Avoid Motion Sickness

Motion sickness is a neurological response to real or perceived movement that can lead to nausea, vomiting, cold sweats, headaches, dizziness and fatigue. Motion sickness is common among travelers in planes, boats, trains and cars. It varies in severity from a minor inconvenience to an incapacitating ailment. Frequent exposure to motion may gradually alleviate the symptoms of motion sickness. Infrequent travelers, or those who continue to experience motion sickness, can take steps to avoid or ease the problem.

Travel Brochure Format for Children to Make
Creating a travel brochure is a way for children to learn about different places in the world. Brochures can be created about real or fictional locations they read about in books. Historical destinations also make great travel brochures. If a child has learned about the Roman Empire, the child can gather facts and pictures and put them together in a brochure. The possibilities are endless. Let the creative juices flow.

Book Train Travel From Budapest to Vienna
Vienna is one of Europe's most popular tourist destinations. It is also the second-closest European capital to Budapest, located only 250 kilometers away. The most common way to get to Vienna from Hungary is by booking train travel.

Get Travel Scholarships
A travel scholarship is different than a study abroad scholarship. A travel scholarship is a way for students to see new places and broaden their educational background. The scholarship money is usually restricted to international travel. Whether you want to enhance your study of a foreign language or get a different perspective on your chosen field of study, a travel scholarship makes visiting another country more affordable for a student. Read on to learn more.

Astro Travel
Astro Travel, otherwise known as Astral Projection, is the process in which the spirit, or etheric body, separates from the physical body to travel in a dimension called the astral plane. This can be done deliberately or it can happen spontaneously while a person sleeps. Travelers may find themselves in a world very similar to what they are used to or in an abstract world. There are many methods one can use to astro travel, including the Monroe method. Read on to learn how.