Do Yoga to Lose Weight From the Stomach

Fat cells located in the abdominal area function differently than the fat cells anywhere else in your body. They have a higher concentration of cortisol receptors, which during stress can lead to the storage of sugar and carbohydrates. Yoga is a low-impact workout that allows you to meditate while participating. Meditation allows you to relax and center yourself, which reduces cortisol production. Many of the poses and breathing exercises can be accomplished by novice exercisers.

Avoid Common Ashtanga Yoga Injuries
Ashtanga yoga focuses on building inner heat in order to increase flexibility and to detoxify the entire body. While many believe that yoga is a form of exercise that you can jump right into, without proper preparation, you can do more harm then good. However, with awareness, you can take several steps to prevent common ashtanga yoga injuries.

Assume the Standing Head to Knee Pose in Bikram Yoga
The standing head to knee is the fifth posture in the Bikram sequence of yoga poses. As you move into this posture, you should experience a nice stretch of the spine, shoulders, and hamstrings while strengthening the thighs and ankles. Most people will feel a calming of the brain and release of stress as they hold the pose. Though it is part of the Bikram sequence of postures, the standing head to knee, or Dandayamana Janushirsasana, can be worked into any yoga practice.

How Can I Obtain My Yoga Certification in Houston Texas?
Earning your yoga teaching certification is a big commitment. It is demanding not only financially (courses typically cost over $2500) but physically: training is often held on weekends over the course of a few months. With such a large investment, it is important to do your research to be sure you're making the right decision when picking a course. Once you decide it is right for you, there are a few steps you need to take in order to obtain a yoga certification in Houston, Texas.

Activate Innate Healing Ability With Internal Yoga
Internal Yoga is a yoga practice that was designed specifically for the Western lifestyle. It utilizes a combination of gentle stretching exercises, meditation and visualization techniques. Practitioners of Internal Yoga find an increase in flexibility and toning, as well as better sleep and relaxtion.Internal Yoga can also boost your body's innate healing ability by stimulating the immune system and programming the mind to engage in healthy habits.