Use Live Butterflies in a Wedding

Create a memorable addition to any wedding by releasing live butterflies as a part of the celebration. There are several ways to incorporate a butterfly release into your wedding plans. Some brides choose live butterflies instead of the traditional rice or confetti wedding guests throw at the departing couple as they head for their honeymoon getaway. It takes advance planning and care to use live butterflies in a wedding and choose the right moment for their release.

Make Wedding Cookies With Powdered Sugar
These cookies are similar to truffles since both are centers rolled in a powdery exterior. For truffles, it is cocoa powder, and for wedding cookies, it is powdered sugar. These are a better option to serve at a wedding instead of truffles, since the cocoa powder could stain the white clothing many wear to weddings. For easier cleaning, you can shake these cookies in a zip top bag with the powdered sugar. You can double this recipe to increase the yield. This makes about 18 to 20 cookies. Add this to my Recipe Box.

Make Wedding Cake Figurines
Make your own wedding cake figurines to create a one of a kind cake topper for your special day. The task of sculpting bride and groom figurines can be a bit daunting, especially for someone who does not have experience with creating gum paste ornaments. Accomplish the task by working slowly and practicing with the gum paste to perfect your techniques.

Add Appliques to a Wedding Dress
Brides often agonize over their wedding dresses. Bridal magazines feature wedding gowns that cost thousands of dollars, and the dress can often eat up a large portion of a bride's budget. One way to ameliorate the expense is to make the dress yourself, or to have the dress made for you, either by a professional seamstress or a friend or relative. Some nonprofessional seamstresses may fear tackling the intricate lace appliqués often found on bridal gowns, but in reality, sewing them onto the fabric is not difficult. Does this Spark an idea?

Have a Christian Wedding Night
Many true Christians still choose to wait until they are married before they engage in intercourse or any other type of sexual acts. This is meant to preserve their bodies as a gift to each other and to retain their purity for their chosen life mates. Traditionally, Christians reserved sexual acts only as a means to procreate. This negated any reasoning to engage in sexual acts before marriage.