Organize an RV Vacation

People wanting to hit the road in any season for any length of time
may find an RV just the ticket. You've got the travel bug, the resources
and the inclination: become the master of your universe, with a
kitchen and fridge on board, and no longer be a slave to bathroom
breaks and fast-food meals. Before you gas up, however, do a few
things to ensure that your vacation vision becomes your rolling reality.

Survive a Family Vacation
Family vacations are loads of fun-on television and in movies, that is. In real life, they can be very stressful. You have high expectations and believe that you should enjoy several days of non-stop contact with family members. But in group situations such as family vacations, you end up relinquishing control of your time to the group, and that makes most people a bit edgy.

Take A Vacation With Little Or No Money
Vacations build memories, strengthen family bonds and relieve the stress of everyday life. While luxury vacations may be the stuff that dreams are made of, financial reality often dictates that vacations be planned with budgets that make pup tents look palatial. Having little to no money to spend on a vacation doesn't mean the fun has to be minimized. Fire up your creativity to make a low-budget vacation memorable and delightful for you and your family.

Select a Vacation Spot
Whether you plan to go on a vacation alone, with family or with friends, selecting a vacation spot is the most important part of planning the trip. There are numerous vacation spots all around the world, so always choose a location that will prove to be the best for your travel companions.

Calculate Vacation Pay in B.C.
In British Columbia and other Canadian provinces and territories, employees earn a bonus in addition to their hourly wage called vacation pay. The employer or payroll administrator calculates vacation pay as a percentage of the regular wage, and it is paid just before a booked vacation period or in each paycheck. Vacation pay calculations are based on gross income, before mandatory deductions such as employment insurance and income tax.