Assume the Gate Pose in Yoga

Though it is performed in a kneeling position, the Gate Pose, or Parighasana in Sanskrit, is considered one of the traditional standing postures in yoga. As you move into the form, you should feel not only a stretch at the sides of your body, but also to the hamstrings and spine. Much like a number of the standard yoga posture in practice today, Gate stimulates the organs of your abdominal region. Sequencing this pose into your daily practice can be quite easy as you can naturally and effortlessly move from Downward Facing Dog, Hero, Bound Angle, and Reclining Big Toe.

Use Crescent Yoga Poses to Shape Hips
Although much of the grace and beauty of practicing yoga lies in its ability to move us through a sequence of postures in a dance-like fashion, working and breathing in every pose, there are also strong muscle toning benefits, too.Vinyasa yoga is characterized by linking several poses together in an intelligent way to challenge the body and deepen the breath to form a kind of moving meditation.Crescent pose is a challenging pose that is done with one foot forward planted flat and the other foot with the back heel lifted in a wide stance. Arms are extended straight up and can be apart or with palms touching. Doing a strong balance pose shapes and can help firm up the back of the hips. Gluteus maximus are the largest muscles at the back of the hips and what many people focus on to create a trim bottom line.Yogis practice for many reasons, whether for stress management or as a spiritual practice. Working in these poses always makes us stronger and more able to withstand the rigors of our workaday schedules. Below are preparation poses that lead into Crescent Pose, which powerfully shapes the glutes and teaches us how to lift up out of the low back to create height and poise.

Do a Yoga Prayer Squat
Yoga Prayer Squat is an intermediate level deep bending posture that helps to stretch and open the hips and inner thigh. It can also feel very good as this position takes pressure off of the back. It does require some balance and it is not a good posture for those with knee sensitivities. Below are the instructions to get into this posture. Each step takes you into the pose a little deeper, so stop at whatever step feels appropriate for you. With continued practice you will eventually be able to go deeper.

Do Pre-Natal Yoga in the Third-Trimester
In the third trimester of your pregnancy, probably the last thing on your mind is trying to get exercise. There are so many things to get done before the baby arrives, and so much on your mind. Actually, this is all the more reason to practice yoga during this time. Besides keeping you active and healthy, maintaining a regular yoga practice can make sure you take time out of your day to relax and focus on your own wellbeing.

Do Floor Leg Raises in Hatha Yoga
You can strengthen your abdominal muscles and your lower back muscles when you do floor leg raises in Hatha yoga. Two floor leg raises are outlined below--single leg raises and double leg raises, both of which will also help trim your waist and strengthen your thighs. Read on to learn how to do floor leg raises in Hatha yoga.