Do Therapeutic Yoga

Do you have problems with digestion or painful trapped gas? Therapeutic yoga, which helps digestion and flatulence. These simple yoga positions are easy on the stomach and most of all, relaxing. All you need is a few minutes a day to help ease indigestion and relax your worries away!

Do the Dandasana Pose in Yoga
Dandasana or Staff Pose is a seated pose in yoga. It is the most basic seated pose and it is from Dandasana that all the others originate. If you are familiar with yoga, you might think of Dandasana as the seated version of Tadasana or Mountain Pose. If while performing the Dandasana Pose you feel like you are just sitting on the floor, then you are doing it incorrectly. Though it is a relatively simple pose, it does require the body to be fully contracted and engaged, using the muscles and joints in each part of the body. Dandasana works to strengthen the legs and improve the bodies overall alignment.

Use the Universal Principles of Alignment in Anusara Yoga
Anusara Yoga, with its origins in Tantric philosophy, uses the Universal Principles of Alignment to further yoga's intention to realize the True Self. There are five principles of alignment that a yogin applies in sequence. Opening to Grace, Muscular Energy, Inner Spiral, Outer Spiral, and Organic Energy are the five primary alignment principles, with secondary principles that also apply. Every principle is applied sequentially to every asana.

Do Backward Bends in Iyengar Yoga
Iyengar's back bends energize and invigorate the body by opening the chest. They build strength in the wrists, arms, legs, buttocks and spine and stretch the abdomen, hips, thighs, shoulders and chest.

Lose Weight in Leg Muscles
Although you cannot technically "lose" leg muscles, you can make your legs long and lean. Leg muscles can become bulky in the thigh and calf areas through regular, short-distance running and high-resistance exercises such as using heavy-weight machines that focus on the legs or running on a treadmill with a steep incline. To reduce muscle mass in the legs and to burn fat, do a variety of exercises that sculpt and tone. To see results within three to four weeks, practice the recommended exercises at least three times a week and to reduce muscle-building resistance exercises as much as possible.