Compare Pilates to Yoga

Pilates or yoga? Someone must have suggested either to you as a simple way to strengthen your core and improve your fitness without having to get a gym membership or be in "gym" shape. This is true, but there are some distinct differences between the two forms of excercise. This step will help you determine which will be better for you by comparing key aspects of Pilates and yoga.

Use Mantras in Kundalini Yoga
A mantra is a syllable, word or phrase in one of the sacred languages (like Sanskrit and Ghurmeki) or in English that elevates or modifies consciousness through its meaning, which is the sound itself, rhythm, tone and even the reflexology of the tongue on the palate. Next to breathing, the use of mantra is the most important aspect of the practice of Kundalini yoga.

Assume the Crocodile Pose in Yoga
Next to corpse, the crocodile pose may just be the easiest, most relaxing pose in yoga. It is said to bring about mental peace in all who employ its form. Most of the focus is placed on the neck and lower back but does have some effect on the upper back, the abdominals and the digestive system. As you sequence this posture into your practice, try implementing it after some of your more challenging and strenuous yoga poses since it has some of the same benefits as corpse or child. It is also a good posture in which you can work on your breathing, both natural and active, before and after your practice.

Adapt Yoga to Baby Boomer Needs and Restrictions
There is something enlightening and liberating, as well as frightening, about turning 50. You may well be an empty nester for the first time and no longer have the 24/7 responsibility of parenting. You may be considering retirement or, conversely, going full-speed ahead in your chosen career, freed up to pursue your goals with a vengeance because you’re no longer dividing your time and energy between work and your children. But it’s also a time to take into serious consideration your health and how you’re going to maintain it. Practicing yoga, even if for the first time, is a very viable option for Baby Boomers. Granted, you’re probably not going to have the flexibility that a 20-year-old has but it doesn’t matter. If you are 50 years old, or older, and not as sprightly as you once were, you can still learn how to comfortably practice this ancient form of exercise by following the steps below and, as a result, see your flexibility return.

Do the Yoga Wheel Pose
The Wheel pose, a type of back bend, represents a more advanced progression of the Bridge pose. The Wheel can be done with a slight back bend or a more extreme bend depending on how advanced your yoga skill is. It is an advanced pose, so don't push yourself too far without supervision.