Use Yoga to Relieve Upper Back Tightness

Many people suffer from upper back pain which is caused by tension or tightness, which builds up in the muscles of the upper body. Yoga is an excellent tool to release these muscles. It's important to focus not only on the upper back, but also on the neck and shoulders when working to release this tension.

Assume the Half Lotus Pose in Yoga
The half lotus, or Ardha Padmasana, is considered an intermediate seated pose in yoga. Though it appears simple, the stress that half lotus places on your knees makes it a posture to be employed by somewhat seasoned enthusiasts of yoga. When the pose is fully realized, Ardha Padmasana can truly open the hips and lengthen the hip flexors for practitioners. And much like the more popular lotus pose, half lotus calms the brain while stimulating the areas of the pelvis, spine and abdomen. For women, this is also a great tool to ease the discomfort commonly experienced during menstruation and is believed to help with childbirth when practiced consistently throughout most of the pregnancy. Read on to learn how to assume the half lotus pose in yoga.

Do Ubhaya Padangusthasana With a Strap in Ashtanga Yoga
Ubhaya Padangusthasana, or Both Big Toe Pose, tones abdominal muscles, stretches hamstrings, and warms up the spine for other yoga poses.It can be a somewhat challenging pose for beginners, especially those with limited flexibility. Using an aid such as a strap, belt, or exercise band will help you accomplish the pose without compromising correct form.

Do Pada Hastasana in Yoga
Pada Hastasana, a Hands to Feet Pose, helps to strengthen the legs, improve flexibility in the spine and helps with digestion. This pose is a variation of the Mountain Pose. Following the steps in this article will guide you to doing the Pada Hastasana. Before starting any new physical activity, check with your doctor first.

Do Sahaja Yoga for Schizophrenia
Sahaja Yoga is a method of meditation that is used by many to help alleviate the symptoms of schizophrenia. The term "sahaja," meaning natural or simple and "yoga," meaning union or spiritual absorption, reflects a self realization and clarity that generally very difficult for a schizophrenic to attain under normal circumstances. The information here will assist you in finding a better understanding and method of managing some of the issues surrounding the very intriguing disorder.