Italy is a European travel destination that offers sightseers a variety of things to do and places to visit. Italy has architecture representing centuries of its rich history, museums of world-famous art and restaurants to satisfy any customer's taste buds. Getting there to enjoy these pleasures, however, can get pricey. By planning ahead, eating smart and booking hotels with the right options, you can visit Italy more cheaply.
Put My Email on Vacation in Outlook
While on vacation, it is important to set up an automatic response to email letting senders know when to expect a response. Microsoft Outlook's "Out of Office Assistant" automatically sends a response to each email sender. You can also create rules that forward or delete messages received while on vacation to help prevent an overflowing inbox when you return.
Become a Vacation Property Rental Agent
Perhaps you've always dreamed of becoming a vacation property rental agent, so you can help people have a great vacation away from home. You can become a vacation property rental agent and work from your own home or for a better understanding of property management take a course first to jumpstart a new career.
Calculate Vacation for a Salaried Employee
Vacation pay is a matter between the employer and the employee, according to the United States Department of Labor. Therefore, the employer doesn't have to give employees vacation time if it doesn't want to. When vacation time is given, the amount of paid time allotted to employees varies by employer. Typically, salaried employees receive a certain amount of vacation time based on years of service. You can use a standard calculation to figure vacation pay due to a salaried employee.
Put a Vacation Auto Response on My SBCGlobal.Net Account
SBC Global is now owned by AT&T, a company that uses Yahoo! to service its mail accounts, so you can put a vacation auto response on your account within Yahoo! webmail. Provide those who send you an email not only with how long you plan to be gone, but also with an alternate means of contacting you if the matter can't wait until you return.