Keep Engagement & Wedding Bands Together Without Soldering

After getting married, some women choose to wear both their wedding band and their engagement ring together. Some rings are designed to be worn together and don't look quite right separately. However, if the rings are not held together or properly fitted, they may rub against each other causing excessive wear and tear. While some people choose to solder the rings together permanently, you can use alternatives to hold the rings together. Does this Spark an idea?

Get Wrinkles Out of a Wedding Dress
When a wedding dress is riddled with wrinkles it is a great idea to take the dress to the dry cleaners for a professional steam. Many times, however, it is not possible to use a professional steam-cleaning service. Luckily it is quite simple to get wrinkles out of a wedding dress--for free--at home. Since wedding dresses are frequently very light in color and are assembled from very delicate materials, it is important to use this method to avoid any stains or burns in the fabric. Does this Spark an idea?

Plan a Secret Wedding
Your wedding day is one of the most important days of your life. Planning a wedding, however, can be stressful if you face pressure from family members, have those who disapprove or are overwhelmed with unsolicited advice and suggestions. You might want to have a surprise or secret wedding so everyone special in your life can be present but without all the hassle and stress of outside factors in getting to that point. Planning a secret wedding involves lots of careful attention to detail and creating a façade of another party of sorts to get people to attend.

Have a Beach Wedding
Beach weddings are one the most romantic and popular ways to say "I do." The natural beauty of the setting is impossible to match indoors and everyone will remember the amazing day that they had with you and your new spouse at the beach. Many people elect to spend several days at the beach before the wedding enjoying the company of their families and close friends before the big day. In this article, we will discuss how to have a beach wedding.

Make My Yellowed Wedding Dress White Again
Your wedding day was probably one of the happiest days of your life, but after that special occasion, your beautiful dress was likely forgotten in a closet or storage unit. Wedding gowns stored in plastic bags, as well as where light can hit them, are prone to yellowing. Clear stains from soda or alcohol, while they may appear invisible at first, tend to yellow over several months. If your dress has turned yellow, and you want it to be white again, it is possible to remove the discoloration yourself. Does this Spark an idea?