Sequence Ashtanga Yoga Poses

Ashtanga yoga means "8 limbed yoga" and combines the following 8 practices: Yama (moral codes), Niyama (self-purification and study), Asana (posture), Pranayama (breath control), Pratyahara (sense control), Dharana (concentration), Dhyana (meditation) and Samadhi (contemplation). There are many different sequences in Ashtanga yoga, and this article will show you how to sequence one of the most popular and well-known, Surya Namaskara, otherwise known as the Sun Salutation. Keep in mind to breathe in and out during this exercise and focus on controlling your breathing.

Do The Knee and Thigh Stretch In Yoga
The knee and thigh stretch can firm your thighs without the expensive health club price tag. Follow these steps to master the position.

Choose Yoga Poses for Heart Health
Today doctors are learning more and more about the health benefits of Yoga. One of the areas where Yoga is especially beneficial is in the treatment and care of heart disease. There are several poses and breathing techniques that you can easily learn that can help not only treat heart disease, but increase metabolism and give you more energy.

Use Yoga to Relieve Upper Back Tightness
Many people suffer from upper back pain which is caused by tension or tightness, which builds up in the muscles of the upper body. Yoga is an excellent tool to release these muscles. It's important to focus not only on the upper back, but also on the neck and shoulders when working to release this tension.

Assume the Half Lotus Pose in Yoga
The half lotus, or Ardha Padmasana, is considered an intermediate seated pose in yoga. Though it appears simple, the stress that half lotus places on your knees makes it a posture to be employed by somewhat seasoned enthusiasts of yoga. When the pose is fully realized, Ardha Padmasana can truly open the hips and lengthen the hip flexors for practitioners. And much like the more popular lotus pose, half lotus calms the brain while stimulating the areas of the pelvis, spine and abdomen. For women, this is also a great tool to ease the discomfort commonly experienced during menstruation and is believed to help with childbirth when practiced consistently throughout most of the pregnancy. Read on to learn how to assume the half lotus pose in yoga.