Plan a Wedding Reception on a Budget

From the decor and refreshments to the entertainment and favors, a wedding reception can easily eat up your entire wedding budget if you don't plan in advance. When you take the time to figure out a spending limit in regards to the reception -- about 48 to 50 percent of your entire budget, according to website -- you'll have an easier time of staying within the financial bounds. With a set amount to spend, you'll know when you need to hold back and when you can splurge.

Freeze Wedding Cake
If you are like most couples, you want to follow the tradition of freezing the top layer of your wedding cake in order to eat it on your first anniversary. Freezing the cake is relatively simple, but you have to do it in a way that keeps it fresh for a whole year.

Attach the Wedding Ribbon on the Car
Car decorations are a traditional way to mark the car of a newlywed couple. Members of the wedding party or other close friends usually decorate the wedding car with ribbons, empty tin cans and writing to announce the wedding for all to see. Attaching ribbon to the car takes just a few minutes. Once the ribbon is in place, it will remain intact until it is removed.

Put a Wedding Together in Three Months
Whether you just can't wait to be married or the stresses of life require you to get married in a rush, planning a wedding in three months isn't impossible. When you're putting together a wedding in such a short time frame, you must choose the elements of your wedding that are most important to you and focus on them. Even with this focus, planning all the details of your wedding in three months is too big a job for one couple, so enlist your family and friends to help put the event together.

DJ a Wedding Reception
Regardless of whether you are a new or experienced DJ, a wedding reception is an event that requires a distinct and careful approach in order to satisfy the bride, groom and guests. This event is one of the most important days of the bride and groom's lives, so there will be a lot of pressure on you as the DJ to make sure the music is special, appropriate and, most importantly, entertaining.