Find Niche Yoga Books

It turns out yoga is for everyone. From kid and family yoga to special needs and even asthma yoga, yoga books abound to suit one's every need. Are you female? Over 50? Don't worry; there's a yoga book for you as well. Even little tiny babies get their own yoga resource.

make yoga props out of recycled materials
Handmade yoga props make great gifts, and they add a personal touch to any yoga practice. Yoga props can be expensive to buy, and are not always eco-friendly. Make your own yoga supplies out of repurposed materials and natural fillers. Use interesting fabric designs to create visually unique props. Embroider or applique yoga-themed images like lotus flowers, om symbols or mandalas onto the props for additional flair.

Do Supta Baddha Konasana Yoga Poses
Sitting for a long time in your car, or at your computer, can tighten your hip flexors, muscles on the sides of your hips. Tight hip flexors can contribute to low back pain. Supta Baddha Konasana, or Reclined Bound Angle Pose, is a restorative pose that can help relieve that stiffness.

Use Exercise Balls During Pregnancy & Labor
Using an exercise or "pregnancy" ball during pregnancy can help to loosen up the pelvic joints and muscles in preparation for delivery. During labor, sitting on an exercise ball can relax the pelvic wall and make the spasms of childbirth less pronounced and more bearable.

do Yoga Plank Pose With Leg Lifts
The yoga plank pose is a great exercise to help build upper body strength. It is a challenging exercise, especially for women who tend to have weaker upper bodies. Postures such as the plank pose are also very beneficial for those with or at risk for osteoporosis. This is because they involve weight-bearing on your hands, arms and wrists, which helps to make the bones stronger. This is important as the wrists are common areas that break when those with osteoporosis fall. Adding a leg lift to this posture will add an extra benefit of placing additional stress on the arm bones as well as toning the buttocks muscles.