Decorating Walls With Brushed Steel

For a sleek, contemporary look for your home, incorporate steel into your decor to give it a strong urban edge. Go beyond appliances and wall sconces, and add a wall of brushed steel to your kitchen, bathroom or living room to make a modern statement. Does this Spark an idea?

How do I Hang Art on Cubicle Walls?
A cubicle is a partition of a greater area given to an individual to provide a separate place to perform their work in without using costly walls and doors. If you have your own cubicle you will know that they are generally anonymous and not very stylish. You can spruce up your cubicle walls by hanging some posters of attractive artwork that will help motivate and relax you. Even if you are not allowed to damage your cubicle walls you can follow these steps because they won’t mar the property. Does this Spark an idea?

Decorate Walls in a Rental Home
Living in a rental home has its perks. When a pipe bursts or the heater quits working, all you have to do is make a phone call to get it fixed! But there are downsides as well. Many landlords will not allow you to paint the home's stark white walls. Fortunately there are ways to decorate your rental's walls without painting or wallpapering. Does this Spark an idea?

Decorate Pet Store Walls
Individualized spaces call for individualized designs. If you're a pet store owner, you may be wondering the best way to decorate your interior space. The easiest place to start is the walls. Once you've created your wall design, other decor ideas will fall into place. Depending on the types of pets you sell, following a few simple steps will guide you toward creating the perfect space for customers and pets alike. Does this Spark an idea?

Decorate a White Sofa and Gray Walls
A room with white furniture and gray walls is a room that is inviting, crisp and modern. Gray walls are a contemporary option to white paint and have the added benefit of being more forgiving of dirt than white walls. Choose flat gray paint to avoid an aluminum look in the room and add plenty of lighting through table lights, sconces and floor lamps. White sofas and gray walls can be combined to make many different room decors. Does this Spark an idea?