Plan a Wedding for Under $5,000

One of the first things a bride-to-be should do is to create a wedding budget. It's important to know how much money is available for the wedding. Savvy brides who are willing to stick to their budget and watch their pennies can plan an elegant wedding for under $5,000. The couple needs to decide what they will cut costs on and what they won't. Two of the most expensive items are food and drink, so a smaller guest list can save thousands.

Dress for a Wedding Reception
Knowing how to dress for a wedding reception is important. If you're dressed too fancy or not fancy enough, you're going to stand out like a sore thumb. That's not the kind of lasting impression you want to leave on your fellow guests or the happy couple. Unless you're the bride or groom, it pays to learn how to dress for a wedding reception before you attend one.

Make a Wedding Dress Bustle
Wedding dress alterations such as bustle additions can be fairly expensive, and the last thing a bride needs when trying to stick to a wedding budget. An attractive wedding dress bustle is not as difficult to make as it may seem, and costs much less to make on your own. Whether you have made your own wedding dress or are altering an existing dress, a bustle will help get your train out of the way so you can better celebrate when the ceremony ends.

Plan Drinks Per Guest at a Wedding Reception
Planning a wedding reception means taking important details into account, and one of the most important is the amount of various beverages that will be required at the wedding. Drinks are an essential part of any party, and since the reception will serve some type of food--and cake at the very least--the hosts of the reception must be sure to keep the fluid flowing. If the reception is a sit-down dinner and includes dancing, drinks are even more important. Fortunately, planning drinks per guest at a wedding reception is a matter of some simple math and a little thoughtful estimation.

Conduct a Wedding Cake Consultation
Before meeting with your client, you need to be prepared to assist with the decision-making process of the wedding planner or the bride and groom to be. A potential customer may have a general idea of what flavors and designs are liked or disliked, but it is up to you help her decide on a specific cake, filling and decoration that fits the theme of the wedding. Ensure the success of your consultation by bringing everything to the table to make the meeting productive. Does this Spark an idea?