Buy Travel Compression Socks

Travel compression socks are designed to aid blood circulation in your legs when you are sitting for long periods of time, such as during air travel. Leg swelling can be a symptom of deep vein thrombosis (DVT), which is a formation of a blood clot in the deep veins in your body. DVT is most likely to occur if you already have a medical condition related to blood clots, are obese, pregnant or have other conditions that limit your blood circulation while you are stationary. Travelers without any of these conditions, however, can also experience swelling in the leg caused by restricted blood circulation. Compression socks can help to keep swelling at bay.

Write a Travel Itinerary
Travel itineraries help keep all of your important travel arrangement information in one place for easy reference. Kept in the front of a folder full of all your brochures, tickets and confirmation receipts, an itinerary gives you an easier way to find information when you are on the road than digging through all those oddly shaped papers. Whether you are writing an itinerary for yourself or for your job, the basic information you should include is the same.

Sell a Travel Trailer
Taking a family vacation in a travel trailer is 37 percent less expensive than a car/hotel vacation, according to a study by P.K. Consulting (see Resource 1), which is good news when you want to sell a travel trailer. The lower cost makes travel trailers a popular vacation choice, which means you can get a good price when selling your trailer, if you do your research to price competitively and advertise where your ad will be seen.

Get Corporate Travel Discounts
With travel costs increasing annually, travelers need all the help they can get to keep prices down. Saving money on hotels, rental cars and airfare can help the bottom line in both business and personal travel. To get corporate travel discounts, use these steps.

Obtain a Travel Agent License in India
Obtaining a travel agent license in India is no different from travel agent accreditation in the rest of the world. Many travel agents register with the International Air Transport Association (IATA) in order to gain the authority for selling air tickets directly. There's no specific license for becoming a travel agent in India. Registering with the IATA, however, will grant your business specific advantages with regards to the products you can sell.