Around six million Americans a year suffer from panic attacks, with women more likely affected than men, reports the Anxiety Disorders Association of America. The physical and mental symptoms of panic attacks make them terrifying both to experience and to witness. People who suffer from panic attacks may avoid traveling for fear of having an attack in a confined space. There are a few simple steps that may help reduce your chance of having an attack while you are traveling.
Become a IATA-Approved Travel Agent
The International Airline Travel Agent Network (IATAN) is a list of travel agents who work with international airlines to provide global travel to customers. Upon receiving accreditation with IATAN, travel agents will be assigned to a unique ID number to use when booking tickets and managing other travel arrangements through IATAN. All types of travel agents, whether storefront or home-based, potentially can qualify for IATAN accreditation.
Price My Travel Trailer
When you are ready to sell your travel trailer, how you price the trailer will determine how competitive your classified listing will be. According to the Travel Trailer Bluebook Guide, “you need to spend some time familiarizing yourself with the market by studying travel trailer blue book values, sales and pricing trends and industry information. Values can vary significantly from region to region so be sure and study resources beyond blue book.”
Save for Travel
The economy is on a downward slope, but you want to save for a vacation. Whether national or international travel, the pennies will add up if you put them aside. Here's how you can save money and get away from it all, even if just for a little while.
Buy Travel Compression Socks
Travel compression socks are designed to aid blood circulation in your legs when you are sitting for long periods of time, such as during air travel. Leg swelling can be a symptom of deep vein thrombosis (DVT), which is a formation of a blood clot in the deep veins in your body. DVT is most likely to occur if you already have a medical condition related to blood clots, are obese, pregnant or have other conditions that limit your blood circulation while you are stationary. Travelers without any of these conditions, however, can also experience swelling in the leg caused by restricted blood circulation. Compression socks can help to keep swelling at bay.