Attend a Baby Yoga Class

Move over, Mommy and Me. Baby yoga is the newest trend in mom and baby activities--and with good reason. Baby yoga classes are a great way to meet other moms, stimulate your baby and get back in shape. You can focus on relaxing play with your little one while still enjoying the benefits of yoga. Here's how to attend a baby yoga class.

Use Yoga to Detox
Any yoga pose can be detoxifying for your body. Yoga stimulates the adrenal system, which helps remove waste and toxins from your body. Hot yoga is especially detoxifying because sweat also releases many toxins from your body. Practicing yoga postures (asanas) in a hot room,can have powerful detoxifying effects. One lesser known method of detoxification is special breathing. Breath of Fire and Kapalabhati breathing are two yogic breathing techniques that can flood the system with oxygen and promote the release of toxins.

Do Low Back Exercises With a Yoga Ball for Back Extensions
A strong, flexible lower back is an important part of whole-body fitness. On, Dr. Peter F. Ullrich, Jr. says the extensor back muscles that help support the spine are a key aspect of body movement and stability. Weak back muscles can lead to lower back pain and limit abdominal strength and overall body movement. Strengthen your lower back and back extensor muscles using a yoga ball (also known as a stability ball) and these back muscle-building moves.

Do Floor Stretches in Hatha Yoga
Yoga floor stretches are easy to learn and to perform. All you need to do is learn some basic asanas. One of the most important elements of yoga is moving with the breath. It's also important to create a balanced sequence. For example, you should alternate forward bends with backbends, and twists to the left with twists to the right.

Apply the Outer Spiral Principle in Anusara Yoga
Anyone who practices Anusara yoga will soon become familiar with some of its principals. Outer spiral is one of them and no, it does not mean twirling around on your front porch. It means using the pull of your calf muscles to help with stability. You can apply the outer spiral principal in Anusara yoga with the following tips.