Remove Old Stains From a Wedding Dress

Preservation of your wedding dress can be a simple task to preform. If preserved correctly, most wedding dresses will fail to incur stains on the fabric. For those select few dresses, coppery looking stains may appear. In order to remove those stains as well as other stains that were obtained during the big day, try some of the following suggestions to make your dress look brand new. Does this Spark an idea?

Eat Year Old Wedding Cake
Wedding cakes are an important part of just about every wedding reception. Saving a piece of the wedding cake to eat on your one year anniversary is another wedding tradition that many couples follow. Some couples go the traditional route and have the top layer made of fruit cake, and save that for their year anniversary.

Assemble Wedding Envelopes
If you're in the midst of planning a wedding, wondering how to assemble wedding envelopes may cause you stress. Brides worry over the rules of etiquette and the possibility of offending their wedding guests. Suddenly, it may seem as though assembling wedding envelopes is something no typical bride is equipped to do. Really, though, a little planning and organization are all you need to be able to easily assemble your wedding envelopes.

Transport a Wedding Gown in a Plane
Destination weddings are a popular trend among brides and grooms. They bring some difficulties, however, in the transportation of all the items brides need for their day. Possibly the most difficult but most important item is the bride’s gown. Even the simplest gowns tend to be large and cumbersome and their white or off-white colors are susceptible to stains. Whether your wedding is at a foreign destination or just a state or two away, careful packing and traveling will keep your dress safe and ready for the big day. Does this Spark an idea?

Make a Square Wedding Cake
Square wedding cakes offer an unusual twist on the traditional round wedding cake. Square cakes can be placed in tiers, similar to round cakes, or placed at different angles to provide an interesting look. While many bakeries and professionals who make wedding cakes can create a square wedding cake for a couple, square wedding cakes can also be accomplished at home with a little extra effort and preparation. Does this Spark an idea?