Do Floor Leg Raises in Hatha Yoga

You can strengthen your abdominal muscles and your lower back muscles when you do floor leg raises in Hatha yoga. Two floor leg raises are outlined below--single leg raises and double leg raises, both of which will also help trim your waist and strengthen your thighs. Read on to learn how to do floor leg raises in Hatha yoga.

Perform the Vajrasana Pose in Full Spectrum Yoga
The goal of Full Spectrum Yoga is more westernized and fitness oriented than Hindu Yoga was originally meant to be. The Vajrasana is a sitting pose which is designated as one of the meditation asanas as it is conducive to clear thought. Also the sitting pose requires that your legs be folded in such a way which has been suggested as being good for circulation to the lower extremities. People with nerve problems in their legs, as well as diabetics with poor blood flow to the feet can benefit from regular assumption of the Vajrasana pose.

Ustrasana Pose in Yoga
Ustrasana, or Camel Pose is an intermediate backbend that is best done once you have a regular yoga practice. It is a great remedy for people who work hunched over their computers during the day.

Learn Yoga Breathing
Yoga breathing is also known as Pranayama, a Sanskrit word meaning "restraint of the prana." Prana is believed to be the connecting force between mind and body, and yoga breathing activates this vital life force through controlled breathing exercises. Yoga breathing replenishes oxygen to the blood and the brain, strengthens the respiratory system and helps with stress management, according to the Mayo Clinic. A regular practice of yoga breathing also leads to a reduction in anxiety, reports Learn how to practice the complete breath, which is the beginning step to mastering more advanced yoga breathing.

Protect Your Shoulders in the Trikonasana Yoga Pose
Trikonasana, or Triangle Pose, requires flexibility in the hamstrings and upper back muscles. It builds leg strength and helps create greater lung capacity by stretching the lungs gently. It is important to stabilize the shoulder joints to practice it safely.