Design a Weight Loss Workout Plan

Getting in shape, for most people, involves losing weight and toning muscles. Lifestyle changes such as diet and exercise should be incorporated at the same time, since each facet of the plan relies on the other for an optimal chance of success. Designing your workout plan for weight loss allows you to customize your plan to your own individual taste, schedule and needs.

Lose Weight With Insulin Resistance
Insulin is a hormone that is secreted by the pancreas when you eat. It transports the sugars out of your blood and sends them to your liver, muscle and fat cells where it is either changed into energy or stored as fat. When you are insulin resistant, this means that your body has a difficult time getting the sugar from your blood to your cells, and in fact the process is defective, thus requiring the body to produce more and more insulin in order to get the sugars in the blood into your cells. These higher levels of insulin in turn can cause weight gain, increased risk of heart disease, increased risk of clotting, and can increase your chances of getting diabetes by the age of 40 by 40%. Because of the fact that your body has to produce more and more insulin, this makes it more difficult to lose weight, but it's not impossible. Here is how to lose weight when you are insulin resistant.

Host a Weight Loss Contest
Want to get paid to lose weight? Have you watched the "Biggest Loser" on TV and wished you could find a weight-loss contest? Grab a few friends or co-workers and start your own contest. It's easy, fun and you can have prize money for a reward!

Lose Weight With Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
Losing weight is difficult for most individuals, but if you have polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), it can seem nearly impossible. The effect of PCOS on your metabolism and endocrine system often causes weight gain and results in your body fighting your weight-loss efforts. However, there are ways to lose weight even with PCOS, and losing weight can help relieve some of your symptoms, so it's definitely worth the effort.

Use Whey Protein to Lose Weight
Adding whey protein powder to your diet can help suppress hunger and add much-needed protein and amino acids to your diet, which will repair muscles that are sore from working out. In fact, a study reported by the British Journal of Nutrition shows that subjects ate significantly less at a buffet over 90 minutes after having a dose of whey protein.