Make an Afternoon Wedding Elegant

Conventional wisdom suggests that those weddings that take place in the afternoon are not as formal as those weddings held later in the day. You do not have to compromise elegance for formality, however. Elegance is more about style, and modern brides have several ways to make these semiformal weddings a sophisticated affair to remember for a lifetime. The very fact that your wedding will be more understated than a traditional, formal ceremony can often lend to its elegance.

Plan Your Wedding at Walt Disney World, Florida
Thousands of couples choose Walt Disney World as their wedding destination, and the park offers many exciting venues for tying the knot and then enjoying an over-the-top celebration. If you're looking for a memorable venue for your wedding, here's what you need to do to plan your event at Walt Disney World.

Register for a Cash Wedding
Cash registries have become very popular with engaged couples as more people finance their own weddings and may already be established in a home upon engagement. Although wedding gifts should not be expected, some wedding guests will want to celebrate with the newlyweds by bringing a gift. Traditionally, asking for a cash gift has been a controversial etiquette issue, but if handled and communicated properly it can be a viable alternative to traditional wedding gift registries. Many companies now offer a variety of services to allow the bride and groom to register for cash.

Get A Wedding Date Countdown Ticker for Email, Myspace, Facebook, Forums or Blog
You're getting married! Now you want to share your excitement with your online community. Get a wedding date ticker to countdown to the happy day!

Write Wedding Place Cards
Wedding place cards direct guests to their seats at a wedding reception. As the name implies, place cards sit at each guest’s seat and display guests' names. Place cards are available for each guest—husbands and wives should have separate place cards at the same table. Couples have many options for place card wording, depending on the formality of their wedding. Formal black-tie affairs should use more formal wording than a laid-back beach wedding, for instance.