Use Yoga for Migraine Attacks

There are many individuals that suffer from migraine headaches. Some of the most common treatments involve strong medication and useful preventive techniques. Although there is no definite answer as to why a migraine occurs, there are various speculations. Each individual that suffers with this ailment has different triggers and effects. On some occasions the migraine will produce a throbbing pain to one side of the head and feelings of nausea with vomiting. Light sensitivity, vision problems and dizziness are also accompanied symptoms experienced by some migraine sufferers. Yoga can be used as a prevention technique that will help to reduce stress and even avoid some of the causes of a migraine attack. With a few simple tips, you'll soon learn how to use yoga for migraine attacks.

modify your yoga practice
You do not have to let physical limitations or certain injuries hold you back from practicing yoga. In many cases, adaptations to yoga practices can be made and accessories can be used to help you with the poses and make you more comfortable. Before starting a yoga practice, or if you are coming back from an injury, it is best to consult your doctor prior to practicing yoga to make sure that it is safe for you to do so.

Alternate Nostril Breathing Yoga Technique
Even if you don't have a regular yoga practice, the alternative nostril breathing yoga technique is so simple, it can be easily done anywhere and anytime. It is believed this yoga exercise, also called nadi sodhana, which means purification of channels, cleans and rejuvenates your energy. It also is said that alternative nostril breathing can relax the mind and produce optimum brain function.

Do the Tortoise Pose in Yoga
The Tortoise Pose, or Kurmasana, is a forward fold that opens your hips and massages your abdominal organs. It also increases flexibility in your spine and strengthens the neck. Like the Frog Pose, it is a pose that moves slowly and is held for several minutes for optimal effect. The Tortoise Pose should be performed after the body is warmed up. A good order for structuring a yoga practice at home is generally: seated meditation, sun salutations, standing poses, twisting poses, seated poses and hip openers, back bends, and finally Corpse Pose. Tortoise uses a seated forward bend, so you should incorporate it at the end of your practice.

Create a Yoga Playlist
Music sets the tone for your yoga class. Setting the mood for students makes all the difference between students really letting go emotionally, physically and spiritually in yoga. Many students will tell you that music in yoga that is all chants (for example, solely using Krishna Das) can be boring. Why not mix it up with a playlist that is modern and fun and also matches the tempo class?