Start a Wedding Chapel Business

Starting a wedding chapel business can be a financially and emotionally rewarding endeavor. Making your wedding chapel a one-stop shop for couples planning their big day can raise your profits significantly and make yours the chapel of choice in your local area.

Become a Professional Wedding Decorator
From centerpieces to table draping, professional wedding decorators help a couple choose and implement an overall theme for their wedding. As a professional wedding decorator, you can own your own business and assist couples with decorating the church, reception hall and any other room in which their wedding will be celebrated. Using your creativity, you handle all the important visual details of a wedding, including color scheme, flower arrangements, fabric and any other other decorative elements that will enhance wedding space.

Call Off a Wedding With Class
"The Runaway Bride" isn't just a Julia Roberts movie. No amount of work invested in a wedding can protect it from the whims of human nature, as evidenced by the horror tales of people who get cold enough feet weeks or days before the ceremony that they blow the whistle on a reception that cost tens of thousands of dollars. And we won't even start on infidelity during the courtship, which has toppled many a wedding cake.

Such drama that makes for great cinema means tears, tantrums and a loss of big bucks in real life. But what if you find yourself standing in those running shoes? What if you realize at the zero hour that the woman you imagined bearing your children is not who you thought she was, her real nature having been revealed during the stress of the wedding plans? How do you handle it with class, if that's at all possible?

The best guideline is the old adage of, "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you." Think of how you'd feel if you were the one who just got dumped only days before she was going to wear a dress her father just spent $5,000 on. You'd want--and deserve--a certain amount of sympathy and respect.

You're going to need a lot of patience in dealing with many people asking why . . . and some very disappointed parents who are now wondering if they can recoup anything on the catering bill. You're also got a lot of phone calls to make.

Preserve the Top Layer of a Wedding Cake
Traditionally, brides and grooms freeze the top layer of their wedding cake until their first anniversary to get a taste of the cake they barely got to see on their wedding day. If done correctly, the cake can actually turn out pretty tasty after 365 days of freezer life. Done incorrectly, the cake will taste like sugary cardboard. Follow these steps to have your cake and eat it, too. Does this Spark an idea?

Spot Clean a Wedding Gown
You may have chosen to use the same gown as a family member or purchased your wedding gown from the second-hand market or you may wish to clean your own wedding gown after the wedding. Professional wedding gown cleaning can cost hundreds of dollars, so why not try spot cleaning the soiled areas of your wedding gown to save a little money? If your wedding gown has the most common types of stains, this is an easy process, as long as you have the right tools. Does this Spark an idea?