Start a Vacation Property Rental Business

If you have ever thought about getting into the real estate business but have been reluctant to dive in, you may want to consider opening a vacation property rental business instead. A vacation property rental business is a good opportunity for you to break into the real estate market and make some money while getting a feel for the industry.

Rent a Vacation Home
For your next trip, skip the impersonal hotels and rent someone else's vacation home!

Find a Vacation Rental on Craigslist
Finding a great vacation rental is as easy as perusing popular Web sites like Craigslist and clicking your mouse. Here's how to do it.

Pack the Car for a Family Vacation
Packing the car for a family vacation is easy if you have a million dollar RV fully loaded with all sorts of games and accessories with loads of room. But for the ordinary family, the family vehicle closes in on you from all sides when you go on a family vacation. Follow these steps and add room and comfort for any length vacation in a car.

Handle Employee Vacation Requests
The busiest times of year for vacation requests are when kids are out of school for the summer and families want to plan a trip together. The last two months of the calendar year are also prime vacation times for people who want time off to get a jump-start on holiday shopping and enjoying the holidays with friends and families. Although employers would like to grant time off during the time employee request, it's not always possible due to production schedules and other workforce planning concerns.