Do Neck Yoga Exercises

Chronic neck pain or stiffness can be brought on by maintaining the same posture for long periods, often when working at a computer or talking on the phone. Here are some basic yoga stretches that can help keep your neck healthy.

Treat Hypertension With Yoga
The true goal of yoga practice is to clear the mind and find a state of relaxation; this is achieved through a series of poses. Anyone with hypertension can treat it with yoga once they get their doctor's approval. Treating hypertension with yoga is drug-free and natural, among its many benefits.

Do a Yoga Back Stretch
The yoga back stretch (called Paschimottanasana in Sanskrit) has an immediate relaxing effect on the mind and soothes the digestive system. This asana eases menstruation pain in women, improves kidney function and strengthens the hamstrings and the spine. Here's how to do it.

Sequence Pre-Natal Yoga Poses
Even though you're pregnant you can still exercise to keep yourself in shape and keep your baby happy and healthy as well. Pre-natal yoga is perfect because it's safe, relaxing and works your body. Here is your pre-natal yoga sequence.

Execute the Full Twist in Yoga
The full twist in yoga looks as though it would be better suited for a contortionist rather than the average woman on the street. But it’s doable and it’s beneficial to your health.