Get Shape In Bikram Yoga

Yoga is one of the most popular work-outs in the world because of its ease in getting started and its focus on relaxation and going at your own pace. There are several different variations, one of these is Bikram Yoga. Bikram yoga focuses on 26 poses done in a room set to 105 degrees and 40 percent humidity.

Do Kurmasana Yoga
The Kurmasana, otherwise known as the tortoise posture in Ashtanga Yoga is a posture that lengthens your back muscles and helps to release tightness in the sacrum and lumbar region. It is said that allowing energy to flow freely through the spine by performing Kurmasana will help improve your respiratory and digestive systems. Follow the steps below to perform the Kurmasana.

Lower Blood Pressure With Yoga
High blood pressure is a condition where the rate of blood flow is consistently greater than normal. A blood pressure reading greater than 140/90 is considered high blood pressure. When combined with standard medical intervention, yoga is a gentle and effective way to help lower blood pressure. The following sequence of forward bends and supine poses is designed to induce a calm state and can be practiced in the evening before bed. As with any exercise, consult your doctor before incorporating yoga into your blood pressure management routine.

Attend a Baby Yoga Class
Move over, Mommy and Me. Baby yoga is the newest trend in mom and baby activities--and with good reason. Baby yoga classes are a great way to meet other moms, stimulate your baby and get back in shape. You can focus on relaxing play with your little one while still enjoying the benefits of yoga. Here's how to attend a baby yoga class.

Use Yoga to Detox
Any yoga pose can be detoxifying for your body. Yoga stimulates the adrenal system, which helps remove waste and toxins from your body. Hot yoga is especially detoxifying because sweat also releases many toxins from your body. Practicing yoga postures (asanas) in a hot room,can have powerful detoxifying effects. One lesser known method of detoxification is special breathing. Breath of Fire and Kapalabhati breathing are two yogic breathing techniques that can flood the system with oxygen and promote the release of toxins.