Become a Wedding Singer

Do you like weddings? Do you like singing? Combine your two passions by becoming a wedding singer. It's a fun way to be a part of the wedding celebration as well as a fun way to make a living. Read on to learn how to become a wedding singer.

Make a Boutonniere for a Wedding or a Prom
A boutonniere-- a flower or floral decoration worn by men-can add an elegant touch to any formal coat or jacket. Use the flower of your choice to complete this easy project, and look even more stunning to the ladies. Does this Spark an idea?

Try On Wedding Dresses
Shopping for your wedding dress can be the most exciting, and also the most challenging, part of planning your wedding. Every woman wants to have the perfect dress and look her best. An important step in achieving that is knowing how to try on wedding dresses to find the best style, fit, and overall look that you're hoping for. Does this Spark an idea?

Plan a Small Beach Wedding
A small wedding on the beach is a particularly romantic way to start your marriage. Although your wedding might be small, you'll find that arranging a beach wedding will still require a certain amount of planning and preparation. Before you can start making arrangements, you and your future spouse will need to determine how many guests you plan to invite to your wedding and agree on the type of beach wedding to have.

Write People's Names on Wedding Invitations
There are a number of etiquette rules to keep in mind when addressing wedding invitations so you don't offend a guest. You want to be sure to list each person invited to the wedding on the invitation. For example, if a family is invited, this would mean writing on the inner envelope the names of the children, oldest first. You would also want to include an "and guest" addendum on the inner envelope. This helps keep your guest list intact while graciously telling guests exactly who is invited.