full locust" posture is perhaps the most effective way to tone your back with yoga, there are a number of less advanced, postures that will work your back muscles.

Practice Yoga for Constipation Relief
If you find the elimination of waste from your body to be infrequent, difficult and painful there are several yoga poses you can try. Forward fold, downward-facing dog, and legs-up-the-wall are three of 16 sequenced yoga positions to treat constipation as illustrated in "Yoga: The Path to Holistic Health" by B.K.S. Iyengar. Iyengar is a world renowned international guru who has been teaching yoga for over 70 years. Both Iyengar and Yoga Journal recommend deep yoga breathing with inversions for improving regularity.

Yoga Teacher Training: Open Your Own Business
After completing yoga teacher training, some yogis may have visions of spare wooden floors lined with rubber mats, students stretching into deep warrior poses and gently burning incense. Opening your own business can be a rewarding way to share a love of yoga with your community while engaging in a satisfying, profitable enterprise. In most cases, opening your own yoga business means first establishing a yoga studio. Later, you can offer your own yoga teacher training classes to paying students.