Start a Home Based Wedding Planner Business

There are over 2 million couples getting married each year and 15 - 20% of them are using the services of a wedding planner. Planning and organizing a wedding is a service that requires organization, personality, and professionalism. When starting a home based wedding planning service there are items that need to be put in place before the first client to be seen as a professional. Understand the business and become educated, prepare your business legally and your home functionally for starting a home business, and marketing the business.

Have a Wedding in Sims 2
Do you want to give your Sim the day all brides dream of? She may just be a virtual woman on a computer screen, but that doesn't mean she can't have a dream wedding. If she is engaged to the Sim of her dreams, throw her a wedding that will give her memories to last a lifetime.

Organize a Wedding Fair
A wedding fair can be a large production that brings in engaged couples from a wide area, or a more intimate wedding show for a smaller area.

Plan a Small Courthouse Wedding
A courthouse wedding might not be the fairytale wedding most girls envision, but it can make for an intimate and affordable wedding option. If you are considering getting married in a courthouse, individual states have different regulations and costs associated with a civil ceremony. A civil ceremony wedding is not without any planning. You will not be able to just walk in and declare you want to get married. A civil ceremony also does not mean you need to skip a reception and honeymoon.

Stuff Wedding Invitations
Your wedding invitations communicate much more than simply the time and place of your wedding. They also convey your wedding's tone and theme. So while at first glance, concerning yourself with the proper way to stuff your wedding invitations might seem a bit trivial, if you wish to express an air of elegance and tradition, there is a proper way to assemble the materials. Because your guests will surely appreciate the extra time and effort you put into the presentation of your invitations, be certain to pay careful attention to the process.