Anorexia is a disease without a cure. Even after nutritional rehabilitations and extensive psychological counseling, many patients suffering from this disease may find it all too easy to fall back into old, unhealthy patterns of behavior. Negative body image issues may return, sometimes accompanied by new symptoms such as exercise addiction. But many recovering anorexics have found the strength to maintain a healthy lifestyle through the practice of yoga.
Break in a Slippery Yoga Mat
Yoga is a practice that relies on stability, structure and balance. In order for a yogi to have a safe and effective practice, he needs to have a good yoga mat. Yoga mats come in a variety of styles and makes and colors, all of which enable the mats to fit the different needs and personalities of yogis everywhere. Breaking in a slippery yoga mat can be frustrating, but with a few simple practices the mat will become ready for even the most challenging yoga practice.
Do Bhandas In Kundalini Yoga
Kundalini yoga bhandas, also called body locks, are muscle-contraction exercises used to help channel the flow of breath while practicing yoga. Try the following bhandas to activate your vital life force and awaken your kundalini energy.
Use Power Yoga
The term power yoga refers to a modality of Ashtanga yoga that focuses on exercises that improve strength, rather than on poses or asanas. Power yoga is a Western modality, rarely practiced in Eastern countries, and better known as “gym yoga” since it has become popular as an alternative to aerobic exercise and more mellow stretching classes.
Practice Mantra Yoga
Recitation of mantras is called Japa Yoga. Mantra creates a vibration that is part of the Life Force of all reality. Mantras should be used consistently with feeling. Mantras can be incorporated into a system such as Integral Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, or can be practiced alone.