Practice Yoga for a Healthy Back

Child's pose, cow pose and cat pose are three yoga positions that strengthen and stretch the lower back. The poses can be done individually or strung together to create a vinyasa. Vinyasa is the sanskrit word for putting down, and each pose is threaded to the next through the breath. Do the poses several times a week for optimum results. This vinyasa can take as little as five minutes.

Design a Yoga Certificate of Achievement
Two hundred hours. This is how long a student must train with a registered yoga school to achieve a yoga teaching certificate. These days there are many different kinds of trainings, courses and programs offered through various yoga schools. When these programs are successfully completed, the yoga school will commonly present the students with a certificate of completion or certificate of achievement. This is important for the student taking his course, as this certificate will be what he presents to future employers to prove he has completed specific training which qualifies him to work in that field.

Perform a Yoga Sun Salutation
The yoga sun salutation is a sequence of asanas (poses) commonly used as a warm-up for yoga sessions. Invigorating in their ability to stretch the body and mind, the poses of the sun salutation flow gracefully from one to the next, with your breathing as their rhythmic accompaniment. These asanas, which gained their name from ancient prostrations that were performed before the sun god, open one's entire being to the energizing sun.

Do Neck Yoga Exercises
Chronic neck pain or stiffness can be brought on by maintaining the same posture for long periods, often when working at a computer or talking on the phone. Here are some basic yoga stretches that can help keep your neck healthy.

Treat Hypertension With Yoga
The true goal of yoga practice is to clear the mind and find a state of relaxation; this is achieved through a series of poses. Anyone with hypertension can treat it with yoga once they get their doctor's approval. Treating hypertension with yoga is drug-free and natural, among its many benefits.