Wallpaper a Travel Trailer

Applying wallpaper to a travel trailer is a great way to make it feel like home. It's an ideal customization that creates a space that gives your friends and family a glimpse of your own personal style. Wallpapering in a travel trailer is very similar to wallpapering inside your home. If the current wall covering is in good condition, new wallpaper can be easily applied on top. It is a relatively inexpensive means of transforming your space that even a novice do-it-yourselfer can achieve.

Book Train Travel From Vienna to Prague
You can book train travel from Vienna to Prague directly from Austria's national railway system OBB. Eurail passes between Vienna and Prague are also an option. You can choose between one-way tickets and inter-country passes, which would allow more train travel when you reach Prague. Read on to learn how to book train travel from Vienna to Prague.

Travel to Cuba From Montreal
Cuba can be a popular tropical vacation destination, especially in the cold winter months. Relatively cheap and usually not crowded with tourists, Cuba is easily reached via many major Canadian airports. Montreal is Canada's second-largest city and is a major hub for air travel around the world. It is possible to fly to Havana directly from Montreal's Trudeau Airport, or you can use Montreal as a transfer point from other cities.

Stay Safe When You Travel Abroad
Traveling abroad can be an exciting trip, but it can turn into a nightmare if you get robbed or become the victim of another crime. Do your best to stay safe when traveling overseas by taking some simple safety precautions both before you leave and while on your trip.

Calm a Cat to Travel
Cats are creatures of habit, and many of them are stressed out by car travel. If you have attempted to take your cat for a car ride, she may have protested by scratching, meowing, hissing or even splaying out her limbs to prevent you from putting her into a carrier. To prevent these problems in the future, you can calm your cat with different kinds of positive reinforcement and, if necessary, prescription drugs.