Substitute Sugar for Honey in Recipes

Sweet as it is, sometimes a recipe that calls for honey is not practical. Maybe you don't have any honey or it is too expensive for your use. Perhaps you want to cut back on calories. If you follow recipes closely, then learn a few tips so when you substitute sugar for honey you will still create a great tasting cookie or treat. Add this to my Recipe Box.

Make Homemade Recipes to Get Rid of Fleas
Fleas are one of the most common types of parasite known to mankind or dogkind or catkind. They are unpleasant, incredibly annoying, and really hard to get rid of. The only thing worse than a flea-infested house is the side effects you may experience from using some of the nasty chemical concoctions marketed to get rid of them. Not to mention the expense. These products certainly aren't cheap. If you'd like to try doing something that's a little easier on the environment, a lot easier on you and your pets, and won't hit you so hard in the wallet, there are a number of home remedies you can try to get rid of a flea problem and prevent recurrences.

Make Delicious Crepes: Quick and Easy Crepe Recipe
Cooking basic dessert crepes is an incredibly easy way to serve up a delicious snack or an indulgent dessert. Follow this recipe and these easy steps and you can can enjoy one in the next 30 minutes. Add this to my Recipe Box.

Make Applebee's Spinach Artichoke Dip
Anyone who has ever visited AppleBee's falls in love with their mouth watering, delicous Spinach Artichoke dip. Hot, creamy, cheesey- Oh so good. Well I have a recipe to make it at home. I make mass quanities, it freezes very well. It is always a hit at any function we hold. If you can not resist AppleBee's Spinach Artichoke Dip, but can not afford to go there everyday for it, here is the solution.. You will be amazed, it is the exact same recipe!

Convert Recipes to Weight Watchers Points
Weight Watchers is a popular membership diet program that helps people lose weight by assigning point values to foods based on the amounts of calories, fat and fiber in a serving. Members are given daily point limits according to their age, gender, weight, height and level of exercise. Point values for many foods and restaurant meals can be found in Weight Watchers food books. Members are given slide calculators to figure out the point value of foods not listed in the books. The current Weight Watchers point formula is proprietary, but a previous version can be used to convert recipes to points using the nutrition information on food packages, labels or menus.