Pump Up a Stability Ball

A stability ball is a piece of equipment that was originally used for patients needing physical therapy. It is also an effective tool to use for exercise and can be used in different ways. Stability balls are not only good for an overall workout, but they improve your balance, posture and the muscles throughout your entire body. When obtaining a stability ball, it does not come pre-inflated, so you will have to pump it up yourself.

Do Yoga Stretches to Relieve Low Back Pain
If your low back is tight or you have chronic back pain, your physician may recommended a period of physical therapy and gentle exercise to help. If you are in pain, exercise may be the last thing you want to do, but if your pain is due to tight or de-conditioned muscles, the right exercise program may be able to help your condition. Before you begin any physical regimen, have your back pain diagnosed, as some exercises may be contraindicated for your conditions and may make it worse. There are some yoga stretches that can help to loosen and strengthen the muscles of the lower back.

do Half Wheel Pose in Yoga
Backbends are an excellent way to open up the heart center and chest. The Half Wheel Pose, called Setu Bandha Sarvangasana in Sanskrit, stretches the spine, back of the neck and shoulders. It is a pose that builds strength and flexibility for the Full Wheel pose and energizes the body and mind.

Do Yoga Exercises for the Lower Back & Knees
Lower back pain is a chronic condition that hits a large part of the population. Performing various yoga poses can be quite therapeutic in treating this condition. Some poses actually lend handily to sore knees as well. If pain isn't an issue, then these poses can help maintain a strong lower back and knees.

Do Yoga Meditation
Yoga meditation is a centuries-old practice that can reduce stress, improve memory and awareness, and stimulate the immune system. It is a discipline that requires determination and patience, but the efforts are worth the rewards.