Sell a Recipe Idea to a Restaurant

Selling a recipe idea to a restaurant can be a daunting task. Established restaurants have made menu decisions and created a brand for themselves. New restaurateurs have a business plan to implement that doesn't include untried recipes. Chefs and cooks depend on their own skills and experience to create new dishes. Prepare yourself completely before approaching a restaurant. Think of selling a recipe idea to a restaurant the same way you'd approach any other sales prospect.

Convert a Recipe Into a Diabetic Recipe
Diabetic recipes generally have low or no refined sugars and are low in saturated fats. Converting favorite recipes into diabetic ones not only leaves out the sugars, but introduces unsaturated fats and less refined ingredients. Here are ways to convert both main dish and dessert recipes into diabetic ones. Add this to my Recipe Box.

Convert Regular Recipes to Pressure Cookers
A pressure cooker is a heating device that traps air to cook food more quickly. Once any liquid starts to boil, it cannot escape and results in pressure. Air pressure can actually increase the temperature of liquid almost 40 degrees Fahrenheit compared to stove-top boiling, resulting in a faster cooking time. Although using a pressure cooker will definitely shave time off your meal preparation, you have to adjust your regular recipes or they will become overcooked. Add this to my Recipe Box.

Write a Recipe Using Microsoft Word
Use your computer to store all your favorite recipes. Forget about looking through pages and pages of cookbooks. Now you can type your recipes and store the ones you like together. Follow these directions to write a recipe using Microsoft Word.

Make a Recipe Calendar
A recipe calendar is a good way to share your seasonal recipes with friends and family. It is an especially appropriate gift at Christmas time when many people are looking for a calendar for the coming new year. You can use any of your favorite recipes, whether they are your own or off the back of a box. This calendar will be tailored to your specific tastes and preferences. Follow these steps. Add this to my Recipe Box.