Stick to a Weight Loss Plan

Maintaining a weight loss plan takes strategy, discipline, and continuous motivation. This is especially true when your goal seems distant. When your enthusiasm begins to wane, try one of these tips and psychological tricks to keep yourself on track. These suggestions are effective because they break up the monotony of routine, keep you focused, and help you to celebrate the smaller victories on the way to your ultimate destination. Treat yourself well and you will feel better about yourself. When you feel better about yourself, you will want to look your best and do more to safeguard your health.

Set Up Team Weight Loss
If you're trying to lose weight, you've no doubt been told over and over again to find a weight loss partner to help you stick with it. But if you work great in bigger groups, or if you have a competitive bent, you may want to try forming your own weight loss team. Weight loss teams can provide support and encouragement, as well as a social outlet. Learn how to start your own weight loss team and start shedding pounds together.

Lose Weight with White Tea
Green Tea has been in the news for a while now, because of its dieting and weight loss benefits, but Green Tea may soon take a back seat to White Tea. Can drinking White Tea really help you lose weight? Recent scientific research suggests that drinking White Tea not only can help you lose weight- you can lose fat! This article will show how to effectively use White Tea for weight loss and fat loss. Add this to my Recipe Box.

Use a Weight Loss Journal
Weight loss journals are a helpful aide for anyone trying slim down. Not only do weight loss journals keep you honest, they help articulate why you can’t lose weight. If you use a journal properly, it can help speed up your journey towards a smaller body. Here’s how to use a weight loss journal.

Understand Oolong Tea and Weight Loss
Oolong tea and weight loss are two things that seem to go hand in hand, especially lately. It seems that people are realizing that when it comes to tea, green tea isn't the only one that has weight loss benefits. So does oolong, black tea, even white tea.

Coincidence? Not quite. All of these teas originate from the same plant: Camillia Sinensis. Green tea, for example, is picked and dried, whereas oolong tea is oxidized and then dried, which is why it's darker.

Let's explore the weight-loss benefits of oolong tea. And, in case you're wondering what the tea truly is... it is what they typically serve with your meal in Chinese restaurants throughout the US. Add this to my Recipe Box.