Word Wedding Programs in Memory of Someone

Although hope and excitement for a new beginning usually fill a wedding day, when you have loved ones no longer living, there may be some bittersweet feelings of loss as well. A mention in the wedding program is an ideal way to ensure departed family members are an important part of your wedding ceremony. Determine the way you wish to word wedding programs in memory of someone to express your love for your family member.

Write Your Own Wedding Vows
Your wedding vows are your opportunity to express your love to your spouse and make the most important promises you will ever make. Your wedding vows should be simple, romantic and filled with personal touches from your relationship. You can get an easy start on your vows by beginning with the traditional lines and moving into your own words and statements. Your vows are your own, but you should feel free to use them to form a special connection between you and your spouse.

Word and Format Wedding Invitations
Wedding invitations are your guests' first glimpse of your wedding day, so the wording and design are important features. While there are a large number of ways you can phrase the invitations to your big day, certain approaches are widely used and can help get started with a minimum of fuss.

Change Wedding Date Announcements
Sometimes even the best laid plans fall apart. This is never truer than when discussing weddings. Even months and months of planning cannot prepare you for the unexpected. Sometimes a wedding date change is required.

How do I Word an Enclosure Card for Hotel Accommodations for a Wedding?
According to Amy Suddleson, a wedding invitation specialist on VideoJug.com, "Hotel accommodation cards inform your guests as to where the bride and groom recommend they stay." These cards are sometimes called "enclosure cards," and they are included in the wedding envelope when you send out invitations. These enclosure cards are strictly for out-of-town guests who will need accommodations to attend the wedding. Deciding how to word your own cards may seem tricky. Keep the wording simple and direct for the best result.