Boost Dopamine Levels

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter and plays a crucial part in controlling mental and motor functions, regulating attention, mood, memory, learning and movement. When normal levels of dopamine are present, a person can feel pleasure, attachment, love and altruism and it is possible to integrate thoughts and feelings. Sex, money, food and work rewards motivate humans, but when dopamine is low, you are less likely to experience happiness from one of these "rewards." Low levels result in a lack of pleasure and remorse, an inability to feel love and attachment, and a decline in memory, attention, focus and problem solving.

Do Yoga Ball Exercises for the Legs
Yoga balls are giant inflatable balls used in physical fitness. These large balls provide a base for performing stretches and exercises. Also called stability or fitness balls, yoga balls allow the user to engage various muscles all at once as the body works to balance on the yoga ball. Yoga ball exercises for the legs effectively work to strengthen and tone while benefiting nearby muscles with an added workout. Yoga ball leg exercises work the hamstrings (backs of thighs) and quadriceps (fronts of thighs) as well as the calves and buttocks muscles.

Treat Anxiety With Yoga
Anxiety is a mental health condition that can cause feelings of panic or shortness of breath. There are several diagnosable categories of anxiety, but treating anxiety with an alternative healing method, such as yoga, may be effective, according to B.K.S. Iyengar, author of "Yoga: The Path to Holistic Health." Yoga can calm the nervous system, ease the mind and lower your heart rate -- all beneficial when dealing with anxiety. As with any new exercise routine, consult your doctor first.

Plank Pose in Vinyasa Yoga
In vinyasa yoga (also known as power yoga), the Plank Pose serves to build strength in the arms, wrists and spine. The Plank Pose happens to strongly resemble another widely-practiced exercise, except that the Plank Pose is done with more care and focus.

Make a Camping Pad
Camping pads are used to provide cushion from the hard, lumpy ground and to provide extra warmth for the sleeper. They also prevent your sleeping bag from getting damp and dirty--yes, a sleeping bag can get damp and grungy even inside a tent. Unlike cots or inflatable air mattresses, a good camping pad is lightweight, portable and doesn't require intense labor (or batteries) to inflate.
If your camping budget doesn't allow for a store-bought camping pad you can "repurpose" some items from home to make a decent substitute for a camping pad.